Exploring the missing parts

Exploring the missing parts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: innocent ouarior.1954

innocent ouarior.1954

I’v got 100% world exploration since awhile but for some reason I have Magguma jungle achievement at 163/167 and Shiverpeaks at 172/173 in the achievement window.

I’d like to complete the achievements for the 20 points I lack but its freaking impossible to find what I missed since all zones appear as complete. Any tip?

Exploring the missing parts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Here you go, just look at each map and see that all the named sections are uncovered.


Exploring the missing parts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I’d advice to ignore it instead of tearing your hair off.

I got 100% exploration with 2 characters and still have 172/173 and similar counts for several of the zones. Even when trying to complete it I found like half a dozen new areas yet none counted towards completion for some reason, even those areas other people suggested as the missing ones, nope I get the “you have discovered this area!” notification but nothing changes.

Exploring the missing parts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neishi.5309


Map completion is only determined by hearts, waypoints, vistas, skill points, and points of interest. There’s some areas that don’t have any of those, so they’re easy to oversee. I had to check out the completed maps on the wiki to find out what I was missing. It’ll be named areas so they shouldn’t be overly hard to find.