Exceptional request from a devastated guild

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Before there were graphics based MMOs there were a number of other on line roleplaying games that were text based , these called MUDS. Those too could have hundreds and thousands of players online all of whom formed communities and friendships. While their popularity waned some are still out there and date back 20 years and more. I still play in one of those.

We had such real life losses and the powers that be would at players requests build memorials to persons who left us in the real life. It does wonders for the sense of community and for the real world survivors of such losses. It no different really than having a family put a plaque on a bench at a Golf Course because their father/mother/brother loved to Golf.

My heartfelt condolences to your guild and to the family who suffred this loss and I applaud this initiative.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Expansive.3716


Would like to give my condolences. That is a devastating story and it’s unimaginable what his family is going through right now.

I think Anet may do something as they are naturally caring developers.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fikfain.5849


Whatever you do, please don’t hold a funeral in EB.

Fikbomber — Big Red and White Charr Engineer
Fikfain — Little Purple Sylvari Mesmer
Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agrotera.1254


Just a thought. Have a place in the Guild Hall to place a statue. You would choose from a small selection of statues to find one that best represents the person you are honoring. Place the statue and put that person/players name on it. Seems pretty simple to me.

It is in a private place, instanced place, that only the Guild Members can access. The only difficult part would be the selection of statues. It could be a selection of the different races and classes but it would also need to be the different sexes also. That would mean a selection of 5×9×2 or 90 which seems a bit excessive. Maybe make it the 2 sexes, 5 races and 3 armor types? That still makes it 30 but that’s a lot less than 90.

Or, and just thought of this while typing this. Be able to put a screenshot of their character on a wall in the Guild Hall, like a portrait, with their name at the bottom.

Anyways, these are just thoughts of giving a Guild a way to honor a member that is gone.

you can’t fix stupid

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illyanna Dann.9376

Illyanna Dann.9376

I am so sorry for your loss, as family, friends and fellow gamers. I too hope the Anet Team make this happen.

I have been playing Gw since it’s first year with Prophecies, since then I have played other games, but… well, GW is my “home”.
It’s “little things” like these, that makes this community the best I have ever had the honour of being part of, in my gamer life.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelkai.3562


I am terribly sorry for your loss, and as many others before me have said; I hope the feature to commemorate loved ones/leaders will be added as well.

Many comments have already outlined how this feature could be used at each guild’s own discretion, so it does not affect other players or the open world map in any way. I don’t see anything wrong with including a feature that allows people to do this.

A solution to the statue problem someone mentioned earlier: what about instead including non-player specific statues/structures? This is generic enough that it can be repurposed in each guild hall accordingly without a lot of extra work. Just a thought. I’m having a hard time expressing what I’m thinking of… maybe I will concept it up and post it here if that is acceptable?

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Junebug.2350


I am so sorry for your loss and I will also sign over my name to this idea 100%.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Templar.3418


Seems like a way to trivialize a death if you ask me.

Not to mention this game feels too light hearted to have such a feature.

Such a thing would not happen anytime soon anyway. Can’t expect them to drop resources into this when they’ve already got plans with the expansion etc.

People also need to stop bringing such things to the forums, it brings some people down.

It’s kitten selfish too.

This thread already has a dark cloud hanging over it.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Seems like a way to trivialize a death if you ask me.

Not to mention this game feels too light hearted to have such a feature.

Such a thing would not happen anytime soon anyway. Can’t expect them to drop resources into this when they’ve already got plans with the expansion etc.

People also need to stop bringing such things to the forums, it brings some people down.

It’s kitten selfish too.

This thread already has a dark cloud hanging over it.

The OP wasn’t asking for a specific grave stone in a zone for all to see.

They asked if the guild halls could have a monument or gravestone added to it. And others have mentioned that the item could have other uses besides just for memorializing dead players. It could be used for guild members who have achieved legendary feats or won a contest or went above and beyond the call of duty for a member of a specific guild.

@OP and the late member’s family: My condolences for your loss. I hope your request as well as the feedback from other players in this thread gives ANet an idea for something to add to the guild halls.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tao.7693


Seems like a way to trivialize a death if you ask me.

Not to mention this game feels too light hearted to have such a feature.

Such a thing would not happen anytime soon anyway. Can’t expect them to drop resources into this when they’ve already got plans with the expansion etc.

People also need to stop bringing such things to the forums, it brings some people down.

It’s kitten selfish too.

This thread already has a dark cloud hanging over it.

Well everyone is entitled to their opinion on this, but I would imagine it seems trivial to you because you didn’t know the man at all. you didn’t know how much he loved this game and the people that he played it with, how much time he put into the game and the guild. He would have loved this idea, and he’d have done the same for me if the roles were reversed.

just because a game feels light hearted to you doesn’t mean it feels that way for everyone else, we’re not all you.

it may not happen soon, it may not happen at all, but “dropping” resources into something that clearly has the attention and support of players is never a bad idea.

when you become a moderator of these forums then you can dictate what people should and shouldn’t bring to the forums. I was directed here by Anet after i emailed them. I’ll follow their suggestion over yours for now.

If it’s selfish to want to do something for someone else, then I guess I’m selfish.

Tao [Bird]

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


I’m greatly disheartened to see the amount of disrespect I’m seeing in this thread from specific individuals.

The OP is simply asking for a feature within guild halls that could be implemented as a way to remember deceased players. If someone’s very close to you dies and you shared a specific hobby, whether it be Guild Wars, Fishing, or whatever else, most people would look for a way to commemorate or remember them involving that shared experience. This doesn’t mean the OP and their family isn’t going to mourn in real life, it simply means they would appreciate a way to remember their friend in relation to the world they shared together for a decade. I don’t think that’s unreasonable in the least and fully support the OP.

I hope ANet are looking at this thread and taking note of some of the brilliant suggestions that have been put forth by people

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lillith.3018


I’m really disappointed at some of the disrespectful comments as well. Seems some people are not comfortable with their own mortality.

However, I have a small group of friends who my husband and I have gamed with for years as well, including GW1.

I could not fathom losing any of them, although we haven’t visited, we text, call and share pictures of each others lives.

I don’t think this is an unreasonable request, and blessings to you Gaile for responding.

Vive’ La Yaks Bend !

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Seems like a way to trivialize a death if you ask me.

Not to mention this game feels too light hearted to have such a feature.

Such a thing would not happen anytime soon anyway. Can’t expect them to drop resources into this when they’ve already got plans with the expansion etc.

People also need to stop bringing such things to the forums, it brings some people down.

It’s kitten selfish too.

This thread already has a dark cloud hanging over it.

1. I don’t see how asking for a memorial to a fallen player trivializes death. Seriously, that just makes no sense.

2. This game is lighthearted, but there have been some truly dark circumstances. Tybalt/Sieran/Forgal’s deaths. The “death of an innocent” greatest fear storyline (that will be coming back into the game) involves the death of an NPC and the player character having to deliver the news to the NPC’s widow, taking a lot of harsh words from said widow. The attack on LA left many NPCs dead, and there were a few very sad notes on the bulletin boards of those who were missing and those who died. And there are quite a few more sad and dark moments in the game.

3. If these threads are a downer for you, then don’t read them.

4. There’s no dark cloud here, except for when people come in here and accuse the bereaved of being selfish.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


My condolences as well.

Usually I would also disagree with a request like this. Mostly due to the reason that if Anet would give you guys something like a gravestone in game, be it in the open world or in your guild hall, it would set a presedent.

After reading the OP and the posts from other guildies and family members, personally, I would also hope that Anet somehow gives you a special place in game dedicated to the deceized because this game (and gw1) meant so much to him and his guild members and this is where they spend time together on a daily basis.

But unfortunately tragedies like this happen on a daily basis for gw2 players and then Anet would have to decide on an individual basis every time someone else wants a special place for a special someone that passed away somewhere in game.

Evaluating someone elses grief and level of tragedy online and determining, if something is worth a special mention in game and the associated work hours, isnt really something I would want to get into, if I was running a software company.

But I dont see anything wrong with gem store purchaseable upgrades to Guild Halls that are somehow customizable to commemorate a certain individual, be it gravestones or tombs that you can engrave yourself, shrines or statues that you can build using any skin/outfit etc.

Personally, I found myself a nice easter egg in game that reminds me of something dear I lost.

I already played the game for a couple of months, had map completion and loaded into frostgorge sound hundreds of times when I realized that one of the ships pictured in loading screen was photoshopped from a google image of a Tall Ship that I worked on about a decade ago. While sailing around the world, it was boarding a canadian private school. I had some of the best time of my life on there, it was my home for 2 semesters and its crew my family.
Unfortunately, the ship capsized and sank during a storm several hundred nm off the southamerican atlantic coast a couple of years back. Even though there were no casualties and only minor injuries, the ship, one of my favourite homes away from home (and I lived in over 40 countries/on different boats), is lost forever and i wont see it again.

When I realized that its a picture of that ship, I tried to find the spot pictured on the loading in game on the map, hoping to walk its planks once more. But unfortunately it didnt exist.
I wasnt sure, if the artist who designed the leading screen, was just looking for a cool picture of a tall ship online, which he could photoshop into the graphic or if he chose that picture on purpose because he was a former alumni of that school and wanted to put in a commemoration of it in game (it sank before gw2 release).

So after failing to find the ship sailing, I searched under water, if he maybe incorporated it as a wreck on the bottom of the sea. I probably searched for a total of 3 hours that night and even though i didnt find it in the end and got no rewards for my efforts, that was some of the best exploring i had done in this game.

Attached a screenie of the loading screen with the google image next to it.


Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

Love your story, Wanze!

P.S. Condolences, OP. Your request should be implemented in the form of customizable in-game assets for the Guild Halls.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

Wanze, what an amazing story!

As for the OP and the disagreements, I can understand why some people don’t want the idea.

I’m sure many people could imagine the whole world filling up with gravestones and monuments to players. If every lost player had a monument dedicated to them, the world would be overrun with them. In most cases, the gravestones are only significant to the people who knew the deceased and don’t need to be displayed to everybody. Not everywhere can be a graveyard.

So yeah, on the most part, I’m against setting up memorials to players in the open world, unless they had a big impact on the community as a whole, such as the players that have already been given recognition in game.

However, the OP’s suggestion was to display the monument in future guild halls. These are private areas and would be meaningful and significant for the majority of people who would see the monument. In OP’s case, the deceased sounded like an awesome guy who was well known and loved throughout the guild.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pordgy.9802


As a member of this guild since the original Guild Wars, I too have heard these voices for many years and gotten to know quite a few people. I’ve followed on in their guild in GW2 and in doing so have met many new people since. Unfortunately, the person in question, I never got to know all that well. Having spoken to him only a few times in my 8 years playing the game. He is not the first member we have lost to memory, so it brought more than a few tears to my eyes to see this request be made.

I myself am only a young one, and an exception to the average age of the players in this guild, but as such, I have grown up with them and consider them to be, in an abstract way, mentors of a sort. Many would say ’it’s only a game’ and they would be right. However, the community surrounding the game has brought many people together over a common thing, and where there are people, there are new experiences and new ideas to be explored.

These people have expanded my horizons, despite being so far away, and it would be such an honour to see a monument system so that our time with these friends is not lost.

(edited by Pordgy.9802)

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FickityTwists.1562


Pordgy is quite correct. Doug is not the first guild mate that this guild has lost.|
For the first, we commemorated him with a change of Guild Tag in Guild Wars 2, since we lost our first friend/guild mate before Guild Wars 2 came out.
So while some of you find it " selfish", we are not asking for a public place to commemorate our fearless leader. So, please keep that in mind.

A monument can be used for various, already stated, reasons. A private monument in our guild hall, seen only by the guild. Be it a statue, a bench, a painting on a wall, a gazebo, a garden, or even a wild animal that can roam ( and be given a custom name).

Each individual is entitled to their opinion. We are not trivializing death. We are simply saying, would it be possible to add a feature to NAME some cool things that are added to the FUTURE guild hall. Yes, it may mean more work for the developers. It doesn’t have to be done right away. Or even at all. We are asking if it would be possible.

Yes, mortality is a daily fact of life. But each of us do things to honor our loved ones. Be it real graves, plaques on benches, naming buildings after them, having a college trust set up for future students ect. Not all of this guild live in the same country. So, visiting his grave IRL is not cheap. Most of us have families as well. Especially how often we will think of him. So, you honor your dead your way, we are asking if it would be possible to honor ours this way.
Also, as stated several times- this thread was requested by ANET.
Some of you are missing that this may is a customizable item to commemorate a birthday or a special event in your guild. While you don’t feel moved to have the ability to have such a monument ( for rewards or for grief), you could possibly in the future.

Wanze, that is an awesome story about the ship and cool history as well! Thank you for sharing.

No matter the decision made, we will always remember and honor Doug in our own ways. This would just be icing on the cake if it were made possible.

Plus, it would be cool to be able to PIMP our guild halls in a custom way! Be it naming things after countries our Guild members are from at a later date! This idea really has no limits to what it could potentially be!
I mean really think about it.

(edited by FickityTwists.1562)

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shikigami.4013


Orpheal knew his opinion would not be a popular one, but he made his point anyway.

Despite knowing that people would be all over him, he wrote what he thought, and this is exactly what this forum is made for – express your opinion. There is no “shame” in this, the shame is on those people attacking him for his opinion and/or telling him not to post, or not to read posts. Well, anyone could say the same back to you! If you don’t like to read opinions that differ from your own then don’t participate in a discussion forum!

And I say this as a person who does not even fully agree with him. I wouldn’t mind the ability to put some kind of monument into a guild hall. But it should be a game function available for all, and not only granted to those who bring the most mourning people to post into a forum thread.

Youtube “L2villagejester”.
People using belittling wording like whining/qqing" are not taken seriously by me
Same for people posting only to tell others not to post (“deal with it”-posts)

(edited by Shikigami.4013)

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ownedbycats.3580


I can’t believe that anyone would be so insensitive to criticize this request, and after all that’s what it is, a request. Calling it attention seeking and being patronizing enough to say “it won’t bring him back to life”. No kidding. So we should never memorialize anything because it doesn’t bring the person back? Then what astounds me even more is one of them actually said they wouldn’t object to something in a Guild Hall even after saying such rubbish. Wow.

I think this is Anet’s decision to make anyway, not those of you who seem to have a problem with this … I don’t get the intrusion in this thread. This isn’t the kind of thread you should be trolling quite frankly.

OP, I am so sorry for you and your guild’s sudden and tragic loss. My condolences to his family as well. I think something placed in your guild hall once we get them would be more than reasonable, and really not hard to implement. I also would not be opposed to public memorials for our fallen players either.

Remember the good times OP

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tere.4759


Orpheal.8263 I wish I could dislike your post…really? I mean REALLY?

On behalf of The Black Court…we are sorry for your loss and support this completely.

Guild Leader of The Black Court, we’re small, friendly and active.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torsailr.8456


There is no “shame” in this, the shame is on those people attacking him for his opinion and/or telling him not to post, or not to read posts.

Him stating his opinion on asking devs to do a custom memorial is fine. Him attacking the OP over how he chooses to grieve is no ok and he should be ashamed for it. That is the kind of thing that should never be posted, and if it is, should be pointed out as wrong. Orpheal could easily have made his point without doing so, he chose to do it anyway.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I can’t believe that anyone would be so insensitive to criticize this request, and after all that’s what it is, a request. Calling it attention seeking and being patronizing enough to say “it won’t bring him back to life”. No kidding. So we should never memorialize anything because it doesn’t bring the person back? Then what astounds me even more is one of them actually said they wouldn’t object to something in a Guild Hall even after saying such rubbish. Wow.

I think this is Anet’s decision to make anyway, not those of you who seem to have a problem with this … I don’t get the intrusion in this thread. This isn’t the kind of thread you should be trolling quite frankly.

OP, I am so sorry for you and your guild’s sudden and tragic loss. My condolences to his family as well. I think something placed in your guild hall once we get them would be more than reasonable, and really not hard to implement. I also would not be opposed to public memorials for our fallen players either.

Remember the good times OP

I’m not trolling. My opinion on this is dead serious (pun not intended)
Its not my problem, if you have issues with other peoples opinions in such an unethical topic.

And I find it unethical to beg literally for attention to get from a game developer for a dead person some kind of special treatment in a game, which should always, regardless what comes, stay in first line a game and shouldn’t become everyones public memorial, only because some people believe that their “cases” are somehow special/worthy enough for it, that Anet has to put some value to them rolleyes.

However, an emotion neutral non public gameplay related implemented feature would be something totally different.
If Guild Halls would provide an option for Guild Leaders to create their customized gravestones, then will have people a way to get, what they want, without that they think that there is some kind of “need” to seek attention for their cause here in the forums, where something like this absolutely has no place in my eyes. Period.

Instead, they can put up then the wished gravestone, statue or whatever as a memorial and place it somewhere in their Guild Hall, where Guild Members can read then some kind of memorial text maybe, when standing before that thing.

And now take a chill pill, because as you can see, I do basically support what the OP wants. I just personally prefer only a Guild Hall integrated solution that works for everyone and I absolutely dislike just the forum method of trying to press on the tear gland for sympathy to get through some special treatment, what is kind of selfish, when you think about it, that the Guild Hall related solution would be way better for everyone and it doesn’t require in the future then anymore to make more threads liek this here to get “hopefully” a memorial for a dead person.

No, with such an integrated solution could get then everyone in the Guild Halls a memorial for various different reasons even :O

Call me disrespectful all you want, I stay to my opinion. Theres nothing to be ashamed of it to have an own opinion and especially to call it out also against all the odds of others. Deal with it. Not everyone does swim with the stream always :P
Thats life as much as life goes on.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1763


My condolences to your guild and to the family!

This may be a bit odd, but our RP guild could use this feature as well, to give a spot to bury dead characters who either stopped RPing, or died during a campaign, among other things this would be a nice little feature to have and i support this!

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


However, an emotion neutral non public gameplay related implemented feature would be something totally different.
If Guild Halls would provide an option for Guild Leaders to create their customized gravestones, then will have people a way to get, what they want, without that they think that there is some kind of “need” to seek attention for their cause here in the forums, where something like this absolutely has no place in my eyes. Period.

Instead, they can put up then the wished gravestone, statue or whatever as a memorial and place it somewhere in their Guild Hall, where Guild Members can read then some kind of memorial text maybe, when standing before that thing.

And now take a chill pill, because as you can see, I do basically support what the OP wants. I just personally prefer only a Guild Hall integrated solution that works for everyone and I absolutely dislike just the forum method of trying to press on the tear gland for sympathy to get through some special treatment, what is kind of selfish, when you think about it, that the Guild Hall related solution would be way better for everyone and it doesn’t require in the future then anymore to make more threads liek this here to get “hopefully” a memorial for a dead person.

No, with such an integrated solution could get then everyone in the Guild Halls a memorial for various different reasons even :O

That’s what the OP asked for in the first post. Something to put in their future guild hall. Not something out in the open world.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syviren.7086


I am ALL for this!!!! My condolences OP. LOVE the idea

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoRo.8270


I don’t see why people are getting worked up about Orpheals post. Are people not entitled to their opinions? He didn’t seem to break any forum rules that I am aware of.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tao.7693


I’m not trolling. My opinion on this is dead serious (pun not intended)
Its not my problem, if you have issues with other peoples opinions in such an unethical topic.

And I find it unethical to beg literally for attention to get from a game developer for a dead person some kind of special treatment in a game, which should always, regardless what comes, stay in first line a game and shouldn’t become everyones public memorial, only because some people believe that their “cases” are somehow special/worthy enough for it, that Anet has to put some value to them rolleyes.

However, an emotion neutral non public gameplay related implemented feature would be something totally different.
If Guild Halls would provide an option for Guild Leaders to create their customized gravestones, then will have people a way to get, what they want, without that they think that there is some kind of “need” to seek attention for their cause here in the forums, where something like this absolutely has no place in my eyes. Period.

Instead, they can put up then the wished gravestone, statue or whatever as a memorial and place it somewhere in their Guild Hall, where Guild Members can read then some kind of memorial text maybe, when standing before that thing.

And now take a chill pill, because as you can see, I do basically support what the OP wants. I just personally prefer only a Guild Hall integrated solution that works for everyone and I absolutely dislike just the forum method of trying to press on the tear gland for sympathy to get through some special treatment, what is kind of selfish, when you think about it, that the Guild Hall related solution would be way better for everyone and it doesn’t require in the future then anymore to make more threads liek this here to get “hopefully” a memorial for a dead person.

No, with such an integrated solution could get then everyone in the Guild Halls a memorial for various different reasons even :O

Call me disrespectful all you want, I stay to my opinion. Theres nothing to be ashamed of it to have an own opinion and especially to call it out also against all the odds of others. Deal with it. Not everyone does swim with the stream always :P
Thats life as much as life goes on.

I have to say at this point, in my opinion, it feels like you’re trolling.

I think “unethical” is a pretty far stretch for requesting a private instanced in game monument to our friend. in fact, it’s a nonsensical accusation, there is nothing immoral or dishonest about it, it’s a simple request, there is no begging happening here, no groveling, no pleading. I told his story and asked for a private feature in our future guild hall, that’s it.

If you think the telling of his story itself is unethical, again i would have to say that it’s a ridiculous use of the word. I sent my exact post as a private email to Anet, who replied and told me to contact the devs using the forums, as well as offering their condolences. They didn’t tell me that my post was unethical, that my request was unethical or that i was begging, nor did i see any rules against posting such a thing.

It seems odd that it bends you out of shape so badly when even Anet support and devs don’t mind.

“without the kind of need to seek attention for their cause” how do you think community driven features become implemented, telepathy? Again, i tried private email, i was directed here.

You’re upset about the method but I’ve followed Anet’s own instruction.

I don’t mind at all that your opinion is not in agreement with my own, it just seems like it’s for no good reason.

Tao [Bird]

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

People can be such jerks; worse when done in the name of “logic”, “ethics”, or “fairness”. Utterly disgraceful, but that’s humans and confusing freedom of speech with insensitivity.

Best wishes to all who loved this gentleman-especially to his dear family.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nimmi.1650


Condolences to the family and friends enduring the tragic loss. My heart goes out to you. May you all find strength to overcome.

I love the thought of adding a memorial feature to guild halls. I think it is an absolutely beautiful idea. I’m sure it would help strengthen communities within many guilds who choose to utilize it. (:

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Sincerest condolences. We experienced the same horrible feeling when we lost one of our founding member and asked for some kind of monument/NPC/tombstone, but we understood when they said it would be difficult.

Yet I really do hope ANet will do something in the new Lion’s Arch, namely in the FIeld of the Fallen, for all our fellows players who disappeared, because we would like to keep a trace of those we spent hours with.

My thoughts are with you all, and your friend’s family.

Edit: As I said, I, on behalf of my guild, already sent a message here on the forum to request something similar. After talking with my GMs, we think it is important for a lot of players to have the opportunity to remember and create an immortal version of a cherised person they (we) lost.

As it is totally impossible for ANet to respond to each and every request of the sort (and I’m sure they are numerous), we agree that a customizable NPC in the guild hall would be the PERFECT option. As said before, only the GM could create a bodyguard, a skin for the guild lord, a merchant skin, or even a mascot.

The whole Team Zaishen [Tz] guild from Augury Rock are wholeheartedly with you, our sincerest condolences.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

(edited by VergilDeZaniah.3295)

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnDeadFun.5824


My condolences to family and friends.

I support the idea of a memorial in the guild hall. Perhaps it could be something that could be edited by guild leaders like the guild emblem.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bosh.9803


I’m sorry to hear of your loss. I have lost guild/clan members too in the past, it’s never easy, let alone losing a father and a family member.

The Shadow Affinity guild offer our condolences and support for your request.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hekmatyar.8725


My condolences to both family and friends.

Bumping this just so it gets the visibility it deserves. Best of luck.


Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kulvar.1239


If they include an housing system with tiles and placable furnishing, a memorial furnish could exists for that purpose.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evaara.6410


@ Evaara:

That were in my opinion already 3 cases too much, because they let people believe since then, that their “cases” might be also special enough for Anet, that they put some value into it to make their losses look for everyone else like something special, when in fact alot more people who played GW2 for sure have been died in the last 3 years and where nobody felt “the need” to tell that thousands of other people in a public forum with the sole intention to make the death of a person look special enough, worthy enough (god, just writing this disgusts myself right now) to give the person a memorial.

As I said, I have absolutely nothing against it, if ANet uses now the time of chance to make out of Guild Halls a Feature, which encases also the option to add to them a personal “Field of the Fallen” with customized own gravestones, where you can mourn as much and long as you like and feel still connected to that lost person “somehow”

Thats what I personally absolutely support and theres no reason to be against something like this, because then can have everyone have their memorials and nobody has a reason anymore to come here into the forums for attention seeking trying to make their “cases” look somehow special, why it would be nice, if Anet could give person X a kind of memorial, statue, whatever.

I think this should have made my last sentence clear enough.

Fair enough. Just be less tactless next time. You could have said have gotten straight to the point without having to be expressively irritated by the post.

Heck, you could have just said this: "Thats what I personally absolutely support and theres no reason to be against something like this, because then can have everyone have their memorials and nobody has a reason anymore to come here into the forums for attention seeking trying to make their “cases” look somehow special, why it would be nice, if Anet could give person X a kind of memorial, statue, whatever." in your initial post and be done with it.

Fact is people who have invested a lot of their time and their lives into something makes their “case” special, at least for them. That’s why they felt the “need” to tell ANet and it should be obvious that this wasn’t done for the sake of “seeking attention” (refer to my snail mail and emial reference). It’s like you missed my whole basketball and Hollywood reference and the fact that this family practically bonded within the game(s) for 10 years.

Also, there’s nothing wrong if ANet actually “cares”, actually I found it weird that you could be so antagonized by the fact that ANet did stuff for it’s playerbase.

Anyway, I probably won’t be posting here again. I’d rather not make this thread into a battleground between keyboard warriors.

Again, I’m sorry for the guild and the family’s loss. And please forgive me for being antagonized so much by Orpheal’s post, I meant no disrespect, in fact far from it. I hope you guys can find closure and happiness.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huggywuggles.2814


Seems like a way to trivialize a death if you ask me.

Not to mention this game feels too light hearted to have such a feature.

Such a thing would not happen anytime soon anyway. Can’t expect them to drop resources into this when they’ve already got plans with the expansion etc.

People also need to stop bringing such things to the forums, it brings some people down.

It’s kitten selfish too.

This thread already has a dark cloud hanging over it.

I beg to differ. One, OP is asking for what is effectively a Guild Hall decoration. Many of us have lost dear friends who have played with us in various games (I’ve lost two, personally) and in the context of having a private place of remembrance for that player(s) is not outside the realm of possibility.

Secondly, how does it trivialize the death of a loved one? We love those we surround ourselves with and when they pass, it is normal behavior to want to memorialize them. Whether that is digitally, with a marker in a real cemetery, or even a trip to spread their ashes in a place they wanted to visit/did visit and felt connected to, this helps us in our grieving process.

Personally speaking, I have no issue whatsoever with a Guild Hall option to place a marker in remembrance of our friends and loved ones who may (or may not have) played alongside of us so that in times of overwhelming sorrow, we can seek a bit of peace and solace in a place that has meaning to us, for that is just as important in the grieving process as anything else.

And thirdly, by labeling this as ‘kitten selfish’, you’re only exposing yourself. It is NEVER selfish to want the ability to remember those who were dear to us. OP is not asking for a marker in the world. They are asking (perhaps for the benefit of us all at some point or another) for the ability to remember those who have passed on. You may not see the benefit today, but perhaps one day you may be grateful that you have the benefit if OP’s suggestion is made possible for us ALL.

I am a Juicebox Hero. I poke straws in Risen Eyes.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huggywuggles.2814


I don’t see why people are getting worked up about Orpheals post. Are people not entitled to their opinions? He didn’t seem to break any forum rules that I am aware of.

And I’m sure you’re correct. However, as fellow players we also have the right (within the forum rules) to counter an opinion if we see fit. Having an opinion and being able to express that opinion should not nor ever will be considered insulation against argument/debate.

I am a Juicebox Hero. I poke straws in Risen Eyes.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Merlot.8567


Good on Orpheal for being brave enough to voice their critique. It’s 10x more valuable than an empty “sorry for your loss” post.

Whilst I agree with Orpheal I think it would be a good idea to add in some sort of optional monument in the guild halls. Many guilds are made of very tight nit members so it could get a lot of use beyond grief. An obelisk with a customisable plaque that is simple and poignant enough to most if not all potential instances.

Do not let the GW2 forums become the new Tumblr!

(edited by Merlot.8567)

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


On behalf of The Fire Hawks of Ascalon, sorry for your loss.

I do think an addition of a “remember the fallen” or “special recognition” area of a guild hall would be a great addition.

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Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CindyKa.6137


To OP, sorry for your lose. Hope Anet allows you to put a monument in your Guild Hall. In your time of grief. I do not understand why you waste time responding to certain posters whose opinions are obviously less important to you than the big kitten you flushed down the toilet in the morning. To the son, I know what it’s like losing a parent. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

(edited by CindyKa.6137)

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ownedbycats.3580


I can’t believe that anyone would be so insensitive to criticize this request, and after all that’s what it is, a request. Calling it attention seeking and being patronizing enough to say “it won’t bring him back to life”. No kidding. So we should never memorialize anything because it doesn’t bring the person back? Then what astounds me even more is one of them actually said they wouldn’t object to something in a Guild Hall even after saying such rubbish. Wow.

I think this is Anet’s decision to make anyway, not those of you who seem to have a problem with this … I don’t get the intrusion in this thread. This isn’t the kind of thread you should be trolling quite frankly.

OP, I am so sorry for you and your guild’s sudden and tragic loss. My condolences to his family as well. I think something placed in your guild hall once we get them would be more than reasonable, and really not hard to implement. I also would not be opposed to public memorials for our fallen players either.

Remember the good times OP

I’m not trolling. My opinion on this is dead serious (pun not intended)
Its not my problem, if you have issues with other peoples opinions in such an unethical topic.

And I find it unethical to beg literally for attention to get from a game developer for a dead person some kind of special treatment in a game, which should always, regardless what comes, stay in first line a game and shouldn’t become everyones public memorial, only because some people believe that their “cases” are somehow special/worthy enough for it, that Anet has to put some value to them rolleyes.

However, an emotion neutral non public gameplay related implemented feature would be something totally different.
If Guild Halls would provide an option for Guild Leaders to create their customized gravestones, then will have people a way to get, what they want, without that they think that there is some kind of “need” to seek attention for their cause here in the forums, where something like this absolutely has no place in my eyes. Period.

Instead, they can put up then the wished gravestone, statue or whatever as a memorial and place it somewhere in their Guild Hall, where Guild Members can read then some kind of memorial text maybe, when standing before that thing.

And now take a chill pill, because as you can see, I do basically support what the OP wants. I just personally prefer only a Guild Hall integrated solution that works for everyone and I absolutely dislike just the forum method of trying to press on the tear gland for sympathy to get through some special treatment, what is kind of selfish, when you think about it, that the Guild Hall related solution would be way better for everyone and it doesn’t require in the future then anymore to make more threads liek this here to get “hopefully” a memorial for a dead person.

No, with such an integrated solution could get then everyone in the Guild Halls a memorial for various different reasons even :O

Call me disrespectful all you want, I stay to my opinion. Theres nothing to be ashamed of it to have an own opinion and especially to call it out also against all the odds of others. Deal with it. Not everyone does swim with the stream always :P
Thats life as much as life goes on.

You basically think something in their guild hall would be fine, however you keep going on ad nauseam about how inappropriate it was to request it (which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever), serious or not, that’s trolling. Unethical topic? Give me a break. The OP was instructed by Anet themselves to make this request here, so if you have a problem with that, take it up with them.

By the way, if you have an opinion you want to express, and it just so happens to be a very unpopular one that will most likely offend and offers nothing constructive, expect to be called out on it. DEAL with it – as per your own advice.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andraus.3874


Sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing this.

In regards to the troll like posts I would just ignore them. There are all kinds of people that play this game, so of course there are going to be people that lack empathy. It’s not always their fault either; they may have mild autism or some other reason for struggling with that. And death is somewhat a taboo subject in the U.S. So I think it would be best if everyone would just ignore those types of replies though I’m sure a lot of people will want to stick up for you which is understandable as well.

I hope this does get implemented in some way. Sorry again for your loss OP and the rest of the guild.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


At least one game I know of has a memorial in-game. It is the one in Myst Online: Uru Live. Cyan Worlds established the memorial at the Kahlo Pub in the city for explorers who are no longer with the community. Since the game is still running on Cyan servers you can still go see the memorial. This link is to a page that mentions the memorial (scroll to the bottom of the page to see the memorial).


Something like this would be nice to have for people to remember players who are no longer with us. But it would be more appropriate to have a memorial within the guild rather than an open world memorial. Once we have the guild halls this could be something a guild could build for the people they want to honor.

This hopefully will be a feature that will be included in Guild Halls.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


Posting an oplnion is one thing, attacking the OP for posting his opinion is something else. This is particularly the case when the OP was directed by Anet to make the post in the first place.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I remember in my Guild Wars 1 guild a guildie who died of brain cancer at a young age. I never knew her, but the officers of that guild were anxious that her name never be removed from the member list.

It would have been nice to have some sort of memorial NPC or a plaque with the name, dob, date of death and a short sentence somewhere in our guild hall.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daenerys.7562


My heart goes out to you at your time of loss. I hope that GW2 powers that be will add your memoriam to your guild hall.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elkirin.8534


I support the request for a memorial feature within Guild Halls.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I am so sorry for your loss. Add my voice to the support for your entirely reasonable request. At first glance I thought it was another “put something in the game for us” thread and then I realized it was actually an inspired idea to add to the customization of guild halls. With enough flexibility it can have so many uses beyond memorials while still offering the chance for a guild to remember those lost.

Perhaps there should be tiered access to altering it, so a guild can decide if only the leader gets to inscribe a permanent memorial or if it’s more of an ongoing bulletin board for members to post current matters.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


/boots the forum bug in the bootable place.