Fastest Map completion classes ?
I’d say thief as well. Signet of shadow + Heart seeker spam gives exceptional movement speed.
Warrior with GS+Sword/warhorn might be slightly faster in terms of movement speed, but thief make clearing Orr (and all other high-lvl areas) really easy because you can stealth past basically anything to claim skillpoints without having to worry about all those champions.
Plus theif has decent of shadows (reduce fall dmg by half), which saved my life countless times, and Assassin’s retreat (gain 24 sec of swiftness every time you kill a foe, stacks duration), which is basically a free sigil of speed.
where bashing people over the head with a stick deals more damage than a stab to the heart.
-My D.A. =
(edited by EazyPanda.6419)
Personally, I would recommend ranger. You have decent mobility through the signet and you can solo very easily as well as tab/autoattack at range to farm hearts and DE’s. The pets can also be used to distract mobs if you need to claim something and you cannot clear everything by yourself.
Coming to think of it, I do all open-world content pretty much exclusively on my ranger.
My vote goes to warrior with warhorn and banners.
Also eles can be pretty fast with air attunement and fiery GS.
I think gold for speedrun across a map went to a thief but maybe other classes didn’t even try.
Anyway, I think the difference is rather marginal -and I did map completion with quite a lot of people and some are insanely fast when it comes to hearts for whatever reason.
I would say ranger. Speed signet with warhorn means very mobile. In PvE they are tough and kill mobs fast. Pet can be used to distract a mob when you want to commune or harvest.
Can get a spy kit or harpy feathers for a few seconds of camouflage or invisibility.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
having done map completion on every class.
Thief and warrior feel the fastest.
Speedy kits on engie help lots
Ranger, necro and d/d ele are also really good.
Mesmer/guardian feel so slow. Guardian less so with staff/retreat shout….Mesmer so very slow.
What I’ve done to combat Mesmer speed issues is I have a sigil of speed in my offhand weapon and when I’m doing a heart or clearing mobs I wind up with 2+ minutes of speed and that helps SO very much.
For map completion, I’d say warrior or thief. Swiftness is less of an issue nowadays since we have Spring Rolls (Level 80). The fastest classes will be those with movement skills on quick cool downs (e.g. leaps and teleports) and those that can kill quickly to complete hearts.
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
A norn character with Become the Snow Leopard.
Engineer with medkit and centaur runes.
Warrior with warhorn and traits
Mesmer with mantras+healing mantra+centaur runes, or signet
Thief with signet and stealth
Ranger with signet and Rampage as One.
Necro with traveler runes or signet plus warhorn.
I find elementalist to not be as fast, even with a teleport.
My guardian seems to lag behind as well, even with lootstick, Retreat! and Save Yourselves!
Thief actually holds many speed cross world records which is noted on metabattle.
The build is here:
Best NA rallybot on EU
There’s not really a lot in it. Except for mesmer and guardian which can’t move quite so quickly, all the rest would be more or less equal. Doing map completion fast depends mostly on the player’s knowledge of routes to take and how to complete hearts quickly, etc, not on what class you’re using.
And what class you’re good at. Thief may be the fastest at moving around the map, but if you’re not good at it and constantly die to the harder foes, is it really faster than the class you know best and wouldn’t die as often to the same harder foes?
Thief is the best option since it is both a fast moving class and has easy access to stealth. The stealth is necessary for some buggy SP or for places like temple of balthazar when it is contested.
Personally, I would recommend ranger. You have decent mobility through the signet and you can solo very easily as well as tab/autoattack at range to farm hearts and DE’s. The pets can also be used to distract mobs if you need to claim something and you cannot clear everything by yourself.
Coming to think of it, I do all open-world content pretty much exclusively on my ranger.
^this. Especially the commune skill points are so kitten ed easy as ranger. Sent pet to the mobs that would otherwise interupt you and simply do the cast, then walk off. Also works on champions guarding chests and whatnot.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
It depends what player. What player likes the best class for their personal taste. Some might be faster on elementalist, some on a thief.