Expanding on collections

Expanding on collections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457

Collections can really bring this game back to life. Imagine instead of Anet only adding outfits and weapon skins to the gem store they added them in-game and gated them behind collections. I never really thought out a good example of how to create a collection for weapons but I’m about to try so don’t make fun of me! <3 hehe

Risen weapon set acquisition:
The collection quest first sends you to Teq to receive the hilt of your weapon, once you get the hilt you have to work on the essence of the weapon. For the risen weapon set you would have to kill and collect 100 essence from the risen anywhere in game. After you collect the essence you go for the blade. To get the blade you have to defeat certain boss/es in the Arah dungeon. Once all that is finished you wait for night time in Orr then once night hits you lung your weapon into the heart of a risen Giant.

Of course this would need a lot more work to make it so it does take one hour to complete the collection but I hope you guys get my point. If Anet were to add weapon and outfit collections to the game it would add a massive amount of re playability to Gw2 which we are missing. The content is there but there is no reason to go back.

Let me know what you guys think. Good or bad idea? If you think its a bad idea then why?

(edited by Beast Sos.1457)

Expanding on collections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


It’s not a bad idea at all and is essentially similar to the way precursor crafting works, but a bit more focussed.

The issue is one of resources. One of the reasons the legendaries are taking this long, is that tying them all to events and collections and items, is time consuming, especially when they now need to ensure everythign works.

In short, it’s a decent idea and thematically in keeping with the game, but it would probably slow down production of new weapons if too many were added in this way.

Expanding on collections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenom.9457


I do want more collections, and achieves in general

Want to read about a nice mini expansion to make Mordremoth and Zhaitan better?

Expanding on collections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beast Sos.1457

Beast Sos.1457

It’s not a bad idea at all and is essentially similar to the way precursor crafting works, but a bit more focussed.

The issue is one of resources. One of the reasons the legendaries are taking this long, is that tying them all to events and collections and items, is time consuming, especially when they now need to ensure everythign works.

In short, it’s a decent idea and thematically in keeping with the game, but it would probably slow down production of new weapons if too many were added in this way.

I think Anet is taking so long to release pres not because of collections but because they are trying to make them somewhat time consuming. It doesn’t necessarily have to be that why with other weapon skins. Hell, I can buy a BL weapon 10 seconds after it comes out.

Expanding on collections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


It’s not a bad idea at all and is essentially similar to the way precursor crafting works, but a bit more focussed.

The issue is one of resources. One of the reasons the legendaries are taking this long, is that tying them all to events and collections and items, is time consuming, especially when they now need to ensure everythign works.

In short, it’s a decent idea and thematically in keeping with the game, but it would probably slow down production of new weapons if too many were added in this way.

I think Anet is taking so long to release pres not because of collections but because they are trying to make them somewhat time consuming. It doesn’t necessarily have to be that why with other weapon skins. Hell, I can buy a BL weapon 10 seconds after it comes out.

No but they already have said in the past, the process is on average one month for one new legendary, including tying it all up to events, collections and making new items and of course the visual design. Black lion weapons on the other hand are just the visuals.

Perhaps a new weapon that isnt legendary would be shorter, but it would be a lot more involving than the black lion sets.

I still approve of the idea though and focussing the themes in such a way. Mjolnir and Volcanus would mean more as journeys than mystically forged as an example, even if the mat reqs were the same.