Expand the roleplay capability in gw2?
My thoughts:
- The personality system (charisma, ferocity, dignity) could certainly use some love, yes.
- Sittable chairs; easy to implement, often overlooked.
- Character description panels, ala LotRO/Eve Online.
- Character focus; IE, your character looks at selected characters/objects (see FFXIV for an example of this).
- Emote bubbles (City of Heroes had these, very nifty).
My thoughts:
- The personality system (charisma, ferocity, dignity) could certainly use some love, yes.
- Sittable chairs; easy to implement, often overlooked.
- Character description panels, ala LotRO/Eve Online.
- Character focus; IE, your character looks at selected characters/objects (see FFXIV for an example of this).
- Emote bubbles (City of Heroes had these, very nifty).
I believe those were suppose to do something originally, but it got left behind on release.
As for the rest, I dunno. They seem like things that should already be in the game. Not to mention, you have codes for emotes from GW1 that don’t work just because the animation was never actually updated for GW2.
The problem is I doubt they’ll really update it openly, or on a mass level. If they do fix these things expect to be done slowly over ages.
I woud like to see:
*Custom chat channels - I miss having an in-character chat channel, for example
*The ability to move a chat window out of the main chat ’dock’
*Appearance clothing tab
*Sitting on chairs
*No NPCs in my house, if Lord Faeron wasn’t still in the house, I might use it more
*No limit on the players I could invite into my Home district. Group size limits RP. If I want to hold a party without emotes spamming players the other side of DR, I should be able to.
Just a few ideas.
I’d just like to have the ability to sit on a chair or stool, really.
More emotes! More emotes!
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
- Sittable chairs; easy to implement, often overlooked.
Easy only in games where you don’t have races with different sizes and height sliders. Else it seems not really that easy to implement after all i read.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
- Sittable chairs; easy to implement, often overlooked.
Easy only in games where you don’t have races with different sizes and height sliders. Else it seems not really that easy to implement after all i read.
Rather than make every chair “sittable”, each character needs to haul around his own chair in a secret, 4th dimensional pocket (just like when a Saturday morning cartoon character suddenly whips a huge mallet out of nowhere). Then he can type /chair wherever he is to whip it out and sit down properly. The /eat and /drink emotes would work both standing and sitting.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
- Sittable chairs; easy to implement, often overlooked.
Easy only in games where you don’t have races with different sizes and height sliders. Else it seems not really that easy to implement after all i read.
Off the top of my head, FFXIV, LotRO, WoW, and EQ2 all handle this without issue. And they all have a large range of character sizes to deal with.
Chat channels, please yes thank you. Along with player-customizable chat colors so we can ditch that dull don’t-look-at-or-read-me gray the emotes are stuck in.
More emote animations would be nice. I did some TESO and omg they have so many. Though there they don’t have attached chat emotes. I didn’t think I’d miss those, yet if you’re not staring at the character on the screen you won’t see them move, and chat logs won’t show that anything happened. Anyway, at the very least the ability to sit in a chair, even one that magically appears — yes, this has been suggested in these forums by yours truly, and others added finesse by asking that the hotkeys change to let you swap around your sitting posture.
- Sittable chairs; easy to implement, often overlooked.
Easy only in games where you don’t have races with different sizes and height sliders. Else it seems not really that easy to implement after all i read.
Off the top of my head, FFXIV, LotRO, WoW, and EQ2 all handle this without issue. And they all have a large range of character sizes to deal with.
I think it’s because Guild Wars 2 got sliders. You can choose how tall you want your Norn to be, or how short. While in World of Warcraft, every race got a fixed size. Gnome players will always have the same height, and so will the Tauren.
A big Norn compared to a small Norn is huge, and this is where the problem happens.
- Character focus; IE, your character looks at selected characters/objects (see FFXIV for an example of this).
Your character actually does this. You obviously pay enough attention to that.
Your character actually does this. You obviously pay enough attention to that.
Only while moving, while idling your character looks straight ahead.
- Character focus; IE, your character looks at selected characters/objects (see FFXIV for an example of this).
Your character actually does this. You obviously pay enough attention to that.
You’re the only one who see it though, other players can’t see what you have targeted and what direction you’re looking at.
i would love to that my character decide the way i stand.
Charming i stand while looking good/ while beeing funny as well
Dignity I stand like a King Queen / Hero
Ferocity I look a little nervous angry ready to go on fighting
Even can add more character styles
Childish Pure
and so on
- Sittable chairs; easy to implement, often overlooked.
Easy only in games where you don’t have races with different sizes and height sliders. Else it seems not really that easy to implement after all i read.
Off the top of my head, FFXIV, LotRO, WoW, and EQ2 all handle this without issue. And they all have a large range of character sizes to deal with.
It was never possible to sit on a chair in EQ2, at least not in the over 4,5 years i played it, and i think it was also an EQ2 dev that said that the different race sizes are the main problem.
In Champion Online there is indeed an /sitchar emote .. however that lets you normally sit with your legs hidden in the ground. You can use it when you stand on a chair and then you will fall down so that you sit, but will also often end with feet in the ground or legs in whatever you sit on.
It work great in RIFT, but there all races are normal human size if i remember it correct.
Can’t remember bout Lotro but there are only smaller races, so maybe they just sit and feets hang in the air as if they are childs, that of course not such a problem as of the feets are in the ground.
And WoW .. i think nobody cares if it looks idiotic in a game like that if a giant sits on a chair with his head between his knees or whatever.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
You will chase AP and like it.
None of this creative thinking is allowed.!
Loyalty To None
In LotRO you had to sort of back up against the chair and if you were positioned perfectly you’d end up sitting in it. I did that in my white wicker chairs in my house. WoW of course has the gravity-field chairs that suck you in if you click on them in range, but all the chairs (and indeed all furniture item) are grossly oversized (to match the shoulders?) so everyone fits. Aion had personal chairs that appeared, I don’t think you even could sit on the ground if you wanted to.
I don’t remember how Fallen Earth did it. I know there was one MMO I tried where you could sit on edges and your feet would dangle if you were for instance on a dock over water, but I forget which that was. Age of Conan maybe? That one did have wall-leaning etc.