Fashion Advice - Help a lady norn out!
Whisperers top and craft-able bottom shadow legging recipe bought with karma, can also buy the skin with karma (about lvl 20 area).
You won’t find much light armor that fights a norn well. Whispers top/legs and Arah light gear looks pretty good.
I really like the Arah sleeves. I just with the rest of the top was less ‘bony’. Whispers top is nice, especially for showing off tattoos. I feel like the leggings look so much better on a human that it bothers me.
My lady Norn uses the incarnate shoulders boots and top, with flame kissed helm, gloves, and leggings. Also depending on the body build a light norn female can look great in winged.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Here’s my Norn mesmer, I wanted something that would show most of her tattoos. Chest and leggings are the Flamekissed Armor, Nightmare Mantle, Cabalist Boots and Hood, and conjurer gloves.
Dressing lady norns is tough, mine is medium armor though so can’t offer any tips for light. She looks dumpy in most things though, you are not alone. Even legendary gs makes her butt look big (by clipping in to it).
Unfortunately I can’t help you personally. But you might want to check this website out, you can search by race, gender, armour class and see what others have done that care about the looks. Or maybe ask for help.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
I’d suggest going with a cultural armor. Sadly the armors tend to be modeled to look good on humans then just stretched out to fit other races so you will most likely be better off using cultural on every other race.
I love my norn ele but it’s so hard to find a nice, elegant outfit that looks decent on her. My humans are all decked out but it seems the tailors of Tyria just don’t make clothes to fit my norn’s curves. Most of the armor feels like the designers took the human version and stretched it, causing them to show off weirdly or make her look (heaven forbid!) dumpy. I included a screenshot of one of the worst offenders. It’s so small it’s riding up so her belly button shows in the least flattering way!
Does anyone have any outfit recommendations for a female light armor norn? Any outfits you want to share? I’m looking for elegant but at this point almost anything will do.
I don’t have a picture at the moment but I find the “cabalist” set to be extremely cute and lady-like. It’s not kinky or anything, just really cute. I use it on my norn mesmer.
Oh here’s a pic from wiki:
With the right colours and hood turned off it looks amazing. (Purple + Gold <3)
These suggestions are great!
Yoroiookami – How does the skirt move? I know on humans that the ribbon in the back is animated really nicely.
Taku – I like the tier 1 light armor but I was really hoping to find something that doesn’t have a sheep skull attached to the front. Tier 2 and 3 have really weird ropes hanging off the skirt. It does an okay job though.
Rouven – Thanks! I’ll check it out!
dkspins – I was using the top on that set with the skirt. I love the sleeves but I dislike how the front of the top looks like the divine powers of doublesided tape is the only thing keeping it on. GREAT coloring job by the way!
Lilith Ajit – The incarnate top totally looks like a bathing suit top – just wish we had cute bathing suit bottoms! I like the boots but I wish they stopped at the ankles without having the weird sock things. The shoulders are nice and low key.
BY THE WAY I just discovered Dulfy’s datamined outfit. I want this….. I REALLY want this. I hope to god it isn’t a one-piece set but can be broken into individual pieces.
These suggestions are great!
Yoroiookami – How does the skirt move? I know on humans that the ribbon in the back is animated really nicely.Taku – I like the tier 1 light armor but I was really hoping to find something that doesn’t have a sheep skull attached to the front. Tier 2 and 3 have really weird ropes hanging off the skirt. It does an okay job though.
Rouven – Thanks! I’ll check it out!
dkspins – I was using the top on that set with the skirt. I love the sleeves but I dislike how the front of the top looks like the divine powers of doublesided tape is the only thing keeping it on. GREAT coloring job by the way!
Lilith Ajit – The incarnate top totally looks like a bathing suit top – just wish we had cute bathing suit bottoms! I like the boots but I wish they stopped at the ankles without having the weird sock things. The shoulders are nice and low key.
BY THE WAY I just discovered Dulfy’s datamined outfit. I want this….. I REALLY want this. I hope to god it isn’t a one-piece set but can be broken into individual pieces.
Oh I think cabalist set looks amazing on my mesmer. The animation is just as good as on any human, and there’s no clipping. Here’s a pic of my mesmir:
The problem with female norns is that the torso is stretched.
I feel your frustration, trust me. I’ve gone through so many transmutation stones.
I end up putting my norns in midnight ice/white gold combos to help achieve a more “elegant” look by smoothing out/covering out the textures on a lot of gear.
I’ve tried combos of:
cabalist top/guild leggings/AC shoulders. – midnight fire/silver for my necro . Very old fashioned look that works with the new upswept hairdo from the latest makeover kit
HoW top/priory leggings/priory shoulders. – midnight ice/white gold. Also looks very good in white/gold.
cabalist top/acolyte leggings – the long ones/feathered boots – in midnight ice/white gold/white
Trickster’s top (the one with the silk scarf) and priory legs in white with a dash of gold also looks good on a Norn with a braid or upswept hairdo (to accentuate the shirt collar). This also looks elegant in a dark contrasting color with gold trim and white scarf.
I’ve found that proportionally, the long skirts create a more elegant line, counterbalancing the longer torso and look right. Short skirts make the Norn look frumpy.
And it’s just a matter of finding a top long enough to meet the top of the skirt.
Good luck!
PS: I wish some of the light gear could look like the medium. The medium gear from HoW and CM look right on a female Norn, because they are long lines in the back that smooth the torso/curves into an elegant form.
(edited by goldenwing.8473)
One last comment:
I saw a Norn elementalist in WvW with a set of ascended gear in pale blue/white with the dragonwings and a zodiac staff that looked spectacular.
I have my Norn necro in Winged. It’s one of the few that doesn’t make her look like she isn’t carrying an extra hundred pounds on her butt. The problem is, she looks more like a stripper than a lady. Still looking for decent appearing armor for her.
I like my Norn Necro with Phoenix Chest and Feathered Legs and my Elementalist wears Embroidered Pants instead.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
One last comment:
I saw a Norn elementalist in WvW with a set of ascended gear in pale blue/white with the dragonwings and a zodiac staff that looked spectacular.
…. Wait…. someone made ascended gear look good?! That person deserves a star.
Actually I like the top and pants of the cloth set but again, I like it better on a human. I’ll check it out again!
My female Norn is a Ranger (and now happily running around in Strider’s gear. ), so I can’t help you out, but hopefully you manage to find that perfect outfit for her!