[FEEDBACK] Reward System for Dragon Ball...

[FEEDBACK] Reward System for Dragon Ball...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlueIceshard.8495


Hi ArenaNet.

First of all, i have to say, that it is really amazing to play the game mode Dragon Ball.

But poorly I am not good at this game mode atm. And I asked myself why I am playing this game mode anymore if I am just loosing again and again.

There is actually just a reward for 5 wins/day and a reward for 10 wins. But for a bad player who wants to improve his skills in Dragon Ball, it is just frustrating to play more than an hour without rewards, where i could get Gold, Bandit Crests or other stuff instead wasting my time without getting anything.
I really want to play Dragon Ball, but there isn’t any motivation, if you are getting nothing after finishing (and most of the time loosing a match)

[FEEDBACK] Reward System for Dragon Ball...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MegumiAzusa.2918


When I was young and UT was still a thing getting good was a motivation on its own ^^