Factions and Reputation

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


I would love to see more factions in Tyria. Currently there are the races and the Vigil/Priory/Whispers orders but none of them play a real part in the game Beyond the personal story.

Now that Zhaitan is defeated and the Mordrem have sprouted, why not introduce some factions in the game that players can find in various zones and help out for reputation and tiered rewards from faction quartermasters. The two most obvious factions would be one dedicated to thinning the risen from the world and one dedicated to thinning the mordrem.

I think this would add some life into Tyria as well as give players more to do in the form of reputation to earn and rewards to unlock for purchase.

I would also like to see this reputation idea added to the current Orders (Vigil/Whispers/Priory). They play such a small part. Why not add missions the player can do that offers side story about the orders and their campaigns and the parts they play in the world outside of the personal story. This would add more life in the game, more story and allow the player to really feel like they are a part of whatever order they joined. Not to mention give players more content to explore and things to achieve.

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steveway.3167


I would love to see more factions in Tyria. Currently there are the races and the Vigil/Priory/Whispers orders but none of them play a real part in the game Beyond the personal story.

Now that Zhaitan is defeated and the Mordrem have sprouted, why not introduce some factions in the game that players can find in various zones and help out for reputation and tiered rewards from faction quartermasters. The two most obvious factions would be one dedicated to thinning the risen from the world and one dedicated to thinning the mordrem.

I think this would add some life into Tyria as well as give players more to do in the form of reputation to earn and rewards to unlock for purchase.

I would also like to see this reputation idea added to the current Orders (Vigil/Whispers/Priory). They play such a small part. Why not add missions the player can do that offers side story about the orders and their campaigns and the parts they play in the world outside of the personal story. This would add more life in the game, more story and allow the player to really feel like they are a part of whatever order they joined. Not to mention give players more content to explore and things to achieve.

I love this idea. I think the orders were under used. We join and next thing you know we leave and forget about them. A faction/reputation system that would lead to special weps/armor/items would be great and give more to do in existing maps.
Also this could work toward a faction specific item that could be used to make legendary armor. Imagine legendary whispers/vigil/priory armor.

(edited by steveway.3167)

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

Hmm…. this is interesting. Maybe it could play out something like this:

OoW characters: Get mini adventures/side quests where they go out and perform assassinations, blackmail, stealing, or investigation (similar to what we did with Kasmeer at that party in Divinity’s Reach to expose Minister Estelle).

Vigil characters: side quests to fend off dragon minions throughout Tyria, because for a game about dragons, we don’t seem to do much that has to do with dragons outside of personal story and living story. Maybe vigil characters will always be ‘on patrol’ and their presence in various areas throughout the game would trigger new events that deal specifically with fighting dragon minions, and the triggering of these events would require a player to be Vigil (since the Vigil was founded to fight the elder dragons specifically)

Priory players: could be tasked to explore newly discovered tombs, dungeons, jumping puzzles, ruins, and such. Exploration, research, discoveries, documentation. Exactly what the priory is for.

Completion of these things would of course offer faction/notoriety points (even though the players are technically commander of all 3 orders at one time, but up until recently that little fact kept getting swept under the rug).

I dunno, just a thought.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sethren.8472


I am extremely hesitant with this because it smacks of a reputation grind. In that regard, I would have to adamantly disagree. Now, if ANet was able to implement it without using a faction grind, then this could be good. I don’t want to have to grind faction in order to experience content.

Chimeras Family – Korvaseth (Mes), Sethren (Necro)
Sea of Sorrows

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steveway.3167


I am extremely hesitant with this because it smacks of a reputation grind. In that regard, I would have to adamantly disagree. Now, if ANet was able to implement it without using a faction grind, then this could be good. I don’t want to have to grind faction in order to experience content.

This is the same thing that was in GW1 with the kurzik/luxons. It’s not much of a different mechanic. If its done correctly it wouldn’t be any more of a grind than getting geodes to buy from merchants in dry top (which ia also a reputation system of sorts by earning “favor”.)

(edited by steveway.3167)

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I am extremely hesitant with this because it smacks of a reputation grind. In that regard, I would have to adamantly disagree. Now, if ANet was able to implement it without using a faction grind, then this could be good. I don’t want to have to grind faction in order to experience content.

This is the same thing that was in GW1 with the kurzik/luxons.

Didnt Anet said they don’t want to repeat content with factions on war?

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xev.9476


It does sound like a rep grind, but I happen to love rep grinds because they add another goal post to shoot for. That’s obviously not a terribly persuasive argument, but there it is.

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


I am extremely hesitant with this because it smacks of a reputation grind. In that regard, I would have to adamantly disagree. Now, if ANet was able to implement it without using a faction grind, then this could be good. I don’t want to have to grind faction in order to experience content.

Agreed, if Anet did it in their own way, like they tend to do, and made it less grindy it would be great (IMO). If I could expand on the idea:

These factions and the reputation you gain within them would be present from an early level. You would possibly gain rep just by killing whatever their focus is after maybe an initiation “heart” or something (for the sake of establishing with the player a relationship with the faction and knowing what the rep is and to who). Reward tiers would open up and possibly offer unique crafting mats and recipes for crafting items with unique gear themed to that faction or even uniquely skinned gear plain and simple. As more dragons arise, a relative faction would too to deal with the minions while the major players, Vigil, Priory, Whispers, deal with the dragons themselves.

The 3 Orders would possibly have missions or campaigns you could accept (similar to the living story) that would tell a story relative to that Order, its goals, key players and politics. These stories could sometimes coincide with the Living Story to hint at what is to come in the next episode or show a little more insight from the prospective of different philosophies. Missions of each Order could be available to the players regardless of which Order the player chooses in their living story. That choice maybe could offer bonus rep gain for that Order per mission, reduced costs and special privileges.

Some of the characters we meet from the Orders (Tybalt, Sieran, Forgal) could be learned about in low level missions prior to working with them in the story mission.

That’s kinda how I first imagined it.

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


It does sound like a rep grind, but I happen to love rep grinds because they add another goal post to shoot for. That’s obviously not a terribly persuasive argument, but there it is.

It is my personal opinion that this game needs more goal posts to shoot for. Legendary items and ascended gear feel like all people have. I hope in the future they add content similar to this in that it gives people more to work towards and achieve. I just hope it’s not too grindy. But hey, people seem to be willing to run the same dungeons and world bosses over and over for 2 years… right?

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

Yes please.

This isn’t WoW. We’ll have more things to aim for, and it won’t restrict us at all (Functionally at least). We can have weapon skins and stuff from these factions too, along with runes, possible Armor components, stat sets and more.

I ? Karkas.

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


I kinda liked the repgrind in WoW, even for pointless factions. It was just another bar to fill and sometimes you got some cool items.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


I kinda liked the repgrind in WoW, even for pointless factions. It was just another bar to fill and sometimes you got some cool items.

Well it added progression. Like you said it gives you something more to work on. I think Anet could do better though in this game.

Factions and Reputation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


Yes please.

This isn’t WoW. We’ll have more things to aim for, and it won’t restrict us at all (Functionally at least). We can have weapon skins and stuff from these factions too, along with runes, possible Armor components, stat sets and more.

EXACTLY! Like I’ve been saying, this game needs more for players to strive for, to achieve. Something similar to this system would provide the players with that. A form of horizontal progression. And YES YES YES on the weapon skins. This game is in dire need of more skins in the game, separate from the gem store. This sort of system would be the perfect way to add in new skins into the game that carry meaning and have origin rather than just being something anyone could have gotten off the TP. And that is something I think this game needs too. Gear that means something. Like the new PvP exclusive gear.