Evolved Jungle Worm after Buff
Triple Trouble was already an extremely difficult encounter before the health buff. I think Tequatl is fine personally (haven’t been in a PUG that’s failed it yet), but TT definitely needs to be tuned downwards.
Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]
All they and you need to do is find the best DPS build and tell those players who don’t have this setup to get the hell out of the map because the run will fail with them around. or asked everyone to ping their gear and politely ask them to gtfo if they are using sub optimal builds. /s
Seriously though, the Evolved Jungle Worm did not need the 200% hp buff. It only needs Major RESISTANCE to condition damage…..
SirDrygan, that does not absolve Anet, whose goal is not, nor should it be, to enforce the meta but rather to keep all various stat combinations and builds relevant to prevent the game becoming a stale boring shin-kicking contest. Promoting that kind of disharmony by telling players to gtfo, just because they dared to vary slightly for the meta is unhelpful.
I’d say just give the wurm a rest till they fix it, if it’s not paying off you can always find something better to do with your time, and they should be able to tell if the event has been abandoned.
SirDrygan, that does not absolve Anet, whose goal is not, nor should it be, to enforce the meta but rather to keep all various stat combinations and builds relevant to prevent the game becoming a stale boring shin-kicking contest. Promoting that kind of disharmony by telling players to gtfo, just because they dared to vary slightly for the meta is unhelpful.
I’d say just give the wurm a rest till they fix it, if it’s not paying off you can always find something better to do with your time, and they should be able to tell if the event has been abandoned.
You probably don’t know what /s means. oh well.
There are a grand total of two things in the whole PvE-part of the game that require any sort of organization whatsoever. Is that really such a big deal?
Triple Trouble Wurm and to a lesser extent Tequatl are supposed to be for organized groups. It really is as simple as that. If you do not want to make organized groups, there are over 2500 other events around the world that you can complete.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
This is the problem with open world raids.
You either have to design them to be stupidly easy so that maps with leechers, afk’ers & people who have no idea WTF they are doing can be carried by good players.
Or you make them and only account for good players being on the map, in which case it will cause a very high failure rate due to the fore mentioned leechers, afk’ers and people that have no idea WTF they are doing.
And nothing can stop those people from coming in and ruining the experience for an organized group because it is an open world raid.
Lately I have seen allot more people that fall into these categories then ever before and it’s just sad how much harder they make things for everyone else.
Really makes me & a ton of people I know wish arena.net would add instanced raids to the game.
If anybody complains then they can say they are meant for guilds & or groups of organized friends.
(edited by Ragnar the Rock.3174)
There are a grand total of two things in the whole PvE-part of the game that require any sort of organization whatsoever. Is that really such a big deal?
Triple Trouble Wurm and to a lesser extent Tequatl are supposed to be for organized groups. It really is as simple as that. If you do not want to make organized groups, there are over 2500 other events around the world that you can complete.
Well yeah it kinda is a big deal in my opinion. Sure, EVOS facilitates a triple decap without teamspeak, but everything is still fairly organized as far as text-only goes. The only NA groups I know that do triple decaps for large groups are EVOS, TTS and EG (not sure if they actually do triple decaps), and TTS requires teamspeak to get on the map.
My biggest problem is failing when everyone does their job because it’s a dps/healthpool issue!
Also today is like the 3rd, 4th? day in a row failing. I’m really getting bummed now. Moreso than when I fail Teq because there are always people taxing in for Teq because it doesn’t require the setup Triple Trouble does.
There are a grand total of two things in the whole PvE-part of the game that require any sort of organization whatsoever. Is that really such a big deal?
Triple Trouble Wurm and to a lesser extent Tequatl are supposed to be for organized groups. It really is as simple as that. If you do not want to make organized groups, there are over 2500 other events around the world that you can complete.
Well yeah it kinda is a big deal in my opinion. Sure, EVOS facilitates a triple decap without teamspeak, but everything is still fairly organized as far as text-only goes. The only NA groups I know that do triple decaps for large groups are EVOS, TTS and EG (not sure if they actually do triple decaps), and TTS requires teamspeak to get on the map.
My biggest problem is failing when everyone does their job because it’s a dps/healthpool issue!
Also today is like the 3rd, 4th? day in a row failing. I’m really getting bummed now. Moreso than when I fail Teq because there are always people taxing in for Teq because it doesn’t require the setup Triple Trouble does.
TTS requires you to be on teamspeak to get on the map, if you arent already on the map, because it’s a very big sign that you’re committed to the successful raid. It’s also how they can facilitate getting members from up to 12 different subguilds onto the same map. And that’s completely aside from the understanding that they’re going to try and get their MEMBERS into the map before the community.
Not to mention the event mechanics mean they cant simply dumb it down to Teq level. Coordination would always be required. Whether it’s via chat or voice does not matter. There will always be people who decline any semblance of cooperation too.
(totally not a plug to join us on teamspeak for raids @ts.ttsgamers.com, I promise)
First of all, EVOS is doing the lord’s work and is the best/only major NA guild that attempts Triple Trouble and accepts nonmember pugs. Thank you very much. I was in an EVOS group, after the patch, that beat the Wurm and finally got me my achievement.
It is awful that guilds spawn their own instance to do this boss & it’s even more awful that they feel it is necessary for them to do so.
Timer mechanics are horrible & 90% of the boss’ difficulty is contrived timer mechanics.
I hope the new expansion has bosses that aren’t timer driven.
Other guilds accept other players and do TT on a regular basis. There’s nothing awful about guilds spawning their own instance so they can get most of their guild onto a single map. Stronger guilds can do TT with less than the map population so it’s not necessary for them although it does still help to have that buffer. There’s really nothing wrong with the timers as they have minimal impact on the “non-elite” world bosses.
I’ll be fine with a high chance of failing if succeeding meant decent rewards.
5 greens and 2 blues is definitely NOT “decent rewards”.
Rewards should scale dynamically based on how often people does something. The less something is done, the better the rewards should get. This would also mean that the less visited dungeon paths would get better rewards over time as less people do them.
First of all, EVOS is doing the lord’s work and is the best/only major NA guild that attempts Triple Trouble and accepts nonmember pugs.
I’m glad you’ve found success through EVOS, but I thought I’d mention that TTS does accept non-member pugs to their Teq and TT runs and are not the exclusive or elitist group that some players believe them to be. In fact, I’d dare say their OCE runs are completed with a large portion of non-members. Yes, they use TeamSpeak to organize and taxi onto maps but, so long as you can merely listen in, it works very well.
I have noticed the health increase to phase 1 of TT, and there’s certainly a much smaller margin for error with achieving timely burn phases. It’s doable, but I’m not sure it aligns with ANet’s actual intention for the event. With the change, the timer is far more restrictive than previously (unlike Teq). Phase 2 is fine.