FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solbrio.1902


It’s usually pretty friendly. It seems though, every early morning, there are a few people that get into chat and start being extremely vulgar, rude, and explicit.

Before anyone says the usual “grow up”, “block them”, etc. I’d like to just point out that everyone agreed they wouldn’t use that language when the signed up for this game. So c’mon, please be respectful already, you’re ruinin’ the atmosphere!

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alkaladar.6589


I read your post, and all I have to say is. Turn on the chat filter.

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solbrio.1902


There are things that people can say, that the chat filter won’t pick up on, and they are still not appropriate for public chat. That’s all I have to say to you, about that.

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amra.6028


As you disabled the filter, you yourself agreed to be able to read those words. I still don’t get why any kind of judgment needs to be done in such cases as there is a function to ignore people as well, it even works for the full account so you’ll never hear from that one again.
Crying for support cause someone called you something most possibly for a reason is so immature, you’re not better than the one calling you out.

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kailthir.6384


Solbrio… i agree with you about some things being inappropiate in public chat on an MMO… but here is the rub….

What is inappropiate to one person could be totally appropiate to another. The bylaws gouverning this, are very broad and not too specific… which in turn leads to individual interpertation.

I am not agreeing or disagreeing with you, just trying to put it into perspective.

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cantatus.4065


If anyone is particularly vulgar or inflammatory, there is an option when you report someone to pick offensive language as the reason. I’m not sure if they’re still doing this, but early on, there were a lot of reports of people getting suspended for 72 hours for not being respectful in chat.

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saraneth.6021


There is a report function for verbal abuse, not for general swearing. If you do not want to see general swearing there is a filter for that. Why in gods name would you turn it off if you are going to take offence to some bad words?

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solbrio.1902


Just to spell it out all nice and clear for the ones here that are telling me to “get over it”. I’m talking about racist remarks, references to genitalia….profanity does NOT offend me. Those other “topics” however, DO. They are not appropriate for a game’s public chat.

In my opinion, the only reason anyone would say those types of things in a public chat is for attention, and to start these kinds of arguments. It’s common sense that there will be people that do not appreciate reading those things.

To reiterate again, we all agreed to #1, #3, #4 when we purchased and logged into this. So for however much you tell me to use the chat filter, it still is reportable and punishable.

I don’t want anyone to get banned. I just want everyone to play respectfully. Is that really so hard to do anymore?

(edited by Moderator)

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: No Leaf Clover.4893

No Leaf Clover.4893

I never met such people myself, but if you’re talking racism or such low-level “conversations”, I guess there’s nothing else to do but report them. I mean, if racism could be easily talked out of, what a perfect place the world would be.

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rickdog.2853


Thats guild wars 1, updated october 8 2009.

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solbrio.1902


So very sorry, the Code of Conduct is so very different, I hadn’t realized… <— #1 and #3 still apply.

(That’ll teach me to use internet search and click on the first one that pops up)

FYI, chat filter does not mean you can say what you want!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darque Intent.1674

Darque Intent.1674

I don’t think map chat should be used for what would otherwise be private conversations, regardless of content.
It’s just as annoying to have trolls engaging their keyboards, rather than their brains. As it must be for you to suffer what would be considered unnecessary “vulgarity”.

Maybe an off topic chat function that is off by default would help keep them “out of sight and out of mind”. It’s just plain anti-social.

All hail Emperor Anet, and their new clothes!

(edited by Darque Intent.1674)