Expansion being released when?
So when is arenanet announcing their first expansion? This living world stuff is clearly a blunder, not because it’s bad because the story is really interesting but because it prevents content to be released. Let me explain, Anet anounced living story to be a replacement for an expansion and they’ll release dungeons/pvp/wvw updates inbetween, right? But in the latest interview they explained how their focusing on the Living story instead of the other aspects of the game, because they don’t have enough time/resource ( w/e u wanna call it ).
If you still don’t understand what’s going on just look at the progression of Guild wars 2 launch, compared to World of warcraft launch.
WoW: -released updates which included new dungeons/tweaks to game/story (quests )
– Expansions every 2 years which included new huge zones/ story/ dungeons/ PvP stuff.
– Fees
WoW’s released updates continued forever with everything for each new expansion until a newer one came out. This repeated and has done so for 10 years straight with plenty of players still interested in the game.Guild wars 2: – releases updates which include new dungeons/tweaks to game/features/gem store stuff
– Living world every 2 weeks which gradually release zones/dungeons/ Living story / pvp stuff.
– No Fees.
Guild wars 2’s concept was great because we got best of all worlds and we don’t have to pay, the problem now is that for some reason we’re not getting what we were promised? Dungeons/Wvw/Pvp aren’t being looked into because anet are focusing on Living story, why when they said Living Story won’t affect the attention other parts of the game will get (wvw/dungeon/pvp) ?It is very clear that guild wars 2 doesn’t seem to be getting enough funds (moniez) to produce enough content to keep everyone happy, and the only way they could get more is by releasing an expansion. I’m not a complainer but i am a realist that loves anet for what they’ve created and just like a lot of people i want this game to succeed . But with how things are going now, it’s hard to see it succeed to it’s fullest potential if it continues being lead the way it currently is. If anet is creating an expansion in the dark they should tell us so we can turn stop wondering and start waiting, and if not then i really hope anet does something because guild wars 2 has so much potential and people are more than willing NOT to PAY for expansions to help them create what we want.
( Im writing this late at night, oops for any typos )
There you go corrected for you , you just answered your own questions.
(edited by Allanon.9072)
Ignore Allanon. People like that is the reason there can’t be discussions on the forums without kitten s.
On topic, yes wow has many updates because its still one game and has served players for many years. They release a lot of content because they have their rhythm down.
Gw2 on the other hands is doing good and has the moneyz trust me lol. The only problem is the higher uppers aren’t giving devs much freedom and change their plans a lot which is the reason for the small amount of content every month. Imo the only reason this game is still in a good position is because new players. New players are the main reason for Gw2 doing good. Ive seen many big guilds ive been in all empty because the old players don’t get on anymore.
That is another reason there hasn’t been an uproar as to why small content keeps coming out. The new players don’t question it…yet.
Ignore Allanon. People like that is the reason there can’t be discussions on the forums without kitten s.
On topic, yes wow has many updates because its still one game and has served players for many years. They release a lot of content because they have their rhythm down.
Gw2 on the other hands is doing good and has the moneyz trust me lol. The only problem is the higher uppers aren’t giving devs much freedom and change their plans a lot which is the reason for the small amount of content every month. Imo the only reason this game is still in a good position is because new players. New players are the main reason for Gw2 doing good. Ive seen many big guilds ive been in all empty because the old players don’t get on anymore.
That is another reason there hasn’t been an uproar as to why small content keeps coming out. The new players don’t question it…yet.
I see what you’re saying, but sorry for not being specific. When WoW was released in 2004 they changed the game quite a lot with tweaks, but released major content like Onyxia’s lair/Black Wing Lair ( some giant dragon raid )/ Egypt themed zone with raid ( raids were a huge time sink, 1 raid is comparable to 4 really hard dungeons ). Also released a PvP map, they had open world PvP which allowed Pvpers with another form of PvP ( also had PvE servers for ppl who didn’t want to deal with pvpers ). In other words their released content had a lot of end game that didnt leave people complaining. Guild wars 2 doesnt have a continuous flow of endgame but it’s been 2 years already ( is when wow released BC ). WoW in 2 years released Outlands which had around 6 zones. Guild wars 2 released 3 zones, southsun (1 zone) and dry top areas (worth 2 zones). WoW was released in 2004 and by it’s 2 year mark had more than GW2, GW2 is at it’s 2year mark and has little to show for it. No raids, poor end game. By this i mean living story is too short, no where near enough dungeons as wow, pvp in wow was much more fun and had good rewards compared to gw2s ( WvW in gw2 is better but insentive/outnumbered makes it worse).
Main point is that IF they have enough money, why arent they releasing enough content compared to WoW? The higher ups arent cant stop anet from creating more content to keep us interested. Also in WoW new players enjoyed the game and were an investment because WoW’s endgame was addictive (extremely fun). Gw2s is fun besides lack of endgame (pvp/dungeon).
When they feel like adding more dungeons is too much work, do you honestly think they can work on something as huge as an expansion?
So when is arenanet announcing their first expansion? This living world stuff is clearly a blunder, not because it’s bad because the story is really interesting but because it prevents content to be released. Let me explain, Anet anounced living story to be a replacement for an expansion and they’ll release dungeons/pvp/wvw updates inbetween, right? But in the latest interview they explained how their focusing on the Living story instead of the other aspects of the game, because they don’t have enough time/resource ( w/e u wanna call it ).
If you still don’t understand what’s going on just look at the progression of Guild wars 2 launch, compared to World of warcraft launch.
WoW: -released updates which included new dungeons/tweaks to game/story (quests )
– Expansions every 2 years which included new huge zones/ story/ dungeons/ PvP stuff.
– Fees
WoW’s released updates continued forever with everything for each new expansion until a newer one came out. This repeated and has done so for 10 years straight with plenty of players still interested in the game.Guild wars 2: – releases updates which include new dungeons/tweaks to game/features/gem store stuff
– Living world every 2 weeks which gradually release zones/dungeons/ Living story / pvp stuff.
– No Fees.
Guild wars 2’s concept was great because we got best of all worlds and we don’t have to pay, the problem now is that for some reason we’re not getting what we were promised? Dungeons/Wvw/Pvp aren’t being looked into because anet are focusing on Living story, why when they said Living Story won’t affect the attention other parts of the game will get (wvw/dungeon/pvp) ?It is very clear that guild wars 2 doesn’t seem to be getting enough funds (moniez) to produce enough content to keep everyone happy, and the only way they could get more is by releasing an expansion. I’m not a complainer but i am a realist that loves anet for what they’ve created and just like a lot of people i want this game to succeed . But with how things are going now, it’s hard to see it succeed to it’s fullest potential if it continues being lead the way it currently is. If anet is creating an expansion in the dark they should tell us so we can turn stop wondering and start waiting, and if not then i really hope anet does something because guild wars 2 has so much potential and people are more than willing NOT to PAY for expansions to help them create what we want.
( Im writing this late at night, oops for any typos )
There you go corrected for you , you just answered your own questions.
I don’t understand what you’re point is, people are willing to pay for expansions. No one has ever said i want no expansions.
When they feel like adding more dungeons is too much work, do you honestly think they can work on something as huge as an expansion?
Lol if that was really true i’d jump the boat but im pretty sure money is intensive enough for their higher ups to allow em to create an expansion.