Exploration Rewards-Not A Happy Explorer
I guess you were dissatisfied with the buttload of experience and the free crafting mats too then?
The gear is just icing on the cake for me. 40 orichalcum ore for zone completion? Yes please.
Still, it’d be nice if it were at least class specific. Bit strange that it’s not.
Even if they were class specific, not everyone would be happy. I play Staff ele, so if I got a Dagger and a Focus, I would sell them just the same.
Not only that, but I share all the loot I get with my Guild, so that someone is always happy. Plus, it makes it all the sweeter when you finally get a godly piece of loot you can use.
it´s a bit quirky, but by the rate you outlevel equipment, that isn´t a big issue before lvl 80.
And all of this is made irrelevant by the TP.
I’m OK with the monetary rewards, but I’d hardly call it buttloads of XP for exploring. Sure when going to a new area on a new day you get a ton of XP traveling around doing hearts and events, but most of that XP comes from other stuff you do while there (events, daily goals, and killing stuff), not from actual exploring (POI, vistas, mining, etc). I’d like to see a more even distribution of XP so that explorers can effectively level by finding out of the way places giving great XP just for getting yourself there, just like killers and crafters can do.
Example: finding the end of Sharkmaw Caverns in LA for the first time requires some jumping skill, time figuring out the maze, and trap avoiding skills, and is a really fun experience with great visuals, but I easily get could x5 the XP in the same amount of time doing events and hearts.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
“I guess you were dissatisfied with the buttload of experience and the free crafting mats too then?
The gear is just icing on the cake for me. 40 orichalcum ore for zone completion? Yes please.”
That’s funny, coz I got 40 wool for that, so yeah, I was still dissatisfied with the reward, even with the xp. I could farm much more xp off the mobs faster than wasting time finding all the vistas and POIs, not to mention the loot.
“Even if they were class specific, not everyone would be happy. I play Staff ele, so if I got a Dagger and a Focus, I would sell them just the same.
Not only that, but I share all the loot I get with my Guild, so that someone is always happy. Plus, it makes it all the sweeter when you finally get a godly piece of loot you can use.”
Yes, but at least it would be something you could use some other time, in my case I wasn’t even able to equip the rewards. Which makes it even sadder, because I’m still running with a crappy, outleveled gear myself.
You’re a spoiled wow-bred gamer for wanting to be rewarded, exploration is your reward enjoy it….
Ok blah blah I’m just preparing you for what you will be hearing soon.
For anyone who actually disagrees with him, there’s no good reason it shouldn’t be linked to your profession lol.
You’re a spoiled wow-bred gamer for wanting to be rewarded, exploration is your reward enjoy it….
Ok blah blah I’m just preparing you for what you will be hearing soon.
For anyone who actually disagrees with him, there’s no good reason it shouldn’t be linked to your profession lol.
You sir, sure know to insult a person. I’ll have you know that I’ve barely played WoW, back when it came out, few days only. And then I’ve rushed into a store to buy GW1, coz it was infinitely better
At any rate, thanks for your contribution to the cause Because really, it’s exactly what you’re saying-no reason not to
(edited by Dervim.3817)
You’re a spoiled wow-bred gamer for wanting to be rewarded, exploration is your reward enjoy it….
Ok blah blah I’m just preparing you for what you will be hearing soon.
For anyone who actually disagrees with him, there’s no good reason it shouldn’t be linked to your profession lol.
You sir, sure know to insult a person. I’ll have you know that I’ve barely played WoW, back when it came out, few days only. And then I’ve rushed into a store to buy GW1, coz it was infinitely better
At any rate, thanks for your contribution to the cause
Because really, it’s exactly what you’re saying-no reason not to
You realize I was mocking those that spew that on these forums right?
Sharkmaw caverns in LA like the ogre cave and trolls end are for achievements only they are for people who solely like exploring. If you want xp and loot don’t do jumping puzzles. Those are there for people who like that sort of thing.
And if you dont think all the POI’s and vistas + the xp you get from the completion is a lot then go level a character and only do hearts and skill points in each map and one that you 100% each one.
Argh, this ones a tough one to call… I for one love exploring, and have run through several of the jump puzzles and things just to see if I could do them.
That said, when I do get rewards from chests and exploration quests.. it does rankle that the rewards are very rarely even usable by my class. I guess it helps promote a bit of trade, or in my case, provides a couple of extra crafting mats.
Best suggestion I could think of would be to weigh the loot tables in favour of a players class, but not to the exclusion of all else….
After all, if a reward item is absolutely phenomenal, I’ve got guildies or alts that might be able to use it…
Meh, I think I’ll just remain on the fence
As I just mentioned in another thread, I think map completion rewards should be unique to each region, since each zone and race are so well designed, the rewards should be more lore oriented.
Given that a lot of the game is based on exploring, I would like to feel more accomplished after completing a whole map section. I understand rewards now are useful, for mats/exp/money but they just don’t feel “special” enough in the achievement sense.
I do wish that the big rewards like this were linked to our profession. I was a tad surprised to find that they weren’t.
Sharkmaw caverns in LA like the ogre cave and trolls end are for achievements only they are for people who solely like exploring. If you want xp and loot don’t do jumping puzzles. Those are there for people who like that sort of thing.
And if you dont think all the POI’s and vistas + the xp you get from the completion is a lot then go level a character and only do hearts and skill points in each map and one that you 100% each one.
Yes, but Anet’s philosophy for the game is that anyone can play the way they like and progress in levels doing what they like. That is true for hack ’n slashers, true for crafters, true for RPGers (personal story), true for PVPers (tho different kind of XP; glory), but false for exploring. Why should explorers be handicapped when every other type of player is justly rewarded with good XP for their efforts?
Did you not read the post? I did do all the vista, POI, and even hearts, and the XP was away lower (i.e. slower) than when I did events, crafting, and daily goals. I spent almost 4 hours doing all the explorables in Diessa Plateau (including a few events) and got 1.5 levels. Then when I completed that, I did a personal story mission and events for 1.5 hours and picked up another level, plus an equivalent amount of achievement points due to daily goals and kill tiers. That’s almost twice as fast for the same achievement points! Imbalanced much?
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
Build a set of equipment with +magic find on it… you’ll get better rewards.
You can’t include story missions in your viewing of fairness, there’s nothing aside from completing dungeons that nets you as much xp as story missions.
But the point you are trying to make is the whole conflict. Nothing requires you to explore, it’s an added bonus for those who ENJOY exploring as you just said you can do it faster the other way.
“But I like exploring”
Apparently you only like it if you feel compensated for the time spent. As your post title says you arent a happy explorer. When I played wow I used to explore and get above and under cities/maps/invisible walls all the time for NO reward. I did it cause I genuinely liked doing it.
Anet made a thing for those of us that genuinely like doing it and said hey here’s a little something for your trouble. Nothing requires you to explore maps. You aren’t killing zhaitan by exploring Orr, last bosses of dungeons don’t die after you figured out a way to jump onto a ledge. It’s extra fluff that just doing it is it’s own reward Anet was kind enough to toss you some coin while doing it.
Build a set of equipment with +magic find on it… you’ll get better rewards.
Whoa, you almost make it sound like it’s gonna make a difference to someone who haven’t tried it.
I am not the topic creator. I never said I was unhappy with it, I just think it would be more fair if was worth a player’s time as much as other activities in the game, like crafting. Crafting is a bonus to the main elements of the game, too, but it gives much more XP than exploring.
Anet made a thing for those of us that genuinely like doing it and said hey here’s a little something for your trouble. Nothing requires you to craft items. You aren’t killing zhaitan by crafting Orr, last bosses of dungeons don’t die after you figured out a way to manufacture a jute headstrap. It’s extra fluff that just doing it is it’s own reward Anet was kind enough to toss you some coin while doing it and, unlike exploring, a buttload of XP.
Still imbalanced.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
That’s funny, coz I got 40 wool for that, so yeah, I was still dissatisfied with the reward, even with the xp. I could farm much more xp off the mobs faster than wasting time finding all the vistas and POIs, not to mention the loot.
I don’t think you can call yourself an explorer, and then say that you are wasting time finding vistas and POIs. Explorers do just that, explore the map, look for easter eggs, find hidden things.
Most games don’t reward you at all, you just get the satisfaction of seeing everything. This game comes along and actually gives you something, and you complain about it.
Seems like another self entitled person wanting rewards for doing things they claim to enjoy.
I must say I’m not a big fan of a 1c monetary reward for completing a zone (Lion’s Arch). Maybe that was just a bug?
I got a cool email from the exploration society!
Just that fact alone is amazing. Email in a world without electricity is pretty darn impressive!
Salvage gear you can’t use or sell and use the material to create gear for your own profession.
Yes, but Anet’s philosophy for the game is that anyone can play the way they like and progress in levels doing what they like. That is true for hack ’n slashers, true for crafters, true for RPGers (personal story), true for PVPers (tho different kind of XP; glory), but false for exploring. Why should explorers be handicapped when every other type of player is justly rewarded with good XP for their efforts?
If I liked AFKing in safe areas, would I be equally entitled to profit and progress by doing it?
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
I can count on my hands the rewards I was able to use ( 2 characters now ). Hell I even got 2 of the same items I can’t use on the same map completion…..
I’d make 1 you can wear, 1 random , token and crafting goods, IMO
I must say I’m not a big fan of a 1c monetary reward for completing a zone (Lion’s Arch). Maybe that was just a bug?
Guessing it is to prevent people from creating a new character, getting zone completion in all the cities, deleting character and repeating.
For me personally, I did 100% map completion because I like exploration. I would have done so without rewards, but the rewards were a nice little bonus.
In those rewards, I would have liked to have had more things I could use, but I didn’t mind THAT much since they were earned from something I would have done anyway. Completing every map in the game gave my Elementalist a single class-usable item, a staff. Since I usually run S/D, and that staff had stats that didn’t meld well with my trait setup, I just gave it away.
My guildmates, however, were quite happy to take the useful stuff I got off my hands, and the trading post (when it was up), NPC vendors, and salvaging handled the rest.
I personally didn’t find completing every map on my road to 80 that much slower than doing non-abusive event chains, or current crafting. I reached 80 after approximately 85 hours of gameplay (from /age), and I still had Frostgorge, WvW, the three Orr areas, and half of Mount Maelstrom left to do.
I think crummy/irrelevant loot is ANet’s way of convincing us that loot doesn’t matter.