Fastest way to level?

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadowz.2415


After leveling a asura ranger and playing with it for about 2 weeks i started to level a human warrior and it feels so boring
Anyone have any good tips for leveling faster that doesnt involve crafting?

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cayote.9318


I’d say that there really is no “fast” way to level.
Just enjoy the game, have fun playing your character, then level doesn’t matter anymore.

Server: Far Shiverpeaks
Character: Cayote The Brute
Guild: Legends of Sacred Light [LSL]

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadowz.2415


I’d say that there really is no “fast” way to level.
Just enjoy the game, have fun playing your character, then level doesn’t matter anymore.

Actually it kinda does,i want gear progression,higher dmg crit change gear and diffrent build which i cant get at a low level
But it is just so painfull to level in this game for me

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


Shadowz i feel for ya man, i have the same problem. I’m now level 32 with my elementalist but i’m starting to question how much i like the class :/

The thing is the first 30 levels are really boring to me, there are basicly 3 armor sets and i’m kind of person that wants variation from armor skill builds etc.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kasoki.7013


Would be interesting to know what you guys are doing? My first character reached 80 in the launch week and i had lots of fun.

Ooohh shinies!

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


Ye i guess you spend all your time going from heart to heart to heart? I have no clue how you reached 80 so quicly. I’ve done crafting, personal story, quests, gathering and them random events. So i dont know what it is :/

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadowz.2415


I am doing tasks,events and if up to it 100% completion
btw doesnt help evrey other task is just to kill stuff

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cayote.9318


I’d say that there really is no “fast” way to level.
Just enjoy the game, have fun playing your character, then level doesn’t matter anymore.

Actually it kinda does,i want gear progression,higher dmg crit change gear and diffrent build which i cant get at a low level
But it is just so painfull to level in this game for me

Really, painfull to level?
In what other MMO other than GW1 can you get max level in just a few days?
Take WoW for example (No I’m not comparing games, just leveling) it takes a few months to level to max level.

Server: Far Shiverpeaks
Character: Cayote The Brute
Guild: Legends of Sacred Light [LSL]

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marvyra.1729


Personal Story usually gives the most experience, but you can’t do that one all the time. Gather a lot of materials and level some profession, that can give a lot of exp. Always do events if you are close to them. Get a friend to play with, makes it less boring.

I do agree that they need more variation on armor and weapons. But I can suggest to talk to the heart vendors because they sometimes sell armor or weapons that look nice.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kasoki.7013


Personal Story is rarely worth their EXP, because the take just too long. If you want to level up fast don’t make the personal story quests… i wouldn’t recommend to go this way, because Personal Story quests are fun!

Don’t focus on the level cap, just enjoy the game as whole.

Ooohh shinies!

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


The game, despite having 80 levels, wasn’t built with “leveling” in mind… that’s evidenced also by the lack of XP if just jump from heart to heart.

It’s designed to just go out and meander, explore, take whatever comes your way, and not keep an eye on your level (because really, there’s no payoff at the end anyway.)

This will make some people crazy and some people love it. You have to decide which you are.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RizziVanizzi.1532


You probably heard DE and crafting a lot, i disagree and say dungeons.
Most dungeons story mode is super easy and done in 20-30 min, with average pug’s.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Peter.8047


How did you do it the first time :-P?

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PainOfDemise.1680


I level up pretty fast by just experiencing the game. I hit all the points in every map, never skip an event (if I can help it) and I craft. If you do this, you’ll keep leveling up at a good pace.

I’ve tried PvP, but that seemed to lower my leveling progression than anything. It’s good for a nice change of pace, but not for leveling.

Rhynon Jarvick
Leader of Dastardly Deeds

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VicSkimmr.3216


Shadowz i feel for ya man, i have the same problem. I’m now level 32 with my elementalist but i’m starting to question how much i like the class :/

The thing is the first 30 levels are really boring to me, there are basicly 3 armor sets and i’m kind of person that wants variation from armor skill builds etc.

Use the destroyed economy on the TP to your advantage. Take 50s and buy every level 1-79 skin for your class you want and then transmute it onto lower level gear. Boom, insta pimped out character.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Neve.7134


For me, with a nice party, WvsWvsW is the fastest way to exp. Tho you don’t get in any way more exp on mapping or anything else. Just drop and exp.

Fastest way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xLiveLucidx.5071


The first player to reach 80 after launch did it by crafting alone. The answer you seek is crafting.