Feature Update vs. Content
Nicholas the Traveler’s great, great, great, grandson/daughter.
I think the devs are trying to put the horse back in front of the cart with this patch and while it does not address everything (and that said, we haven’t seen the actual notes yet) it does target many of the flash point concerns with regard to horizontal and vertical elements of the game.
Additionally, not only did the LS reveal the difficulties in trying to tell a story, it exposed some weakness in the very foundations of the game. So, I also think this patch is laying a lot of new or fixed groundwork that will help season 2 be more successful; if nothing else than from an implementation and logistical standpoint (See: Megaservers addressing guesting to servers that have good numbers to complete marionette and LA events).
I think the devs are trying to put the horse back in front of the cart with this patch and while it does not address everything (and that said, we haven’t seen the actual notes yet) it does target many of the flash point concerns with regard to horizontal and vertical elements of the game.
Additionally, not only did the LS reveal the difficulties in trying to tell a story, it exposed some weakness in the very foundations of the game. So, I also think this patch is laying a lot of new or fixed groundwork that will help season 2 be more successful; if nothing else than from an implementation and logistical standpoint (See: Megaservers addressing guesting to servers that have good numbers to complete marionette and LA events).
I agree wholeheartedly! I think this Feature Pack is going to be interesting to see.
However, I was not really asking about this. We see a lot of threads about Expansions (which may or may not include Cantha and Elona) and whatnot, but not a lot is said about minor content additions that could be rolled out incrementally.
I was asking about small things that could go a long way to alleviate some of the cravings for added permanent content rather than bug fixes, Profession balance and the Feature Pack stuff.
I think they are making the right move with this patch.
They are addressing concerns and issues and repairing a lot of the foundation of the game which then allows them to move forward more easily.
Loyalty To None
Repeatable personal story (not from the beginning, but letting you choose which ones you want to do).
Hard mode personal story (from the beginning).
Minigames wise? I’d like to see the Bar Brawl, Polymock, the shooting gallery, Maybe some sort of Dolyak race where players ride Dolyak’s, and other players can bet on the winner or something.
Content wise? New maps. Please, for the love of god, some new maps. Charr Homelands or North of Divinity’s Reach.
Also, wasn’t http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ameranth supposed to be the new version of Nick the Traveler? Or at least move around to different locations? I was looking forward to tracking her down every time she moved, but she’s still…. there.
And I refuse to go to that city. I hates it precious, hates it.
Beyond that, I’d definitely like to see them expand the personal storyline choices we’ve made. Joining the order we joined was supposed to be a Big Deal. Saving the people we saved should have been a Big Deal.
I wish they’d make it so there’s some minor story-missions that expand on work we could be doing for our Order, or our home cities. (Fighting dragon minions as the Vigil? Treasure hunting as the Priory? Spying for the Order? Fighting Centaur for the Seraph?)
Considering Anet has been unable to do this up untill now I’m not sure i’d call it “small” but:
- A new dungeon
- new fractals
- new fractals tiers + instabilities
Things I’d like to see:
- Normal and Hard Mode dungeons for existing explorable paths, with normal being slightly below current and hard being well above. Why? I see complaints about dungeons being too hard or too easy, with very little “just right.”
- I like the idea of new zones every few months — even if it’s only 1 zone, not an area with 3-6 zones in it. I recognize that adding an entire area is resource intensive, but incremental growth of the game’s area would at least help.
- Add some strategic objectives to WvW, something like: must take X, then Y, then Z. Have the objectives rotate from time to time.
- A new dungeon would be nice now and again.
- Make the Living story so that each update has a personal, story component and a meta component involving herd play or a dungeon. Meta components would either be permanent (e.g., a new dungeon path) or temporary (e.g., Battle of L.A.) Story component would be temporary, but could then be accessed at any time thereafter via a “Chronicler” NPC who would allow players to relive the story elements — and gain the achievements for doing so. This would allow the LW to progress not only the ongoing evolution of Tyria, but also an ongoing personal story.
- I don’t do sPvP, and I know it’s in the works, but those poor devils need game modes other than conquest.
That should keep them busy…