Feedback on Skills and Itemization

Feedback on Skills and Itemization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrongForce.8657



As an old Guildwars 1 player who recently started playing this game, which I like alot, I wanted to share my thoughts on 2 main things that I think could be greatly improved.

This is constructive criticism, not bashing.

I would love to try and make this game even more awesome than it already is !

First the skills, while the system is innovative and interesting at first, for instance I made an elementalist, and I have access to like 20 skills by the push of a button, that’s really cool.

Though I think it lacks that build customization that Guildwars 1 had and I believe made it so unique for alot of people : the ability to make countless different builds, try and bring new build ideas that nobody tryed before, that was really exciting, and it made even more sense in PvP, which I was a big fan of !

I think one way to improve that would simply be by adding new skills, letting the people the ability to choose their skills (for the primary skill bar of course..) and leave everything else as it is now.

Of course I know that is alot of work, but I can’t help but imagine how epic the game would be if they did that, imagine 20+skills to choose from for each different weapons that the class can use..

Perhaps some kind of crowdfunding could help fund such a project if ArenaNet doesn’t have enough ressources, I know I would gladly donate personally.

The itemization gave me that same feeling as for the lack of uniqueness of weapons, sure the stats are a bit different, and there are different skins for each weapons, but I believe it would be even better if they added more and make them even more unique, also add “epic” items, I believe there are already some epic-style items, but I mean for all levels, not just level 80, and dozens of epic items for each item style..

One thing that would be awesome is adding more randomized stats and damage for the weapons.

I know it feels like I’m asking alot but like I said crowdfunding could be an idea.

Also I’m not saying the way things currently are is bad, I’m just saying it could be so much better, and like I said for the skills, they could keep the itemization as it is now and just add more items with those things I mentioned.

Just some thoughts, I’m a big fan of Guildwars 2, I would love to work with the developement team in order to bring such changes come true, so I’m open do no hesitate to contact me.

Feedback on Skills and Itemization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Two things:

  1. ANet specifically stated they wanted to avoid the balancing issues that occurred in GW due to the proliferation of skills. While this has resulted in weapons, and even professions, being shunted into one play style, this is by intent.
  2. Crowdfunding is a way for a developer without backing to generate funds. The backers of GW2, NCSoft, are unlikely to approve ANet seeking funding, with all the expectations of creative oversight that accompanies it.

Feedback on Skills and Itemization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrongForce.8657


For balancing issue they should just listen to the forums as to what people think, if there are some skills that are regarded as too powerful “nerf” it like they used to do in guildwars 1, I never minded having skills nerfed as long as it keeps the balance.

I think if they added those features I mentioned they would attract players from other MMO’s and get a much bigger community!

Yesterday I looked up how many sales Guildwars 2 did and I read that Guildwars 1 did more sales than Guildwars 2, why do you think??

The player base was disapointed by the reviews, and personally I know the best marketing is word of mouth, if players look at a game and know it’s the best, they gonna tell their friends, that’s how games become so popular, because they are awesome !

Anyway Just my thoughts.