Expansion coming soon?
They said no Expansion will come to GW2..
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
But they also said that working on huge patch that coming in 2014.Doesnt matter do u call it expansion or not,important is to add more perma content
I’m wondering, the living story gets worse everytime, features which should be within the game gets sold for the price of an expansion, achievements and updates are exactly the same as last year….. I can just hope something big is coming soon..
I’m sure it is coming. They know piecemeal flavor updates that go away in 2 weeks is not a sustainable model by itself.
I’d look for a large major content patch spring 2014.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I would much rather an expansion I would gladly pay $200 for something freaking new I’d pay $500 for cantha
It would be nice to see More Personal Story and more elder dragon fighting
Agreed. Anet we need more permacontent. There are patches of unused areas all over the map. Lore you have not even touched upon and it’s getting rather ridicilous.
No mention of the dwarves No mention of elona or cantha or the tengu you were teasing us so bloody much with. No mention of scarlet ingame before she went looney you’d think the top student sylvari in an -asura- school would attract some attention Etc. if you want to make the world living and breathing. you need to poke at everything at once. not just bits and expect people to “go along with it” ..reasons upon reasons to create complexity..the scarlet arc as most people i’ve seen agree with me..was awful. 2013 will be remembered as the year Anet made a boring monotone pink island – a rather dull dungeon with a weird mechanic and some bite sized gameplay you can no longer experience.
..Tequatl was fun though.
They said no Expansion will come to GW2..
This was not stated (unless someone can link this). LS & such are being considered as replacements to expansions, but nothing has been decided (publicly).
Didn’t they say nothing is off the able, or everything is on the table? I guess it doesn’t matter, I know I’m far from being that only one that will NOT buy another title (or expansion) from these guys.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.
But they also said that working on huge patch that coming in 2014.Doesnt matter do u call it expansion or not,important is to add more perma content
They also said they released an expansion’s worth of content in 2013. LOL!!
They NEVER said there wouldn’t be any expansions, just that they’re focused on Living Story. LS and Expansions shouldn’t be excluded from each other, as people are trying to make them look like.
Ether way to answer your question it’s a No to expansions coming SOON.
I have given up completely with this game at the moment. I only log on to create my legendary then after that I’m out. Until Anet wake up and smell the burning coffee, that a 1.5 year game needs a fresh coat of paint via an expansion ..then there is honestly nothing to do. I log in and think OK let’s play…then I realize that there is absolutely nothing once Icompleted the game in my own way. Its ESO next for me. Have fun playing these wishy washy excuse of updates and your 1000000×10^99897 grind mats for a mini.
SOON? IMHO the LS content has been mediocre at best, some I have enjoyed others I’ve stayed away from but there will come a point in GW2 where an expansion will be the only thing to keep the players interested. We have lots of lore and areas yet to explore and temporarily opening those areas through LS won’t cut it unless the areas remain open after that LS content plays out. The game is now over 1 year old and those of us who have a year invested will want new areas to discover if the game is to survive and the older players stick around, I don’t believe Anet can accomplish keeping a aging player base without a expansion sometime in the not too distant future. (Like in 2014)
Of course this is JMHO
They NEVER said there wouldn’t be any expansions, just that they’re focused on Living Story. LS and Expansions shouldn’t be excluded from each other, as people are trying to make them look like.
Ether way to answer your question it’s a No to expansions coming SOON.
LS and Expansions are not mutually exclusive in theory. But with finite dev resources, we can realistically only have one or the other.
In any case, GW2’s problems won’t be solved by an expansion anyway — they have, for example, serious problems in their storytelling department that will appear whether in LS or an expansion.
They go live in China this year (early new years here I guess ) via the Chinese distributor. Then is when the expansion is going to hit would be my guess.
But they also said that working on huge patch that coming in 2014.Doesnt matter do u call it expansion or not,important is to add more perma content
They also said they released an expansion’s worth of content in 2013. LOL!!
Ya but no one would have paid for that nerfing/grinding/recycled content every few weeks——amount of new content is not an indicator of quality content. An expansion would have to be so much more than what is being continually offered up.
I’m so sick of people complaining. If Anet didn’t release any new content from here on out I still love the story, gameplay, art stycle, and fluid fighting style of this game more than any other mmo I’ve ever played (quite a lot of them). I love everything new that they add to the story. I like Scarlet. I like everything about this game except for the lack of owning cities as a guild/alliance/server (from Factions) and competing with other guilds/alliances/servers over those territory. People are so freaking negative. It’s like they think this game is junk, it’s NOT AT ALL! I loved Gw1, I love Gw2, and I love the living story! I feel bad for people who are so negative, how do you people EVER enjoy games? Sweet Karka shell this is frustrating to me how high horse gamers are.
I’m so sick of people complaining. If Anet didn’t release any new content from here on out I still love the story, gameplay, art stycle, and fluid fighting style of this game more than any other mmo I’ve ever played (quite a lot of them). I love everything new that they add to the story. I like Scarlet. I like everything about this game except for the lack of owning cities as a guild/alliance/server (from Factions) and competing with other guilds/alliances/servers over those territory. People are so freaking negative. It’s like they think this game is junk, it’s NOT AT ALL! I loved Gw1, I love Gw2, and I love the living story! I feel bad for people who are so negative, how do you people EVER enjoy games? Sweet Karka shell this is frustrating to me how high horse gamers are.
Because by this time in GW1’s lifetime, the base game had a couple permanent endgame areas that is being played up to this day, Factions was already released and Nightfall was on it’s way.
People are negative because GW2’s content so far is not on par.
Objectively. (that’s right I pulled that card out)
Because by this time in GW1’s lifetime, the base game had a couple permanent endgame areas that is being played up to this day, Factions was already released and Nightfall was on it’s way.
People are negative because GW2’s content so far is not on par.
Objectively. (that’s right I pulled that card out)
The problem with this logic is, even at the time, additional campaigns/expansions for guildwars 1 were very easy to make in comparison to potential expansion for gw2. You seriously think a company should be able to make expansions to an open world game that is actually an MMO at the same rate that they made additional content for a game that was essentially small multiplayer online? If Guildwars 1 was open world like World of Warcraft was, I GUARANTEE you that we would have never had additional content that fast with gw1. We would probably be close to getting EOTN or Nightfall at this point. Those games are totally incomparable.
So we just let Anet give us terribad LS every few weeks and smile, grind and be happy that we are getting shoddy content?
When a new MMO comes out that has engaging content, not written for 7 year olds then perhaps it might make the devs wake up.
Should we keep doing the same content for 7 years? Zerg this while in zerker gear with different baddies for 7 years? Because that is what it feels like.
At this point in time I am not even certain that people would even buy an expansion considering what GW2 had done with the core game.
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
Because by this time in GW1’s lifetime, the base game had a couple permanent endgame areas that is being played up to this day, Factions was already released and Nightfall was on it’s way.
People are negative because GW2’s content so far is not on par.
Objectively. (that’s right I pulled that card out)
The problem with this logic is, even at the time, additional campaigns/expansions for guildwars 1 were very easy to make in comparison to potential expansion for gw2. You seriously think a company should be able to make expansions to an open world game that is actually an MMO at the same rate that they made additional content for a game that was essentially small multiplayer online? If Guildwars 1 was open world like World of Warcraft was, I GUARANTEE you that we would have never had additional content that fast with gw1. We would probably be close to getting EOTN or Nightfall at this point. Those games are totally incomparable.
They have trouble producing content?
Just imagine what we’d have now if they stopped with the pointless festivus content and actually made this game less of a joke.
You have to remember that GW1 had expansions coming out so early because that was their entire business plan.
When the game launched micro-transactions didn’t really exist and it hadn’t occured to anyone that you could actually maintain a game and company (let alone make a profit) entirely from their sales. GW1 didn’t even have an online store when it launched. They made 100% of their money from selling copies and their business plan was to release an expansion every year to keep the money coming in and keep the game and company afloat.
That’s not the case with GW2. They’ve got the gem store to bring profits in (at a fraction of the cost of making expansions I suspect) so they can spend more time on other things instead of developing boxed games to sell.
And personally I think it’s a good thing that they’re not working on an expansion yet because they’re trying to do a lot of new things with this game and as people on this forum love to point out it’s taking them a while to get it right.
Remember that no sane studio releases content they think is bad, look at the base game, and then imagine what we’d get if they had started to work on an expansion straight after launch.
- A personal story centered around someone else (quite likely Traherne again) with ‘cut scenes’ consisting of two characters on a blurry background reading lines to each other with no context.
- No progression, at best new dungeons with new exotic skins which the fastest players would have in a week.
- The new daily/monthly system wouldn’t be in-game – we’d still be doing the same 5 dailies for one Mystic Coin and a bit of karma.
- Bosses with no unique mechanics which can be zerged by a 1/2 decent group and drop a green if you’re lucky. (It’s often forgotten but at launch even champions used the same loot system as everything else, they could and often did drop nothing at all.)
And probably a lot of other things which I’d remember if it wasn’t New Years eve and/or I hadn’t been left to make my own rum and coke.
Whereas this way they’ve had over a year to get feedback and experiment via the Living Story. Sure not all their new ideas have worked either, but that’s ok because after a month it’s gone and we don’t have to deal with it any more. The stuff that has been popular – like optional vertical progression and proper cut scenes – has been kept and improved on (tell me honestly you’d have prefered Marjory and Kasmeer chatting on a fuzzy background over that animation of the Tower of Nightmares being destroyed) and will continue to be improved in future.
Which means if and when they do start working on an expansion there’s a much better chance it will actually be content the majority of players want to see and will enjoy playing.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I’m wondering, the living story gets worse everytime
No it doesn’t. Just because Scarlet isn’t the most interesting villian doesn’t mean everything in the Living Story updates are bad. They add flavor to the game and new events. People were farming that tower up until the day it collapsed. If it were that bad, no one would even bother after the first day or two.
features which should be within the game gets sold for the price of an expansion
This is also patently false. Unless you know of a game where they release expansions for $10. This is a free to play game. Certain compromises are made when creating this game. Servers cost money to run, and developers don’t work for cookies, they have to recoup that money somehow.
achievements and updates are exactly the same as last year
What are you talking about? There are hundreds of achievements, which ones are you referring to? The holiday themed achievements? You’re right, many of them are the same. But who cares? They’re still fun! If you’re talking about the rest of the achievements, I don’t know what to tell you. Try PvP, or WvW, there are a ton of achievements in each of those.
The likelihood of a fully featured expansion is unlikely to ever happen. But the chance of a substantial feature update with level cap increase, new maps, new race, etc are more likely coming soon. I think it would be a safe bet that we could see a substantial feature update coming shortly after season 1 of the Living Story ends. Which would be in a couple of months from now.
For now, enjoy what we have so far. There’s a lot of game to be enjoyed; if you find yourself bored with one aspect, try another. You might be surprised by how awesome this game is and just how much there is to do.
I’m not really seeing that sort of thing happening before late into 2014, to be honest – at least not all of it. An “expansion in phases” would be acceptable, though, at least if there’s a way to make it work. And as long as there’s a way to fund its development without getting obnoxious with the gem store (considering LS updates have so far been free) – but if something is already in the works I suppose that question is already answered.
Stormbluff Isle ( http://www.stormbluffisle.com )
I would be very surprised if they didn’t come out with an expansion. Could you imagine how many boxes they would sell if they came out with another, “Nightfall”, or “Factions”?
You received an expansions worth of stuff in the first few months of the game being live and you still want more?! Maybe they will release another expansion size of content here in the next couple months!
The living story started bad but it’s getting better and better. It has different tastes and some complain if they don’t like the type, poor Anet. I hope they keep doing this. I had rly much fun with living the story since Bazaar.
LS started great and got worse and worse, in my opinion.
Anyhow, I don’t see anything new coming to this game any time soon. Seeing as how I’ve chosen to make my complaints known on the forum again instead of actually playing the game, I’m going to take another long break now. GW2 took a lot of the great things about GW1 and either changed them or removed them. They could have implemented a lot of their “new generation MMO” aspects while still keeping fun aspects of GW1, but they did not.
I don’t really bother with the forums if I’m a happy game player, but I do like to add my feedback to the lot since I am a paying customer (we paid for the game and possibly gems, we are paying customers, whether there’s a monthly sub or not).
Unfortunately, if there was an expansion at this point I don’t know if I’d buy it. They may have passed the point of no return (or no expansion purchase) for me.
We will see an expansion but not a traditional one. The LW will expand Tyria step by step. It is not unusual to dispense with a traditional expansion. LOTRO goes the same way.
Honestly if Anet came out and said they are going to stop releasing content every 2 weeks for 6 months (or however long) to pump out an expansion for holiday 2014 i would be 100% ok with it.
hard enough to make them cry, not just rivers but oceans."
Read this. Basically says the LS is the expansion and as long as it is successful you won’t see a boxed and sold one.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
How many times they said before the game was launched that they will launch it “when it is ready”. Something got in their way and forced them to release the game when it wasn’t ready (many saw the orr and end of the story as being rushed out)
So, they were not ready to release the game but they did. Now they need time to make the expansion and they buy that time with the Living Story
I think they work on some sort of expansion but they will keep us busy with LS until people who do it will shorten their numbers and the cash shop sales will be going down.
They can’t foresee when that will happen so they don’t have a time limit for making the expansion. Because they don’t promise anything they “don’t need” to keep it.
So, we may or we may not see an expansion but as long as the LS produces the desired results, they will keep working secretly on it without releasing any information.
They said no Expansion will come to GW2..
They also said there wasn’t going to be any grind…
There WILL be an expansion. NCSoft has repeatedly said such. Don’t let the misinformation cloud your judgment. LS was never intended to replace real expansions, not that it ever could.
There WILL be an expansion. NCSoft has repeatedly said such. Don’t let the misinformation cloud your judgment. LS was never intended to replace real expansions, not that it ever could.
You are the one misinforming people. The LS was supposed to be the replacement if according to them it was a success. And while many hate the LS successfully it might have done what it needed to do, while in the meanwhile destroying the game.
Anyway, here is the source:
“If we do this right,” he answered, “we will probably never do an expansion and everything will be going into this Living World strategy.”
There WILL be an expansion. NCSoft has repeatedly said such. Don’t let the misinformation cloud your judgment. LS was never intended to replace real expansions, not that it ever could.
You are the one misinforming people. The LS was supposed to be the replacement if according to them it was a success. And while many hate the LS successfully it might have done what it needed to do, while in the meanwhile destroying the game.
Anyway, here is the source:
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-03-its-unlikely-guild-wars-2-will-ever-get-an-expansion-pack“If we do this right,” he answered, “we will probably never do an expansion and everything will be going into this Living World strategy.”
There’s your answer right there. They DIDN’T do it right. Perk up, you have an expansion to look forward to, thank the six.
There WILL be an expansion. NCSoft has repeatedly said such. Don’t let the misinformation cloud your judgment. LS was never intended to replace real expansions, not that it ever could.
You are the one misinforming people. The LS was supposed to be the replacement if according to them it was a success. And while many hate the LS successfully it might have done what it needed to do, while in the meanwhile destroying the game.
Anyway, here is the source:
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-03-its-unlikely-guild-wars-2-will-ever-get-an-expansion-pack“If we do this right,” he answered, “we will probably never do an expansion and everything will be going into this Living World strategy.”
There’s your answer right there. They DIDN’T do it right. Perk up, you have an expansion to look forward to, thank the six.
According to you and to me and to many people they did not do it right. But you should also see that the living story is just about generating gem-sales so while it might destroy the game, in there opinion it might do what it needs to do. Even with all the complains they are just starting a new LS season. So they might see that different.
Especially if Ncsoft does not see GW2 as a long term investment but a short term (3 years?) investment. Then the LS might be cheaper while squeezing out the last money in the remaining time. Then Ncsoft focuse on Wildstar and after that maybe yet another game. That might be there whole business model. It’s not like it’s there own game like Lineage was. For them it’s just an investment and they might not see it or be interested in it as a long-term investment. You don’t know.
(edited by Devata.6589)