Event skins - Make them sellable!

Event skins - Make them sellable!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuess.1842


Apparently making event weapon skins like the wintersday and sclerite weapon skins sellable wasn’t a bug. Nor was deciding that people who actually claimed their skins during the events don’t have this option. To me this feels like punishment for playing the game.

I turned in my tickets during these events not knowing if it was ever possible afterwards.
Now I found out that people who just let their tickets rot on their bank accounts can make tons of money since the skins went un-account-bounded. Some dev said only"newly obtainable skins" can be sold on the TP. I don’t see the difference in an obtained skin during an event or a ticket that was turned in later on. There is nothing NEWLY OBTAINED about either of them after the event ended!

Atm I have 3 skins that I don’t even want to use, but to me where the best skins in the series. But still I rather have other weapons. Like a precursor And I bet there are people who do like those skins and who are going to be really happy with them when I am selling it to them.

So Anet, please do not punish players that didnt wait with turning in weapon claim tickets! And make them all sellable please. And stop this weird decision making that does not have ANY logic at all and is unfair for all the other players that turned in tickets during the events as well.