Favorite classes.
Well jeez, so much for being positive.
There. Let the replies swoop in.
Well jeez, so much for being positive.
Unfortunately complaining trumps anything else on this forum. I was going to respond earlier but figured I’d probably get some flack but what the heck. I am 100% open world PvE.
My favorite is Ranger. There I said it. I prefer lb/a/a for weapon choices. I think they provide a good balance in the open world environment. Also I try to use my pet as more of a skill/weapon as you will. I don’t just throw it out there and hope for the best. The travel speed is also a major plus for me during roaming. I like tactical staying at range as opposed to in your face combat. She just hit 80 today and is my first L80.
My second favorite at the moment (I’m and alt-aholic) is Mesmer. I like the flexibility and different ways it can be played. I enjoy using my clones and phantasms as I would my Ranger pet. I don’t just spam them all over the place but try to choose the best time and most appropriate target for them. I tried to roll my Mesmer without the greatsword as I hate the sound it makes but gave in as I felt it was too much of a disadvantage. So now gs/s/p
Least favorite:
- Warrior – boring
- Guardian – boring
- Necromancer – I don’t like minions.
Elementalist and Guardian for me, ever since beta (and the profession reveals years before that). I have always preferred the aesthetic and theme of these two professions, as well as the ability to play supportively with them (which is how I have preferred playing MMOs for years now). I also have an 80 engineer, as engineer somewhat fits my playstyle, but the theme and aesthetic I do not like at all so I rarely play it.
I like the ranger theme too, but do not like how it plays now.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
Thief and Ranger, Thief is pretty much for reasons you’ve already stated and Ranger because I used to hate ranged fighters in general, but I don’t know. Ranger in GW2 with a Longbow just feels so satisfying to use for me, also the fact you can switch to a GS when enemies get close is awesome too.
I like playing Warrior in PvE, I like slashing and chopping everything in my path down.
I love playing Ranger in PvP, Melee is a lot of fun with all that jumping around and stuff, and I like my wolf.
1. I like Guardian because I like to solo. The animation of the powers are cool to me. I like the movement of the combat with Guardians.
2. Warrior because once again I like to solo. I like the choice of weapons. I like the powers and I’m into knight’s and melee combat. I guess liking knight’s and melee combat would fall under Guardian as well. The Melee combat never bores me with Guardians and Warriors.
3. Mesmer because I like the idea of clones and phantasms being at your disposal and they look cool. I like the staff powers of the Mesmer. I like the hybrid aspect of Mesmers ( Being able to melee with dual swords I’m really fond of ). I really like the animation effects of the Mesmers powers.
I play my warrior in PvE/WvW, and my thief in tPvP and WvW. Depends on my mood.
Guardian and Thief are mega sexy
I don’t really care for the other classes, though I think I’m taking a liking with my new engie
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
Engineer all day err day.
I just love the technology feel for the class. Though, I wish it was a tad more useful.
Engineer by far. Here’s why:
1) We can do ANYTHING. It’s possible to tailor an engineer build to be as specialized as you want, to work in any area, any role, and any situation. There are dozens of glass cannon damage builds, we are one of the few professions that can actually get away with playing support, and we have more bunker builds than we know what to do with.
2) We’re skillful. For the most part, doing something on an engineer is somewhere between a bit and a lot more difficult than doing it on another character. We have to work to be a bunker, unlike the guardians. Our damage relies on a very unreliable skillshot in nearly every glass cannon build (grenade kit :P), while warriors depend only on one ability. However, when we do it right, we do it better. Only engineers can survive 1v5s indefinitely in WvW. Only engineers can stunlock enemies to death with the quadturret build. Only engineers can keep 20+ stacks of vuln on 5 targets with their standard DPS rotation.
3) We’ve got character. All the other classes rely on strong arms and fancy magic. We have access to neither, so instead we build ourselves up from nothing. The guardian and warrior are big dumb brutes, the ranger is a hippy, the thief is a jerk, and all those scholars are wierd magic-users. We, on the other hand, build our own weapons. We use the products of our own two hands, and we use them well. We can’t throw a boulder to launch our opponents, so we make a landmine that does it for us. We can’t magically bind them to their location, so we invent a glue that will keep their feet stuck. The other professions live on luck, or rely on brawn over brains. We rise above them, and create ourselves into what we are today.
Ferguson’s Crossing
Dungeon: Warrior and Mesmer.
Warrior would probably take the spot. It’s just so useful in any dungeon path.