Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mikeydoodle.9621


A place to post your favorite things about the game or the people who created the game! If you are a new player or even a Vet, Write what you love about the game! Give a compliment to the makers of the best MMORPG Ever to have been created! You might just make someone’s day in the process!

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorddavito.2395


Good idea,

Thanks Anet for making this game so bad I hopped back to a game that’s actually good. GW1.

Sadly you used GW1 only as USP (unique selling point), the name, instead of bringing some actual GW1 stuff into this game. If only you brought out GW1 in GW2 graphics… what a game that would’ve been.

So, thank you for showing me how great GW1 was, it’s actually as crowded in Kamadan again as it used to be.. love it!


Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avador.8934


Thank you Anet for making this game for us ^^. I love Guild Wars 2. That’s the main reason I play it. From all mmorpgs this is the best one I’ve ever played. Because it’s unique, and it’s fun. And I like unique things. Sure, there are some weaker spots, but I believe most of them will be adressed in future and overall the cons are FAR inferior to pros. So…
- thank you for such beautiful animations and combat style
- thank you for such a diverse world
- thank you for uw combat (but still it needs some love :P)
- thank you for story (PS, LW all seasons, and other events)
- thank you for Asura!
- thank you for Charr!!
- thank you for HoT and its content, I love HoT maps! (although I hope the next expansion will be bigger in content)
- thank you for Taimi and other great characters
- thank you for Nevermore!
- thank you for Quaggan!
- thank you for awesome PvP!! (but some love to ele would be nice with next patch :P )
- and many other things ….
So thank you for GW2

I am lazy to write it over and over. So sorry for my English.

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Thank you ANet for the experiences of the first year in GW2! Never have I so enjoyed an MMO with it’s living world so much and still wish it was 2012 again. The every 2 weeks update may have been too short for some, but once a month would have been perfect for all IMO. I truly enjoyed being able to get most achievements without having to watch a cut scene 5 times or needing to redo instances.

P.S. since later in 2013 your direction for the game has gone astray of what I liked about GW2 and I fear it will sadly never return.

Edit: clarity

(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Thank you to Maclaine and Lena for all you do for us. =)

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


The ongoing dedication to the living story and ongoing plot of the world is much appreciated. It is refreshing to have a PvE game in which logging in every few weeks/months without incessant grinding is sufficient to catch up on the new and exciting adventures of your established characters.

It is a model I with more PvE centric MMOs would follow.

I have not too many good things to say about the design of the pvp parts of the game, but as a PvE game I think it does a great job of delivering on the promise of “join a fantasy world and become a hero”

If you only casually play for the story, it still feels good and rewarding, like you only pull out your weapons for dire threats. Meanwhile if you just want to farm that stuff still exists. It doesn’t hold my time hostage and lets me play other games I also enjoy if I choose to, and that’s pretty great.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arakshaluum.5908


Hurrah! I found this thread again in my Chrome history. I have been bursting to say something in appreciation of GW2 ever since I started playing the demo at the end of July. And there are so many things to appreciate!

When setting up my first couple of characters I was moved by the poetry in the process, even to misty eyes in one case.

The painterliness of the preludes and interludes.

The variety of settings, the attention to detail and decorations, the buildings, the terrain, the fields and forests*, the flowers and grasses, the backstories, the open-endedness.

[*and yes, I was thinking of “Watching and Waiting” by The Moody Blues when I wrote “fields and forests”]

All the critters and how they move! Last night I saw an eagle glide to a landing and fold its wings — awesome! The water and the ability to swim on and in it!

There’s also something about the ethical ambiance and options that I can’t quite put into words, but which I have noticed and appreciate.

It’s nice to be able to venture into multi-player events without formally joining a party. I’m by temperament a little skittish about the social aspects, but am getting into the shallow end a little.

My only other experience with an MMO was playing SWTOR for a few months last year. (I wasn’t much of a video game player before that.) It was by searching for SWTOR alternatives recently that I found out about GW2 — and I’m glad I did!

Within only a few days of playing the demo I was convinced to pay for the full GW2 HoT game, directly from ArenaNet.

Thank you, everyone involved in making this! It’s obvious that a lot of love has gone into GW2.

And thank you fellow players, for participating and keeping this beautiful world lively. May the Mists catch you gently when you perish, and cough you back up if it’s not your time to go.

As an NPC sitting under a tree with his dog once said in the full blossom of a peaceful evening, “I like it here.”

(edited by Arakshaluum.5908)

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

I’ll add my thanks too. This game gives me almost everything I’ve wanted in a game. If I ever whine in these forums it’s only because I want to see it get better and better.

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvatar.5379


Thanks to everyone involved in making GW2! I still remember the first moment that I logged in and saw the incredible graphics and design of the game. It was awe-inspiring. I particularly loved the first season with living story. To create a game that was in a constant state of evolution was a novel idea and incredibly brave to pursue. It broke the mold of traditional MMO’s. It’s unfortunate that people don’t seem ready for that just yet.

The HoT maps in particular are nothing short of spectacular. I can’t imagine the amount of work that must have gone into them. There is so much more that desires praise so I will just say keep up the great work.

(edited by Silvatar.5379)

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Vanilla gw2 was awesome. The combat and everything was awesome in vanilla gw2. ty for vanilla gw2 it was amazing.
You took every single issue I had with gw1..and you FIXED it! That is AMAZINGGGG.

Never have I ever seen that in a game before. The combat was amazing and the dodge system and everything was so much fun.

ty for vanilla gw2.

Bloodstone fen map is a very very very pretty map. whoever did the colours and what not for that deserves high praise.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


I feel very sad for the people who have no regard for the Original Poster and sought to bring down this thread.

I also thank the developers for making GW2. The original game was insanely wonderful and the stories continue to appeal to my emotions. The environment art is often wonderful and I also appreciate the developers who like to inject some humor into the world. And I love the music.

I love the holidays and wish we could see some of them again.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Griffin.5379


Thank you for doing things differently than all the WoW offspring and creating an MMO so off the “Norm”.

Thank you for a game without a tiring, grindy exponential level curve.

Thank you for making it B2P.

Thank you for doing flying right (

And Thank you for (as far as I see it on Enemies) doing mounted combat right.

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


This game fits my style of play perfectly. I hate doing one thing. I start doing something, get distracted by something else and the next thing you know…oh look, a squirrel.

Seriously. I go to farm some wood, because I need a lot of wood. So I’m in a zone and suddenly there’s an event I like. I follow the event and it leads to jumping puzzle I haven’t done in ages and I say wow, I should do that. Then I do the jumping puzzle and someone calls out in map chat that a meta event boss is up, so I go do that.

By the end of the day I’ve gathered no wood, but I’m happy anyway.

This is my kind of game. lol

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mea.5491


THANK YOU ANET for the Sylvari, GLIDING!, no subscription fees, the fun combat system, the awesome story, the amazing maps, the exciting meta events, the cool character customization (skins and dyes included), the gem store sales (more please!), the cool underwater combat (yes, I actually like it).

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kurfu.5623


The core game of GW2 was simply amazing – more of that please!

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidenwolf.5964


Thanks for selling me a BUY TO PLAY MMO then giving it away for free! You’ve tought me to never ride hype trains.

To be fair, there’s a whole lot of limitations on the free to play game. No daily log in rewards, so very very few laurels, only 2 character slots, not full access to the trading post, no talking in map chat at all, and limited ability to whisper people who aren’t on your friend’s list. Can’t use a guild bank. Can’t send money or items to people at all. It’s a pretty long list.

I see the free to play as more of an unlimited demo than a full copy of the game.

While WhiteKnight is right, you see that from a wrong perspective.
Point is, you brought a game for money x and played a lot of hours. Would you say that your enjoyment of the game was not worth the money you payed?
In my case, like with Skyrim where i dumped hundreds of hour into, was way way more worth than my original purchase price, the same goes for GW2.
(I think for a Gamer there is just one important calculation: spend money / time of enjoyment)

Offering the game as F2P now only causes more people to play who did not want to take the risk of buying the game and not enjoying it at first, people who were not on the hype train.
End result is, a lot more people playing the game who would otherwise not play.
And for an MMO, the more people the better.

After your logic i have to be kittened about any game I bought for a high price that got cheaper over time. Or were on a sale somewhere, sometime.(Hint: that’s about any game).

Thank You ArenaNet for turning most of the base Game F2P, so our community grows, and you get more people probably buying the game, thus earning more money, thus being able to make the game better.

And they make less money now than before FTP. Thanks for giving GW2 away? I’ll never understand some people, GW Factions still isn’t free and they don’t even support that game anymore.

Buy To Play Guild Wars 2 2012-2015 – RIP
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WhiteKnight.6759


Thanks for selling me a BUY TO PLAY MMO then giving it away for free! You’ve tought me to never ride hype trains.

To be fair, there’s a whole lot of limitations on the free to play game. No daily log in rewards, so very very few laurels, only 2 character slots, not full access to the trading post, no talking in map chat at all, and limited ability to whisper people who aren’t on your friend’s list. Can’t use a guild bank. Can’t send money or items to people at all. It’s a pretty long list.

I see the free to play as more of an unlimited demo than a full copy of the game.

While WhiteKnight is right, you see that from a wrong perspective.
Point is, you brought a game for money x and played a lot of hours. Would you say that your enjoyment of the game was not worth the money you payed?
In my case, like with Skyrim where i dumped hundreds of hour into, was way way more worth than my original purchase price, the same goes for GW2.
(I think for a Gamer there is just one important calculation: spend money / time of enjoyment)

Offering the game as F2P now only causes more people to play who did not want to take the risk of buying the game and not enjoying it at first, people who were not on the hype train.
End result is, a lot more people playing the game who would otherwise not play.
And for an MMO, the more people the better.

After your logic i have to be kittened about any game I bought for a high price that got cheaper over time. Or were on a sale somewhere, sometime.(Hint: that’s about any game).

Thank You ArenaNet for turning most of the base Game F2P, so our community grows, and you get more people probably buying the game, thus earning more money, thus being able to make the game better.

And they make less money now than before FTP. Thanks for giving GW2 away? I’ll never understand some people, GW Factions still isn’t free and they don’t even support that game anymore.

Guild Wars 2 went free to play August 29, 2015. Seems to me they made more money till this quarter. I’m not sure why you’d draw some sort of correlation there.

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Griffin.5379


And they make less money now than before FTP.

On what do you base that assumption? on the low 2Q 2016 or on the immensely high ones in 4Q 15 and 1Q 16 ?
Even with the low 2Q this year, the money NCSoft makes with GW2 during the whole year (so far) is still above the average of last year (not including the spike in 4Q15).
To say they make less money since it went FTP needs more time. Basically at the end of this year you can make an assumption like that, when the data for the third and fourth quartal are in)

Wait, nevermind, this thread is not about economy or math.
That one is supposed to be:

Back to topic,

Thank you ArenaNet in advance for Living World Season 3 and the next expansion.
Thank you for trying and improving even if some can’t see that.

(edited by Griffin.5379)

Fan mail! For our Beloved Arenanet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wizler.8192


Sadly you used GW1 only as USP (unique selling point), the name, instead of bringing some actual GW1 stuff into this game.

Have you listened to recent WoodenPotatoes videos? The arch loremeister (who I’ve learned so much from) is excited that the game is making strong tie-backs to the core GW universe.

Anyway, just a few things that I’ve enjoyed…
- a vast beautiful world to explore
- I love the artwork on the loading screens
- scavenger hunts like Maudrey
- I did enjoy the HoT maps. As I’ve pursued achievements such as strongboxes, Ydalir (collection) and No Mask Left Behind, I’ve really come to appreciate the complexity and crazy design. Somebody really put work and thought into these maps!
- gliding is just fun
- a game that can be simply enjoyed, or I can spend many hours pursuing complex goals

As an NPC sitting under a tree with his dog once said in the full blossom of a peaceful evening, “I like it here.”