Feedback on adept,master, gm trait limit

Feedback on adept,master, gm trait limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


Most of the trait changes seem ok to me. The new streamlined system seems decent enough and honestly I very rarely spec into more than 3 lines anyway so that restriction isn’t an issue for me personally.

However I really dont like the new inability to use an adept trait in a master slot or master in grandmaster ect. Almost all my characters use more than 1 adept per trait line in place of a master as I find the masters to be less useful.

For some characters these 2 adepts are vital to their core build.

I know many traits are being reshuffled and merged and Im glad for this but would just like to make my voice heard and hope anet gives extra thought when considering how to merge traits before its finalized.

Feedback on adept,master, gm trait limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Never knew you could do that. Guess I’m not losing anything then.

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Feedback on adept,master, gm trait limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pomdepin.7068



I think we really have to wait for it and test it to be able to give a proper feedback. Many traits have been merged, so you probably wouldn’t have taken 2 of the same level anymore.

However I do agree this kind of makes it restrictive. From what I’ve seen from the stream, you almost have to take certain traits to fit how you want to play (condis, burst, interrupt, etc). So hybrid builds could unfortunately disappear… I’d like to be able to take 2 Master traits and no Grand Master…

I really don’t understand how they can pretend this new system will bring more diversity, when it is definitely more restrictive. You can’t even invest 2 points in the branch you want. Many people will certainly end up with exact same builds, even if it is already more or less the case.

Feedback on adept,master, gm trait limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Options seem nice, some conditions builds seem hit hard, mesmer doesn’t get a lot of conditions on clone death, well np, but what do we get in return? I really love mesmer but it needs conditions to run a condition spec, are these all going to lengthened on the weapons skills? or is it again just a nerf? condition memser has been ne4fed about evcery chance it was possible. last patch we got increase dmg from confusion, which made a lot of difference but is still way underpowered. also having condtion choices stacked into the same trait line… dagger and torcch are buffed, yes but there was a second very nice trait.. which is instantly makes one of 2 useless… for an adept trait.

A lot of other builds seem to force a choice. I do not mind choosing, but elementalist has issues (healing builds old 0/2/0/6/6 for example)

I love some others though… I will see where it goes to, but I hope some spaces can be reevaluted so power build and condi builds have distinct possibilities.. and aren’t mixed…

I also notices a “power/toughness/burst skill” option with warrior:
psysical skills, with mending and rampage, with focus on mace and hammer…. Hope you know what this will do…. it is an ultimate CC build… if it closes the gap you are perma CC-ed. GL with it in WvW

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Feedback on adept,master, gm trait limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Now that we know which traits are in which slots, they definitely need to change how they work. They definitely need to restore the ability to put adept traits in master/GM slots, and they definitely need to restore the ability to spread into more than three trees, because the current trees are riddled with junk that I would not want, mixed in with gold that I absolutely need, and forcing me to take a mostly junk tree for a couple of adept traits is just cruel.

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