Excess HoT mastery points for LS3
Unless there is going to be a way to use extra points, why keep adding more?
So people have a greater choice in how they go about acquiring their mastery points? I for one still need a few more HoT mastery points to max out the masteries that I want, and not one of the pre-S3 ways of acquiring those points (mainly raids and adventures) was in the least appealing to me.
To make it easier for others to max out their masteries. Not everyone is as good at adventures, and doing LS3 and playing the new map is a good alternative for them to get their points.
Personally, I would like to have more sinks for mastery points too, though.
Considering I suck at adventures, I’m rather glad there are more points being added.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
More MP’s are fine, now we need a few more for Core Tyria!
Unless there is going to be a way to use extra points, why keep adding more?
So people have a greater choice in how they go about acquiring their mastery points? I for one still need a few more HoT mastery points to max out the masteries that I want, and not one of the pre-S3 ways of acquiring those points (mainly raids and adventures) was in the least appealing to me.
Ugh, those adventure mastery points. I gave up on trying to get gold in the adventures. I’ve managed to get gold in 1, possibly 2 adventures, but the majority I just didn’t bother with after multiple attempts.
my guess is they will add more masteries seeing how there’s even 30% permanent extra exp buff to buy in the new map
Considering I suck at adventures, I’m rather glad there are more points being added.
I’m at 170, sucked at adventures and am glad they’re adding more points. Most of the adventures I’ve not touched since unless I’ve been trying to show a guildie how to do them or it’s been a daily.
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever find a way to save us from ourselves.”
Update added 11 HoT mastery points, and new mastery only used 1.
Unless there is going to be a way to use extra points, why keep adding more?
That’s the most selfish post I’ve ever seen. If you don’t want them don’t get them but many, many people have asked for ways to get more beyond adventures. Wow, it’s no wonder i rarely come to these boards anymore.
Wow!!! I must agree, so selfish post….
Thanks for adding more MP ANet, I could finally master ley line gliding, mapping TD and maxing adventures are things i just can’t do well.
I have more than 10 ( I’ve stopped even caring how many since i’m already at 170) spare hot mastery points. With many adventures not silver/gold.
I’m glad there are more available. Choice on how to get them is good.
Also I can immediately train any new ones that come out.
Bloodstone fen feels like anet going “hey new players, here’s some more easy mastery points and a pile of exp to help you get them done.” Which I see no problem with to be honest. I’m glad they are making them easier to finish. especially since I expect we may need/want them for the next LS episode.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
I for one am thankful they added new Mastery points that I can get just by playing and doing things that I enjoy. I really disliked having Masteries in the adventures. Getting them meant I had to stop doing what I liked to go off and find something I didn’t like and do it instead. I’m not playing a game for entertainment to do things I don’t like to get points to finish up mastery lines that aren’t particularly useful to me.
Thank you ANet for adding Mastery points for simply playing your game.
ANet may give it to you.
I see nothing wrong with adding more MP as it’s something a lot of players have wanted.
Worst post ever. I love the extra mastery points because I fail miserably at the vast majority of the mini games, and am incapable of doing them for the silver or gold needed to actually max out. Im sitting at the last tiers of 2 things and need 24 more points and guess what? Im SOL. this at least gets me closer, and maybe when they release more episodes I can finally finish maguuma masteries entirely.
I was never going to max masteries because:
- Adventures are not all that much fun to me
- Replaying HoT quests to grind out achievements is not all that much fun to me
So this puts me closer to completing my masteries. It’s a nice change that doesn’t dilute the experience for people who do enjoy adventures or story quests.
Eleven new Mastery Points? I can only find 7. I thought the max went from 163 to 170.
Regardless, what difference (OP) does it make how many Mastery Points are added? One is not required to acquire them, if one does not wish to. Options are always a good thing, would you not agree?
I’m glad they added more MP’s. Sorry OP but your ship is sinking.
More MP’s are fine, now we need a few more for Core Tyria!
This. I’m 8 MPs away from completing my last core Tyria mastery (Legendary Crafting, which I’m never going to put to any use), and I wish there were more points available just so I could be done with it and earn XP again.
I agree, I already have 31 HoT mastery points and 17 vanilla mastery points with nothing to spend them on. It should be possible to spend every last mastery point you add to the game.
I’m glad they added extra ones myself. Better to have too many than too few. Just need more in Central Tyria.
my guess is they will add more masteries seeing how there’s even 30% permanent extra exp buff to buy in the new map
They also made filling the exp bar give spirit shards if you have all your masteries for the region maxed out.
Eleven new Mastery Points? I can only find 7. I thought the max went from 163 to 170.
Regardless, what difference (OP) does it make how many Mastery Points are added? One is not required to acquire them, if one does not wish to. Options are always a good thing, would you not agree?
The max MP that could be consumed towards masteries was 169. The current LS episode only added one mastery that requires 1 MP. I’ll have to recount to see the max available MP but I’m fairly certain that players can now max all Masteries without having to touch adventures.
I could only find these 7:
Out of the Shadows Bloodstone Fen Insight: Fragmented Wastes
Discover this Maguuma Mastery Insight in Bloodstone Fen.
Out of the Shadows Bloodstone Fen Insight: Temple of Renewal
Discover this Maguuma Mastery Insight in Bloodstone Fen.
Out of the Shadows Confessor’s Stronghold
Pursue and capture Lord Caudecus Beetlestone.
Out of the Shadows Grief Counseling
Emote yes to Alari when she reaches her existential crisis.
Out of the Shadows Magic Unbound: The Gathering
Collect 10 units of floating unbound magic in 60 seconds.
Out of the Shadows Out of the Shadows Mastery
Out of the Shadows This Time, Stay Dead
Defeat the Ghostly Justiciar in the Colosseum of the Faithful, located above Bloodstone Fen.
I’m not sure where the other 4 are, or are supposed to be.
I have no idea what op is so worried about.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Probably an unpopular opinion here but my biggest wish is getting rid of mastery points altogether. Filling up the exp bar for the mastery should automatically unlock it. I am not an achievement hunter in any MMO, they are tedious and boring. When I play I want to do other things. I only unlocked masteries I needed for story plus unlimited gliding and autoloot. I don’t even bother with ther rest because I will never have enough mastery points. -shrugs-
I predict that they will add more masteries to consume some of these mastery points, but it makes sense to start giving more points before you consume them.
Think of what would happen if it wer the other way around — lots of masteries to buy but no new mastery points.
I think they are letting us prep for more points before expanding the new mastery line, which only consumes one point.
I would imagine that more tiers will be added to the new HoT Mastery line, which will require more Mastery Points. Even if they didn’t add more tiers, though, I don’t see why anyone would care (let alone be upset) about Anet adding more Mastery point options.
I could only find these 7:
I’m not sure where the other 4 are, or are supposed to be.
4 HoT mastery points were added to Wing 3 achievements retroactively with the patch.
I would imagine that more tiers will be added to the new HoT Mastery line, which will require more Mastery Points. Even if they didn’t add more tiers, though, I don’t see why anyone would care (let alone be upset) about Anet adding more Mastery point options.
More tiers would require a massive increase in the amount of mastery points available.
Adding one tier to exalted, itzel, nuhoch, gliding would require an around 72 additional mastery points.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
As many have stated, the addition of new ways to get Mastery Points is a good thing! It’s sort of like adding new dishes to a buffet: you can make a choice from an expending menu of options.
I am not maxed on MPs for either HoT or CT. Hey, I’ve been busy! As a daily player, I warmly welcome more ways for me to get those points.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
As many have stated, the addition of new ways to get Mastery Points is a good thing! It’s sort of like adding new dishes to a buffet: you can make a choice from an expending menu of options.
I am not maxed on MPs for either HoT or CT. Hey, I’ve been busy!
As a daily player, I warmly welcome more ways for me to get those points.
But there is no way to use the dozens of extra points that can be gained casually.
As many have stated, the addition of new ways to get Mastery Points is a good thing! It’s sort of like adding new dishes to a buffet: you can make a choice from an expending menu of options.
I am not maxed on MPs for either HoT or CT. Hey, I’ve been busy!
As a daily player, I warmly welcome more ways for me to get those points.
I hope Anet decides to add some of those new dishes to CT. I’d like more options there too.
As many have stated, the addition of new ways to get Mastery Points is a good thing! It’s sort of like adding new dishes to a buffet: you can make a choice from an expending menu of options.
I am not maxed on MPs for either HoT or CT. Hey, I’ve been busy!
As a daily player, I warmly welcome more ways for me to get those points.
Could we have more core MP’s? My choices are doing LW2 achievements, dive master, or collections that will cost hundreds of Gold, or playing fractals, and I really don’t like playing fractals, so I don’t play them. So having other options would be great.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
How ’bout adding a MP to the occasional achievement chest?
Yes? No? Maybe so?
As many have stated, the addition of new ways to get Mastery Points is a good thing! It’s sort of like adding new dishes to a buffet: you can make a choice from an expending menu of options.
I am not maxed on MPs for either HoT or CT. Hey, I’ve been busy!
As a daily player, I warmly welcome more ways for me to get those points.
But there is no way to use the dozens of extra points that can be gained casually.
Are you allergic to extra mastery points or something?
As many have stated, the addition of new ways to get Mastery Points is a good thing! It’s sort of like adding new dishes to a buffet: you can make a choice from an expending menu of options.
I am not maxed on MPs for either HoT or CT. Hey, I’ve been busy!
As a daily player, I warmly welcome more ways for me to get those points.
But there is no way to use the dozens of extra points that can be gained casually.
Not currently, they will probably add more as the season unfolds, and you’ll have a leg up. Why are you complaining about having an advantage over other players? I really don’t understand, can you explain it to me please?
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
anet should make it so that you would be able to spend all the points you get.
the points are not that hard to get anyway.
And it feels really boring to gain a MP with no use, it is like leveling up after level 80, it becomes something you dont care about. I liked the idea with MP-system, as there was some reward for doing something well. and also it was the closest thing to prestige in this game, as everyone got legendary weapons, all are lvl 80 with ascended (ppl who played more than 200 hours) and everyone can gain almost every title. So the idea about getting that high number next to your name at least was something nice. like the legendary icon from pvp (although anyone could get it, all it took was a little bit of grinding, like getting the mastery points is now, since all the hard ones are not needed)
anet should make it so that you would be able to spend all the points you get.
the points are not that hard to get anyway.
And it feels really boring to gain a MP with no use, it is like leveling up after level 80, it becomes something you dont care about. I liked the idea with MP-system, as there was some reward for doing something well. and also it was the closest thing to prestige in this game, as everyone got legendary weapons, all are lvl 80 with ascended (ppl who played more than 200 hours) and everyone can gain almost every title. So the idea about getting that high number next to your name at least was something nice. like the legendary icon from pvp (although anyone could get it, all it took was a little bit of grinding, like getting the mastery points is now, since all the hard ones are not needed)
Yet people who raid will always have a higher number than those who do not. As the number only goes up if you spend them. So your argument holds no real weigh. Anyone who plays PvE and not raid will top out, but people who raid will always have more. Wanting to be a special snowflake is never a good reason.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
anet should make it so that you would be able to spend all the points you get.
the points are not that hard to get anyway.
And it feels really boring to gain a MP with no use, it is like leveling up after level 80, it becomes something you dont care about. I liked the idea with MP-system, as there was some reward for doing something well. and also it was the closest thing to prestige in this game, as everyone got legendary weapons, all are lvl 80 with ascended (ppl who played more than 200 hours) and everyone can gain almost every title. So the idea about getting that high number next to your name at least was something nice. like the legendary icon from pvp (although anyone could get it, all it took was a little bit of grinding, like getting the mastery points is now, since all the hard ones are not needed)Yet people who raid will always have a higher number than those who do not. As the number only goes up if you spend them. So your argument holds no real weigh. Anyone who plays PvE and not raid will top out, but people who raid will always have more. Wanting to be a special snowflake is never a good reason.
Anet made it easy by making the siege encounter (as easy as dungeon/fractal) unlock the mastery line, or just buy a VG kill for like 60-80g.
And that guy has a point, if we could maybe fill “empty” masteries just to increase the number next our name that would be great, and it would actually feel rewarding to get and use extra points and experience.
(edited by Mez Koo.9510)
Probably an unpopular opinion here but my biggest wish is getting rid of mastery points altogether. Filling up the exp bar for the mastery should automatically unlock it. I am not an achievement hunter in any MMO, they are tedious and boring. When I play I want to do other things. I only unlocked masteries I needed for story plus unlimited gliding and autoloot. I don’t even bother with ther rest because I will never have enough mastery points. -shrugs-
Interesting. I’m the opposite, I’d rather purely require points and get rid of the EXP grind. When I need to do unique tasks and explore to earn mastery points, it feels like I’m actually accomplishing something and “mastering” the game. When I need to run half a dozen stale meta events with boosters to unlock a single tier, it feels like I’m wasting my time.
Interesting. I’m the opposite, I’d rather purely require points and get rid of the EXP grind. When I need to do unique tasks and explore to earn mastery points, it feels like I’m actually accomplishing something and “mastering” the game. When I need to run half a dozen stale meta events with boosters to unlock a single tier, it feels like I’m wasting my time.
I never used boosters and still managed to unlock what I wanted. But then again, I actually enjoy meta events (unless I dc), lol… My favorite mastery points are the ones I can just collect at specific locations on HoT maps…
anet should make it so that you would be able to spend all the points you get.
the points are not that hard to get anyway.
And it feels really boring to gain a MP with no use, it is like leveling up after level 80, it becomes something you dont care about. I liked the idea with MP-system, as there was some reward for doing something well. and also it was the closest thing to prestige in this game, as everyone got legendary weapons, all are lvl 80 with ascended (ppl who played more than 200 hours) and everyone can gain almost every title. So the idea about getting that high number next to your name at least was something nice. like the legendary icon from pvp (although anyone could get it, all it took was a little bit of grinding, like getting the mastery points is now, since all the hard ones are not needed)Yet people who raid will always have a higher number than those who do not. As the number only goes up if you spend them. So your argument holds no real weigh. Anyone who plays PvE and not raid will top out, but people who raid will always have more. Wanting to be a special snowflake is never a good reason.
lol that is like saying everyone should have the same number (lvl) in wvw, because it is unfair for those who dont like wvw that they dont have the same stuff.
imo a mastery point should be for mastering something. and if u master everything you should have a higher number than ppl who only master doing world bosses or smt.
anet have been downhill for some time, with trying to make everything good for the casuals. like calling it achievements, and then letting people get 15k ap (about half of the ap the ppl with max ap got) just for logging in and standing afk in a pvp match or logging some wood, or getting a portal to a jp. what an amazing achivement.
now they have a chance to make up for their failure of giving AP to everyone, ive got 32k and that means nothing except that i grinded alot, but they could make it so that these masterypoints showed more than just how good you are at grinding.
“Stop adding extra mastery points”
It adds to the “play your way” concept, for starters. Gives people options on what they want to do in order to unlock a given mastery.
Crying for them to be limited is just another form elitism.
I would imagine that more tiers will be added to the new HoT Mastery line, which will require more Mastery Points. Even if they didn’t add more tiers, though, I don’t see why anyone would care (let alone be upset) about Anet adding more Mastery point options.
More tiers would require a massive increase in the amount of mastery points available.
Adding one tier to exalted, itzel, nuhoch, gliding would require an around 72 additional mastery points.
I wasn’t talking about adding another tier to the old (HoT launch) Masteries. I meant the new one added with the LS3 content on Tuesday; currently there is only one tier of it, and it seems like more might be added as the LS goes on.
Considering I suck at adventures, I’m rather glad there are more points being added.
My thoughts exactly.
There’s some adventures I can never get any higher than silver and don’t go spewing that L2P rubbish, some things you’re good at, some you aren’t and I’ve long since accepted it. So more options is always a plus; otherwise you’re only limiting yourself.
I think there are too many sources of gold and I can’t use it all. I think we should start removing sources of gold as it has no value Kappa
Can we downgrade these form “mastery” points to “casual” points? I thought the whole point was to have to work towards them and learn to master aspects of the game. Now they throw so many at you that you just get plopped in front of it is just not fun to get them anymore.
At least the raid mastery point additions took a few hours work to learn the fights.
Can we downgrade these form “mastery” points to “casual” points? I thought the whole point was to have to work towards them and learn to master aspects of the game. Now they throw so many at you that you just get plopped in front of it is just not fun to get them anymore.
At least the raid mastery point additions took a few hours work to learn the fights.
A rose by any other name, smells as sweet.
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