Feedback:No boon duration bonus from traits

Feedback:No boon duration bonus from traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kadarn.1703


I have lost +30% boon duration I had on my shout guardian from virtues trait line that is almost 1/4 less might, regeneration, stability, protection, retaliation and so on. Will there be any way to fix that.

Feedback:No boon duration bonus from traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blubberblasen.3901


all bonus from lines are 0
no more power
no more life
no more boon
no more condition

Feedback:No boon duration bonus from traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kadarn.1703


But power, precision and all others except boon/condition you get from gear or minor traits in that specialization (virtues recharge from virtues specialization). And gear stats are buffed up to counter loss of stats from traits, but there are no counter for boon/condition duration loss.