Expansion Ideas!

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharke.4917


Yes it is a new game and yes it is awesome. We all know it is coming some day. When is it? What will be included? What are some things people wanna see in a possible expansion?
Me personally, I wanna play as Kodan (Polar Bear Man thing). I don’t care that their are a million better ideas. It is just my preference. Class possibilities? No idea. What about you?

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araziel.7201


That Asuran hoverboard I have been asking for since shortly after launch. Now some other garbage game with huge squares and rectangles all over your screen has one. cries

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Some people might say mounts, I just want a dang flying Harley……I’m serious, if you gonna fly why not fly in style? :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elric.6971


Mini-Expansion idea – Guild Wars 2: Revelations

“He who increases wisdom increases sorrow.”

Expanded Personal storyline which takes place after Zhaitan’s defeat. The Pact learns horrific new truths about The Elder Dragons and Trahearne’s death damages the bond which barely holds The Pact together.
The bond is completely shattered as you uncover shocking secrets your original Order has kept from the others which breaks The Pact.
As things grow darker in the world at large, you are called back home to assist your Destiny’s Edge mentor to discover new information about your race which could drastically change everything about the society.

Despite these terrible drawbacks and the burden of the new revelations, you learn that a handful of members of the three orders and Lionguard remain loyal to you and you alone to forge a new pact and Destiny’s Edge now raises your banner and rallies beneath it, and despite the terrible truths learned about your race or the dragons, the story would close with the knowledge that as many or as one, your resolve remains strong, and the whole world now quietly turns to you for guidance in the coming dark days.

Features would include:
-New Personal Story missions
-New functions of the home instance (repeatable missions, trophy setup, function upgrades ala the AC:II Villa/AC:III Homestead)
-Out of combat Parkour system to take jump puzzles to a new level! (and home instance races against the local, racial parkour champion!)
-Out of combat mounts and environmental weapon type mounts, the former to get around between waypoints faster, the latter, for fun in old and new events and renown hearts!
-Five new maps (each one tied to a specific race)
-New Elder Dragon minions
-Weapon proliferations and skills to match!
-New traits and trait options

That’s probably more than enough for an Eye of the North style expansion, really. The Parkour system is mostly just there because AC:I gave me such a love for that sort of thing and it would feel unbelievably fitting in GW2 if you ask me, even if would be insanely difficult.

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xandiano.4056


Mounts in every way possible. Like a mini etc that you can have only 1 active at any time and can make a collection. Asuran hoverboards, Charr Motorcycles, etc. then usual mounts like horses beasts and magical beasts and maybe a special LW ride like Queen Jenna or smth :P

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Morgan Malory.2069

Sir Morgan Malory.2069

Abandon all hope for an large expansion. Anets parent company won’t let it happen until the GW2 community starts to dwindle to the point where the game isn’t turn a solid profit. My guess is that they announce an expansion 2 years more now, then it will take another year and a half to create. The game will be 5 years old and an expansion won’t matter because the will be newer prettier games to play by then.

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immensus.9732


Abandon all hope for an large expansion. Anets parent company won’t let it happen until the GW2 community starts to dwindle to the point where the game isn’t turn a solid profit. My guess is that they announce an expansion 2 years more now, then it will take another year and a half to create. The game will be 5 years old and an expansion won’t matter because the will be newer prettier games to play by then.

I dont think that the case is as bad as you describe it, but i have one thing to say only 4/4/2014! just that!

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


An Asuran hoverboard would be awesome, but I think they’d need to think carefully about how it works. A few inclinations I have:

1) Not allowed in towns (no hoverboarding signs if need be).
2) Town clothes only, not usable in combat.
3) Perma-swiftness (not in WvW).
4) If possible, a slight delay on stopping. Perma swiftness in JPs combined with slightly trickier handling would be AWESOME as long as you can just step off the board and do it normally.

I’d say if you lose (2) or (3) then you should lose the other as well. A perma-swiftness item is a huge deal, so compensating by town clothes only would help. That said, a town clothes item without perma-swiftness offers less mobility than walking.

I don’t see this needing an expansion though…

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mazreal Blackknight.1564

Mazreal Blackknight.1564

If they put mounts in the game I say remove all wp. They would be annoying to see in game. I for one don’t want a mount but if they opt to turn this game into WoW I want shatterer as my mount then I will delete this game. I tried wow I hated it, I don’t want to see a reskin of that game here.

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


If they put mounts in the game I say remove all wp. They would be annoying to see in game. I for one don’t want a mount but if they opt to turn this game into WoW I want shatterer as my mount then I will delete this game. I tried wow I hated it, I don’t want to see a reskin of that game here.

it already is…..
gear grind-check
meta builds-check
carebear VS psyco’s-check

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


If they put mounts in the game I say remove all wp. They would be annoying to see in game. I for one don’t want a mount but if they opt to turn this game into WoW I want shatterer as my mount then I will delete this game. I tried wow I hated it, I don’t want to see a reskin of that game here.

I love mounts, but ground mounts would be the only mount that would work in GW2 since the world isn’t seamless. You can’t just fly from zone to zone. Although I wish you could because I’ve always loved flying somewhere over just using a WP and spending money. Mounts are good fun though and it gives more for people to work toward, which would be a nice alternative to the gear grind that is GW2 end-game.

Valar Morghulis

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sean.8274


Open up Crystal Desert and slay Kralkatorrik. Along with it we could get a new heavy class which uses spears/shields/javelin etc.

Lucy Ursa~80 Guardian | Worf Rozhenko~80 Warrior | Vera Valentine~80 Mesmer | Cupcake~80 Engi
King Arcturus X~80 Ranger | Suki Serra~80 Thief | Count Charon~80 Necro | Regulus Leo~80 Ele
HoD since launch

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nicholas S Lin.6187

Nicholas S Lin.6187

PvE Town Additions
I would like each crafting profession of have its own uniform and for there to be a crafting festival at Easter and the Halloween Event to include crafting festival activities.

Home Instance customisation options – ie. Seasonal themes – seasonally available, Enhanced cultural themes – permanent gem shop item. All home instance theme item will add player home as distinct building within the instance – exclusive feature of these packages.

Character spouse option added as new home instance option – unlocked as part of Personal Story progression – the NPC becomes character spouse. Once unlocked may buy gem shop substitute(permanently replaces the one gained from Personal Story) .
NPC spouse may be same gender as character – based on Personal Story completion choice. NPC can be customised the same way as PC.

PvE Out-of-Town Additons
Kodan as new playable race.
Jormag as next Elder Dragon to become a threat.
Personal Story to be expanded to show the player working more closely with Destiny’s Edge with the journey ending with the Jormag final battle.

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Makarei.4316


I just want to more underwater exploration, to swim down into really dark places and see what things have been lost under the oceans, but they have neglected the underwater exploration and under water areas, by keeping them in shallow waterholes, rivers and ponds which inst much fun at all. make an expansion that covers more under water action, test player on there underwater survivability. i also want to get better scuba mask.

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Legatvs.8260


I just want to more underwater exploration, to swim down into really dark places and see what things have been lost under the oceans, but they have neglected the underwater exploration and under water areas, by keeping them in shallow waterholes, rivers and ponds which inst much fun at all. make an expansion that covers more under water action, test player on there underwater survivability. i also want to get better scuba mask.

I hope for a full expansion under water (although I am not that used to all that swimming-stuff by now) to fight the DSD and his minions and to see the leviathan and such things.
Heck, there is a complete ocean out there that awaits us!
I refuse to fight the DSD on dry land.

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Medens.4960


1) New regions on the world map uncovered is what I’ve always wanted. I want to see how all the old GW1 places look like now. Omg imagine the whole map uncovered in under 5 years. That would be awesome. I especially look forward to seeing what the Crystal Desert looks like now, north of Divinity’s Reach and the far far north of the snowy area of the Norn.

2) Cantha and Elona of course. I have some very good memories of Elona. That’s the continent I like most. Vabbi was just heaven. And the Realm of Torment. Aw Gawddd, so good.

3) I also would like to see Guild Wars 1.5 or Guild Wars 0. It would be nice to live along the gods in Orr (GW 0) and to see the awakening of all dragons in GW 1.5.
Maybe, just maybe that will be released in like 10 years…