Extra laurel
Lol, if its like the last time this happened then yes.
Yes it does
can ne1 confirm they’ve claimed the extra laurel for the day?
I was surprised with a free reset. It was not my fault or intentional that I got an extra laurel today.
Yep you could get an extra laurel today if you completed the Daily after the patch but before server daily reset. Same thing happened on the day they brought out the laurels. I missed that one but got this one.
Yes, now bring on the flame and rant. How this is Anet’s fault and you are being punished for it.
Why do you even post this thread, was it too hard to ask in game? Or are you looking to make a point here how you did not get you’r extra laurel and therefor others should not?
Yea I got another laurel, was fortunate caused I missed a daily the other day. It pays to complete your dailies before going to bed the night it resets!
can ne1 confirm they’ve claimed the extra laurel for the day?
Sure can.
I got the bonus laurel, it’s challenging but I completed the dailies in less than an hour after downloading the patch and then again when it reset. Not everyone can log in during the brief window when this is possible but if you can then it’s a nice bonus. Keep an eye out for it on patch days, I guess.
I guess i missed out because of my timezone again, fair not really..
You guys are probably going to get banned for this.
This is not the first time it happens. Since they didn’t fix it then it means they allowed it.
The laurel system seems to be designed to keep every1 on the same pace, 1 per daily, 10 per monthly.
If there are any ways to circumvent this system, it should be brought to the devs’ attention, they cannot fix what they dont know about.
For those who’ve posted on the thread confirming they got the extra laurel, im sure that at most their account will just be browsed through a database tool to confirm the extra laurel. I doubt the erroneous benevolence of laurels will be reversed, but hope it’s prevented in the future =)
The same thing happened the day laurels were introduced. The devs already know about it, and didn’t change it. So maybe they don’t care or have more important things to worry about.
LOL there was no exploit you clowns. The daily system changed and once implemented they became active. You had a couple of hours to do that days current “new” daily before the reset.
Lol, it’s not an exploit and I am pretty certain they know and don’t care about it. This is already the second time it has happened, they would have prevented it if they actually wanted to.
It’s one whole laurel. Hardly the end of the world.
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.