Some days ago I went back to try the game after a long time, today I’ve uninstalled it and I would like to give you feedback regarding the reasons for why, in the hope that you (developers) read it and think about it, maybe something useful can come out of it.
First of all, I start by saying that I love MOBA games. In those kind of games a single individual can have a great impact on the game (if is a skilled player) and the ability to have that kind of impact in a game is what made it fun and push us to give our best and to improve, so to be able to become the one “that saved the day”.
In Guild Wars 2, nothing is done to discourage the Zerg mentality during WvW, which in my opinion is an extremely negative thing, because you just end up being one of the hundred players spamming skill and you don’t actually feel like you’re having any kind of impact on the outcome of the fights, you just follow the zerg train and shut down your brain. I don’t find this to be challenging therefore not fun.
Even worse, this “zerg mentality” propagete into pve for the way all of it is structured, so you again have this Events with hundred of players and you feels just like a drop of water in a rainstorm, you don’t feel like you actually have any impact or like you are contributing toward the victory of the event, in fact if I where to stop attacking the usual Champion monster, there won’t even be a difference, maybe it would die a millisecond later but still something too small to be noticed. Again, this kill the challenge therefore kill the fun, it becomes a simple exercise of spam where a player can just shut down his brain and press the skill out of cooldown in random order.
So I asked myself : “people has achieved maximum gear strenght and maximum level, so why do they keep playing it? Why I play it? Why people is farming events, dungeons and joining those boring zerg trains? Why?!”
The reason is, as I think you already know, because you put up a very clever, well polished and addictive achievment system.
At this point, many people is not playing anymore to discover the story or new land or to gain new strenght, is only about completing those collection and unlocking skins, to give you that sense of completition and closure that every game should have. If one where to stop, then it would feel like the thousands of hours put into it where going to waste, and this feeling is what drives many players to keep going.
But in my opinion skins and achievment should only serve as secondary goal, as a spice on top of a good dish, and not as the driving force that keep people playing.
If you ask many players “why are you doing what are you doing?” they would probably tell you is “because I need X skin” …is not anymore about the gameplay being fun/challenging or because they want to know how the story evolve, is just because they need that skin.
Now I’ve saw through your strategy (and I’m ashamed a bit since it took me really long) but I warn you that if you keep milking your players trough this strategy, they will sooner or later realize what’s going on and they will lose faith in you as a developer.
I lost my faith with Guild Wars 2. :\
For anyone (and I know it will be 9 out of 10) that want to reply telling me how wrong I am, how fun you find the game and so on, that’s perfectly fine if you enjoy it and you don’t need to tell it to me, I’m aware that everyone here enjoy the game, my message is mostly directed toward the developer, and wathever is your opinion about the game, I’m pretty sure it won’t change mine.