Hello, as the topic says give some feedbakcwhat do you think of the game?
+ Rng is lowered down cause you can craft your gear
+ You can buy gems with ingame gold
+ Instances/events are more or less well made
- Events not scaling: —> Events are impoosible to do or easy as hell cause the map is empty/full (i know some events like triple T. is harder but still with a full map a joke)
- Gemshop “errors” (key farm) is fixed asap while other bugs taking forever to be fixed (falling threw ground, buged in wall, …. )
- Storyline bad made because when i play story i want to play it alone have time for it to look at scenes and read it and not to be hard as hell when i solo … i know its an MMO but story is story wich i want to enjoy with my own tempo
- Mastery System i think its well made but the requierement for Mastery Points are to high ….. sitting fora week at cap cause cant farm u the last MP Centrtal Tyrea pls only XP NO MP ..
- SVP Matchmaking broken the teams arent even out … its 90% of the time 1 team stomps another rarely good close matches
- HP’s for solo hard to get in Hot’s Maps and in normal you wont get enough for the elite specs …. (most of the time makeble cause enough people around)
- no mounts it takes forever to get from a to b hope with PoF you can use mounts everywhere
- tickets take forever to get answered
- ingame tooltip not always correct you need to go to the wiki to get right tooltips …
So i think i got all what i was thinking about the game and what i hope to get changed whats your Opinion to that or make your own suggestions!