Falling Traits Feedback [merged]
I use this traits all the time. They are usefull when running around, doing WvW or JP.
That said, I think they are a really bad, passive and boring game design element.
Love the “movement mastery” general idea, and the just-input-dodge-at-landing idea too. Those are way better game mechanics.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
the problem with these traits, as i see it, is that you only want them for a very brief space of time, and then want an easy way to switch them out. Or if you leave them in, it’s because literally nothing else in that trait tier is of any utility at all.
just make it so that falling out of combat causes half damage. leave in things like snowfall runes for people who love jps/etc. Roll the actual skill-trigger-on-taking-fall-damage into some other passive trait – i think i suggested the traits that trigger when your health falls below a certain percentage in another thread.
the problem with these traits, as i see it, is that you only want them for a very brief space of time, and then want an easy way to switch them out. Or if you leave them in, it’s because literally nothing else in that trait tier is of any utility at all.
Hrm, this is not reaaally problem apart from in theory being able to swap outside of combat, IMO.
That is to say, if at some point during your character’s life you had to permanently decide “Do you want to take less falling damage” or “Do you want to take less damage per illusion you have up”, that’d be an interesting and valid choice. It might be tempting to say that falling damage is trash, OTOH you never get a second chance, and you lose out on shortcuts in WvW galore, you cannot do jump ambush attacks and you cannot take direct routes in PvE.
Since you can freely wap them, that’s a problem as people who don’t mind the extra busy work will ofc be tempted to swap them on/off. Though in WvW that’s risky, you never know when you need to jump off the cliff behind the tower or so.
One idea here, going with the “falling”, would be to combine these with the on-downed traits? Stupid word based idea I guess but it could affect both falling in the scenery and falling in battle?
That way there is more incentive to not try to swap them on/off, while they’re still a very real choice as far as taking shortcuts goes.
Falling Damage Reduction and Passive 25% Movement Speed should NOT be part of a combat-centric trait and skill system—even more so with the way the trait system works now.
These QoL abilities benefit the whole of the character experience, regardless of combat.
These should absolutely be obtainable via the Mastery System.
Or, change the baseline running speed to 25% faster than it is right now and reduce falling damage to half of what it currently is, ending this silliness once and for all.!
You Die, You Learn Faster