Favorite profession ?

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


What’s your favorite profession ? I’d like to choose my character wisely.

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Heavy classes: Warrior and Guardian. I like being in front of the lines and dealing massive damage. Both are good support classes too. Guardian above all else though because they become an asset to everyone near you due to their buffs. Warrior is a good berzerker in most cases and has a lot of flexibility between range and melee which is nice.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Thief, simply because it just feels like the most action-packed class to me. The reduced room for error in PvE encourages you to step up your game, and I like that.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


I did enjoy my thief all the way to 60, and then I rolled a necro and I am happy happy happy.

It boils down to your personal play style and your tolerance for learning curves, each class plays differently but some are harder to master than others and one person’s idea of fun can be drastically different than others. Some enjoy PVP and some just want to PVE, and then some enjoy both.

There are so many factors when deciding what you want to do in the game, the best thing is just to create one, play it and if you do not like it, reroll. Welcome to freedom of choice.

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702



Tho I’ll probably switch back to my Ranger if it’s ever fixed.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


1)Warrior due to weapon diversity
2)Range just cause

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VictoriousMonk.7150


Elementalist. It’s fun using all the elements and magic. I also like the armor choices.

Also, I met a leprechaun who told me to burn things.

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melchior.2135


That’s a tricky question. I’ve got all 8 professions represented in my roster, and they all have things to recommend them. I have a few questions for you.

1.) Do you prefer range or melee?

2.) Do you prefer to focus on single targets or AoEs?

3.) Do you like individual attacks that put out BIG damage numbers, or a steady attrition strategy?

4.) Do you prefer actively moving around the battlefield, or picking a spot and standing your ground? No one can do the latter 100% of the time, but some have to be a LOT more mobile than others to survive.

5.) Do you prefer focusing on personal prowess, or team contribution? Again, everyone can solo, and everyone can back up their friends, but there’s a world of difference between team support as a Thief or Ranger vs. a Guardian or Elementalist.

6.) Do you enjoy tailoring your abilities to dominate individual challenges, or picking one standard configuration that will get you through pretty much everything all right?

7.) How do you feel about Pets? All classes can summon AI Helpers, but some get more value out of them.

8.) What kind of damage-prevention are you most comfortable with? High Armor values? Massive Hitpoints? Evasion? Crowd Control? Healing? Intercepting damage with disposable AI Helpers? Actively countering attacks with defensive abilities?

9.) How about aesthetics? Are there any concepts, styles or themes that appeal to you especially, beyond their mechanical effect?

Edit: Oh, right, to answer the actual question… my Elementalist fits the concept in my head the best, but underperforms pretty consistently. My Engineer fits my actual play style the best, but I’m not thrilled with all of his visual options. My Guardian feels strongest, but her highest performance demands playstyle choices that are non-intuitive to me.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

(edited by Melchior.2135)

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Mesmer, hands down.
I have two

Gunnar’s Hold

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cNcHellShadow.7691


I’m at a crossroads with my Guardian and my Thieves. Thief is ridiculously fun late game when you can spend as much time stealth as time spent fighting. And backstabs on a crit build are amazing! My Guardian I love for the sheer “punch you in the face and laugh off your silly attacks” kind of feel. I guess I love them both equally because of the contrast they have with one another.

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


Melchior has provided some good questions to help determine your preferred playstyle and narrow the choice. I’d suggest you narrow the field and give several a try. I’ve played them all and like aspects of each. I’ve focused on 5 which I have leveled to 80: Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, Mesmer, and Ranger. I enjoy both melee and ranged fighting and have both covered. I sometimes like feeling invulnerable and powerful (Warrior, Guardian), other times I like a more complex playstyle that has me on the edge of my seat (Elementalist). Some people like a bit of variety and the game makes that possible. Give several a try; you will benefit from the experience by knowing a bit about the professions, in PvE and especially in PvP. You really can’t go wrong by trying them all over time.

Edit: I should add that if I absolutely had to pick one to play it would be the Mesmer. I have the most fun with her. Adequate power, fun combat mechanics, both at range or in their face with a power-crit build. But, I’m glad I don’t have to pick just one.

(edited by Raine.1394)

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I’ve got a Ranger, a Guardian, and an Ele. I can never decide which I like better. ANet did a great job of making all the classes fun.

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

Mesmer or thief…. they’re pretty good all around. I know some thieves will say I’m wrong, but I think they have a good niche in PvE

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


My absolute favorite profession is the mesmer it quickly became my new main after leveling and loving an engineer.

Both a great fun with great utility and the ability to switch gears quickly for varied gameplay.

My other 80 is an elementalist… fun, but even with dagger/dagger it just doesn’t arrest my attention as well as the other two.

I found warrior and ranger to be absolutely tedious and bland… deleted them both. Just started a guardian the other day… liking it. Haven’t built up any interest in rolling a thief yet and probably won’t any time soon… just not my style I guess.

Favorite profession ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


I have all 8 professions. I can’t really say which I like the best. Whatever one I’m playing, I guess. Honestly, each class has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But..hmmm…the engineer? Kind of a mixed up funky, jack of all trades, master of none class holds a special place in my GW2 heart right now.

I know the Grenadier Build is considered op dps, but I like the rifle. Just cause.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon