Feedback: Stowing Pets Permanently
Or Ctrl+right click on a stowed pet like how you turn off auto-attacks. That way you can’t accidentally superstow it by double-clicking.
To make it even better, how about an increase to damage while pet is superstowed to make up for lack of damage in times where having a pet out will just result in said pet getting obliterated by AOE and such?
Petless rangers have been requested since beta. Anet’s stance on it thus far has been a resounding ‘No.’ They see the ranger as a pet class and only a pet class.
Petless rangers have been requested since beta. Anet’s stance on it thus far has been a resounding ‘No.’ They see the ranger as a pet class and only a pet class.
Petless rangers have been requested since beta. Anet’s stance on it thus far has been a resounding ‘No.’ They see the ranger as a pet class and only a pet class.
Yes. During a not so long ago Ranger CDI, they stated that permastow is off the table.
I just want to stow in when I’m in a JP… But every single time you take fall damage it comes back.
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
ANet has never really done well with pet classes, the closest was probably the GW1 Necromancer minions but that was more in the mechanics of the Profession than actual Pet AI.
I think perma-Stow should be an option, one that would give the Ranger a “buff” of some type to offset going pet-less.
I admit, I don’t play my Ranger much, but got MapCompletion and have done some Wvw n PvP with him. Imo pets are what make Rangers unique, Many traits are tied to pets, too.
I would support the permanent perma-stow (for jp etc) but without an extra buff. Using the right pet at the right time and controlling them properly (using skills, pulling them out of aoes) is all you need. Also dmg, speed, skills etc of the pets vary so much, what would be an appropriate buff?
ANet has never really done well with pet classes, the closest was probably the GW1 Necromancer minions but that was more in the mechanics of the Profession than actual Pet AI.
I think perma-Stow should be an option, one that would give the Ranger a “buff” of some type to offset going pet-less.
I dunno. If I were Anet that would be all the more reason not to implement pet-less rangers. Rangers would no different than Warriors outside of their skills sets. If it was a minor nerf for pet-less rangers, at least for open-world PvE and dungeons, I think it would be alright. I know I’d be okay with that myself. But if Anet is adamant about not having pet-less rangers, I’ll respect that. Still I am hopeful that they will reconsider it.
This seems like something easy to do that wouldn’t have an impact on the game overall. I’ve recognized this was needed in the first few days of playing my ranger. If I stow my god kitten pet, I decide when it comes out kitten . (How I really feel)
It boils down to just an overall quality of life and could make the ranger more enjoyable to play. I don’t need my pet to come out when I step on a frog. Making stow and unstow pet only activated by the player is just common sense. I for one think this should be in a quality of life patch.
K, I’m done.
TBH, I don’t see how there’s an argument based on “Rangers are a pet class!!!!” to argue against putting it in since I can put my pet on passive and have it not do anything as well. Clearly my pet is not an unavoidable and necessary aspect to my class.
To rebut in advance “Why don’t you just keep your pet on passive instead of needing superstow, then?!?!?!?!”: Because I can dodge. They can’t. If I’m running through something and don’t want to fight it, I can dodge the attack. My pet will get hit by it, put me into combat, and now I’m running half speed.
To rebut in advance “So why don’t you put it in stow when running around and not planning to fight?!?!?!?!?!”: Sure, when they fix slopes to not make me take fall damage or moderately high ledges to give me fall damage, pulling my pet out because apparently my pet thinks I need help fighting the ground.
Also dmg, speed, skills etc of the pets vary so much, what would be an appropriate buff?
+X to stats based on which pet you have selected but stowed.
If they wanted to put some effort into it (they don’t), they could make it, say, an Elite skill, some poetic crap name like “Signet of the Bond”, passive effect removes pet and gives you stats based on their primary stat, and the active effect gives you a powered up version of their F2 skill. Animation could be a spirit-style image of the pet appearing to do the attack.
TBH, I don’t see how there’s an argument based on “Rangers are a pet class!!!!” to argue against putting it in since I can put my pet on passive and have it not do anything as well. Clearly my pet is not an unavoidable and necessary aspect to my class.
It’s not so much an argument as it that is just what ArenaNet wants.
They want the ranger to be a pet class and have said, flat out, that it will stay that way.
Sucks, but it is what it is.
TBH, I don’t see how there’s an argument based on “Rangers are a pet class!!!!” to argue against putting it in since I can put my pet on passive and have it not do anything as well. Clearly my pet is not an unavoidable and necessary aspect to my class.
It’s not so much an argument as it that is just what ArenaNet wants.
They want the ranger to be a pet class and have said, flat out, that it will stay that way.
Sucks, but it is what it is.
But I can already play it without using my pet, so what they say and what they do clearly are two different things.
There is no difference between a (bonusless) permanent stow and passive mode, except that permastow would be an improvement by having less targets to put the same person into combat.
I am gonna tell you how stalwart the developers are against giving you any option to not have your pet out: They won’t even allow you to bind Stow Pet to a keybind, even for it’s temporary purpose. Nope, you won’t even get that out of them.
They make the pet SO required it is considered into the Ranger’s damage factor, yet it folds like wet tissue in WvW and most abilities are completely useless in world boss fights.
While I would love a pet-less ranger, with the reduction in attack coefficients eliminated to compensate for the pet removed, ANet does not want us to have this for whatever reason. The game is designed to offer limited choices which funnel players into playing the ANet approved way. There are many things I like about GW2, the design channeling and hand-holding in the name of easier balance is not one of them.
Ranger is not the only profession that makes me grit my teeth. When I think of how enjoyable it was to play a Necromancer in GW and how little fun I have with Necromancer in GW2, I want to scream.
Rangers without pets is like necromancers with working minions: Is not going to happen, ever!
If a ranger wants to kitten themselves in combat by stowing their pet then i see no harm in perma-pet stowage. Just no buffs for stowing a pet. Rangers are a pet class and I totally enjoy having them that way.
For JP’s I find small birds is the way to go;-)
It would be wonderful to be able to stow pets during JP’s, because they just pop back on the scene if you take any damage. However Arenanet has stated that this will not be an option to rangers. Thanks for the tip Bandit, tho, on the birds for JP’s = will definitely try that.
Heck, I don’t even mind being a “pet class” and having my pet take up X percent of my damage ability. As a ranger, I feel that’s par for the course. So I’m cool with that.
My problem is the fact that…
The Stow/Activate button cannot be mapped to a key!
… (and let’s not forget the Guard/Avoid combat button’s inability to be mapped as well!)
Rangers should have the option to map these buttons to a key and not have to resort to old school mouse/pointer clicking to use the Stow/Activate (and/or Guard/Avoid Combat) buttons, which is a pain in the kitten to do I might add!
There are times that I stow my pet just before I go invisible as to not give my position away to the enemy in WvW. It would be really beneficial to be able to hit a button on my keyboard or mouse to do so.
(edited by Krypto.2069)