Feeling disapointed and Bored

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arrow.6385


For each time i log in the game, takes only 1 min to desire to log out, the game as no point anymore, i feel like im wasting my time playing a game that i will never achive what im after, like getting a legendary weapon!

Stuff is so expensive and the ways to make gold is so low that i feel that even if i play for 5 years i will never get the stuff i want…

Dungeons are not worth to do, the loot is only junk, and farm is not allowed in the game…. well i dont care about farming if the price of the stuff was atleast balanced, but the stuff price is high and the ways of making money and the drop rate are low and makes me feel sad and bored…

Other think that makes this game boring, there is nothing new to do, we only lvl until 80, try to get legendary weapon ( that is kinda impossible) and pvp… there is no more content in the game to do…. of course we can still do dungeons and fractals and world boss’s, but is that worth it? its takes 20/30 min to do some of this stuff, or more, and in the end, we only get junk, like blue and green stuff, more or like 20/30 silver max per 30min, when we need to get over 2500g to make a legendary, so i guess it is a waste of time doing stuff like that….

This game needs something new, something that players stop feeling bored and more options to get objectives!

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


The fact that dungeons chests still give nothing but crappy blues and greens and 1c is something I find funny and sad at the same time. Nothing has changed since launch.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The fact that dungeons chests still give nothing but crappy blues and greens and 1c is something I find funny and sad at the same time. Nothing has changed since launch.

Nothing has changed since launch except that dungeons now reward you at least 1 gold for each run, plus champion bags, neither of which happened at launch.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031



Farming is allowed, and encouraged. Abusing a bug (exploit) in order to farm is not.

As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

If Anet were to continually put out new “content” in the form that you are thinking, then any of the “old” content would quickly become irrelevant and dead.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faereilos.5106


As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

I think OP’s main gripe is how unrewarding the content feels. What’s the point of clearing dungeon mobs if they are harder than bosses and don’t drop anything? And if they don’t drop anything, how are you supposed to work toward the legendary? I have 2.7k hours logged and I have yet to see a full stack of T6 mats (don’t get me started with lodestones!) Your suggestions are fine and all, but for someone who has a goal to work towards, they just feel like distractions.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


What is doing a world boss every day worth? I dunno, I got a precursor from Teq. And if you do it every day for a while, maybe you will, too. You can’t just say the rewards are out of reach if you’re barely trying to get them.

It’s 45 minutes of waiting for 15 minutes of playing, once a day, for decent loot and a chance at some really good stuff. Teq is pretty worth it imo.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

(edited by Andred.1087)

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

I think OP’s main gripe is how unrewarding the content feels. What’s the point of clearing dungeon mobs if they are harder than bosses and don’t drop anything? And if they don’t drop anything, how are you supposed to work toward the legendary? I have 2.7k hours logged and I have yet to see a full stack of T6 mats (don’t get me started with lodestones!) Your suggestions are fine and all, but for someone who has a goal to work towards, they just feel like distractions.

I can get how it feel unrewarding. But I have my gift of magic, and am almost done with my gift of might, mostly by farming them, and have less that about half that time. Again, you need to know the right places. Some mobs have a much higher drop rate than others. As far as dungeons mobs not dropping anything? Most of my exotics have drop from random dungeon mobs, and not the bosses. But with RNG it is hit and miss. Every mob, of any level, has a chance to drop a precurser. I haven’t gotten one yet, but I don’t feel that the loot rewards is broken because of that. And if you have a goal, such as T6 mats, then your play style should be centered around that goal. Right now I am working on getting Ancient bones. There are several ways to go about getting them, doing dungeons and buying them off the TP(which to me is kinda, meh.) or killing countless mobs and doing events that have a higher rate of dropping them. (which is more fun for me, as I get excited anticipating what may drop when I see a glowing corpse, or getting a bag.)

Basically it’s all about perception. If you think rewards/drops are bad, then farming is going to suck for you. If you find an area where drops are decent, it can be lots of fun.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Afya.5842


Sadly, I agree to most of it. Have a legendary, some fractal weapons, a bit of money. Dungeon I only see as way to get exotic armors. The 1g reward is just so low consider how much legendaries now cost. It doesn’t feel like progression at all.

I have 170+ MF, play everyday since release, and not a single precursor dropped. They said GW1 is title grind war. Sadly, GW2 is now worse.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faereilos.5106


@Andred: I run world bosses multiple times every day, skipping Teq/Wurm mostly because I don’t know how to do them. I’ll give them a try one of these days if the drop rate is as good as you’re implying.

@pdavis: See you still have to buy things to get anywhere. Sure you can farm everything yourself but it’s inefficient compared to buying. The only (somewhat) expensive weapons I’ve managed to gather mats for are whisperblade, vision of the mists and the anomaly. The mats required to make them can be farmed reliably or are easily obtained in the case of ectos. I don’t mind grinding to get what I want, but there’re only so many risens I can kill before the amount of porous bones and hard leather I get make me question my life.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


@Andred: I run world bosses multiple times every day, skipping Teq/Wurm mostly because I don’t know how to do them. I’ll give them a try one of these days if the drop rate is as good as you’re implying.

Well, I wouldn’t say there’s a remotely high chance at a precursor, but I think it’s more likely than regular mobs, and even if I’m wrong, it gives good loot otherwise, with a decent chance at some worthwhile drops.

Other world bosses don’t come close to Teq/Wurm (I assume, as I’ve never been in a Wurm map that was even close to success)

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sirflamesword.3896


Well, I wouldn’t say there’s a remotely high chance at a precursor, but I think it’s more likely than regular mobs, and even if I’m wrong, it gives good loot otherwise, with a decent chance at some worthwhile drops.

Other world bosses don’t come close to Teq/Wurm (I assume, as I’ve never been in a Wurm map that was even close to success)

They don’t really reward better(other than karma). The chance for good drops is the same as every other world boss/boss in the game little to none unless you have extremely good luck.

Pinnacle of Responsibility[Mom]-Yaks Bend
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031



Yeah I feel that way too sometimes. But I will say that in farming for T6, I found risen to be on the low-med end for drops. Skritt for scales and bones (and bags) icebrood colossus and wolves for fangs and claws, and cave spiders for sacs have been far better for me than risen any day of the week. Sure you should buy what you need to help speed it along, but most of the money I’ve gotten to but the mats I need are from selling the mats I dont need. But my point is, if you can set a goal, and are not worried about how long it takes you, then you can spend say, mondays and tuesdays for farming, and the rest for doing whatever, then it wont be such a dull process. Again its all about perception. If you think ita going to be boring then it will be. But if you can change your way of looking at it, then it wont be so mind numbingly boring.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XApocalypse.8739



Farming is allowed, and encouraged. Abusing a bug (exploit) in order to farm is not.

As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

If Anet were to continually put out new “content” in the form that you are thinking, then any of the “old” content would quickly become irrelevant and dead.

“Farming is allowed, and encouraged.” LOL i laughed a little when I read that, name one farm that wasn’t an “Exploit” that was supposedly worth doing (Not counting frostgorge which was nerfed by the way). Every single farm has been nerfed to the ground half of the mobs don’t even drop loot anymore, they even nerfed dungeon farming!

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Dungeon chests used to give Dungeon Tokens which were a Trophy that you had to hold in your inventory.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563



Farming is allowed, and encouraged. Abusing a bug (exploit) in order to farm is not.

As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

If Anet were to continually put out new “content” in the form that you are thinking, then any of the “old” content would quickly become irrelevant and dead.

“Farming is allowed, and encouraged.” LOL i laughed a little when I read that, name one farm that wasn’t an “Exploit” that was supposedly worth doing (Not counting frostgorge which was nerfed by the way). Every single farm has been nerfed to the ground half of the mobs don’t even drop loot anymore, they even nerfed dungeon farming!

EotM. Also dungeons are more profitable now by far than they were at launch.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031



Farming is allowed, and encouraged. Abusing a bug (exploit) in order to farm is not.

As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

If Anet were to continually put out new “content” in the form that you are thinking, then any of the “old” content would quickly become irrelevant and dead.

“Farming is allowed, and encouraged.” LOL i laughed a little when I read that, name one farm that wasn’t an “Exploit” that was supposedly worth doing (Not counting frostgorge which was nerfed by the way). Every single farm has been nerfed to the ground half of the mobs don’t even drop loot anymore, they even nerfed dungeon farming!

There are several I use frequently, get great drops and is not an exploit. For example: cave spiders in WvW home borderland, NW near the skill point. Lots of mobs, a decent respawn rate, and average about 8 T6 sac an hour, sometimes more. Temple event chains, as long as no one is griefing (which some people get kicks out of) are great farms for mats and karma. EotM (as said), under leveled fractals, dry top events, various event chains around the world etc. There are many ways to farm without exploiting events and spawn bugs. CS blixx was nerfed (in fact only had the timer changed nothing more) because of the griefers, and the spawn time was bugged. It wasnt supposed to start so quickly. Such farming methods are exploits and are fixed, and rightly so.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


Well, I wouldn’t say there’s a remotely high chance at a precursor, but I think it’s more likely than regular mobs, and even if I’m wrong, it gives good loot otherwise, with a decent chance at some worthwhile drops.

Other world bosses don’t come close to Teq/Wurm (I assume, as I’ve never been in a Wurm map that was even close to success)

They don’t really reward better(other than karma). The chance for good drops is the same as every other world boss/boss in the game little to none unless you have extremely good luck.

I have to disagree. For the time investment, the rewards are much better. Karma is pretty important when you have loads of ascended mats to refine, or going for a legendary, etc. Also, last I checked other world bosses don’t drop ascended chests.

Edit: OK, they do drop exotic loot bags which have a chance at ascended chests. I do recall reading somewhere on the wiki that Teq has a higher chance for this (or perhaps it was something else?) than exotic bags, which would make sense to me, as his reward is once a day.

Anyway, I guess it’s just my opinion, but I would not compare the other world bosses to Teq and Wurm in any way, even loot. They’re in separate tiers.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

(edited by Andred.1087)

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


yeah, so.. there’s very few items in game i’m interested in at this point.. i thought i’d be a good little soldier and set a goal for myself.. i don’t champ train, i do very few dungeons anymore, i actually do world boss train each day seeing how arena net set up a schedule for it, i do Not flip the trading post.. i decided to old fashioned grind, play some music in the background, keep to myself.. {the only other alternative was open 600 black lion chests or spend a few hundred real world dollars} so after a few hours today my main character, {who has clocked in 5k hours in 729 days, in fully ascended gear, who in the past week has done world boss train, dungeons, EotM, ground spvp for a Non-Sellable Back Item, pretty sure i even stopped in regular wvw recently, and occasionally pops a comm tag to mentor pre events}, in the middle of active Manual Open World gameplay had my account disconnected and “closed permanently”..

so yes, to share in this threads sentiment.. i too was slightly bored, and am now egregiously disappointed

happy 2 year birthday to my main character and i,
oh, by the way.. i did not receive my ‘cake gun’ or my ‘vet’ title

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashkael.2859


white knights are strong in this thread. i agree with OP tho. since precursors can drop from a number of sources, it’s like they justified the uber low droprate. i still feel sad whenever i see the price of dusk/dawn @ TP. nothing will ever change as long as there are people who reassure them that nothing is wrong.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


white knights are strong in this thread. i agree with OP tho. since precursors can drop from a number of sources, it’s like they justified the uber low droprate. i still feel sad whenever i see the price of dusk/dawn @ TP. nothing will ever change as long as there are people who reassure them that nothing is wrong.

So what would you propose? (Aside from crafting, scavenger hunts, and the many tired threads which the devs responded to as something they are looking into) Anet stepping into the player controlled market and adjusting the price so its “fair”? Increasing drop rates? (Already been done for the MF, and John Smith has shown why doubling the drop rates would actually increase prices).

Aside from the current acquisition methods for precursors, the prices are the way they are becuase they are an uber rare drop. And people are willing to pay that much for them. The TP prices are solely controlled by the players. If Anet were to jump in and start to regulate prices on the TP, it would cause mass hysteria, and be a very very bad idea.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XApocalypse.8739



Farming is allowed, and encouraged. Abusing a bug (exploit) in order to farm is not.

As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

If Anet were to continually put out new “content” in the form that you are thinking, then any of the “old” content would quickly become irrelevant and dead.

“Farming is allowed, and encouraged.” LOL i laughed a little when I read that, name one farm that wasn’t an “Exploit” that was supposedly worth doing (Not counting frostgorge which was nerfed by the way). Every single farm has been nerfed to the ground half of the mobs don’t even drop loot anymore, they even nerfed dungeon farming!

EotM. Also dungeons are more profitable now by far than they were at launch.

Did you play at launch? I would do Cof p1 and average close to 10g per hour with a good party.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

WvW and PvP are the only end game. If you are only playing for a legendary then you would stop playing as soon as you get it…so what’s the point?

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JesseBensen.4817


Creating a legendary weapon really isn’t as bad as it seems. It took me less than 30 days from start to finish to forge Bolt. This was during the summer time when I wasn’t working or going to school and thus had the time to grind it out. Obviously for most people it will take longer, but 5 years is enough time for most capable people with jobs to make 2 or 3 of them. Basically what Im trying to say is that it really isn’t as impossible of a task as it may seem at first glance. Also, you shouldn’t go into Guild Wars 2 with a traditional MMO mentality. Its nice to have goals in a game, but only if you can find a fun way to achieve them. Explore a little more, search out new things you haven’t tried yet, for I can almost guarantee the game is full of them. WvW and s/tpvp for those of us who enjoy player vs. player, map completion, exploration, dungeon running, fractals of the mist, living story, Event exploration (discover random events all over the world, some of them are actually really interesting/fun) world bosses, god temples, jumping puzzles, and so much more for those interested in player vs. environment. But the most important thing that will make the gaming experience infinitely more rewarding and fun is to take advantage of the social aspect. Join a guild with likeminded people interested in the same aspects of the game as you, or make use of them to discover new aspects you haven’t tried. Talk to people you see in WvW or while exploring in Tyria and make some in-game friends. You’ll soon find that even the activities you loathed in the game will become tolerable, the tolerable parts will become fun, and the fun parts will become the reason you don’t feel like logging off.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


WvW and PvP are the only end game. If you are only playing for a legendary then you would stop playing as soon as you get it…so what’s the point?

Wvw and PvP are end game for those who enjoy such things. Not everyone does. But making a legendary is a tangible goal, and not a terrible one. So after legendary? Why not ascended armor and weapons? The new back items wouldnt be a bad idea either. Have both a legendary and full ascended gear, why not titles, or get all the achievements? There is plenty to do in the game that doesnt require a ton of money and van be fun and rewarding.

But if the OP is already bored, doing any of those things isnt going to keep them playing. Your best bet at this point would be to put the game down and go do something else. You can always come back later and pick up where you left off. Not trying to be rude or anything, but if its not working for you, then why keep doing it?

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neve.7134


Gw2 isn’t just a game with 1 goal. What will happen once you’ll get your legendary weapon? Open another post complaining you have no more goals. You should check your achievements, your gears on your characters, their map completiton, your rank on pvp and wvw, world bosses too and stop to do those boring dungeons speed runs. Sure you do them in 15 minutes but I’m sure you’re the one who spend 30 minutes after watching the monitor ans saying “boooring”.
Every mob can drop something, even a precursor, so please just play, don’t try to grind if you don’t want it and since you’re writing this thread where nobody can help your bored feeling, you should get the things less serious, enjoy the game with friends and do all the 1000 you can do in this game.
If you were looking for a “grind to have” game, this isn’t the game for you. Since there are a LOT of things you could work on and if you think in that way you’ll never be satisfied.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Majic.4801


It’s 45 minutes of waiting for 15 minutes of playing

Is it fun?

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alienmuppet.1942


I agree it’d be nice to see some more of the map opened up, maybe some new dungeons, etc. but there is already literally hundreds if not thousands of hours of things to do, a lot more than many games out there, and many people to play and interact with.
If you are getting bored I suggest maybe you are playing too much, or expecting it to fill a void in your life. I’m not saying that is the case, but I get that impression a lot of the time from posters that say they are bored with the game. Why not play something else? Or spend some time away from the screen? You can’t expect a game to fulfill your life. When you get bored, turn it off.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kibazuka.1390


EotM. Also dungeons are more profitable now by far than they were at launch.

Did you play at launch? I would do Cof p1 and average close to 10g per hour with a good party.

Well, now you make 20g/hour

Ranger – Drakkar Lake[DE]
Full melee Ranger since August 2012

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coopziana.1802


I vote for “Sack the RNG” and change the majority of the drops to “Rewards Vs. Time invested” I’m almost at 15,500 AP chest and I know that when I open the loot chest I’m going to be presented with the same junk I got from the very first chest… please, dear god, stop giving me Boosters… I didn’t use them on day 1 and I don’t use them now!

Please understand ANet that I’ve spent a lot of time getting to 15,500 AP’s yet I don’t really get rewarded for it, aside from the skins that I will probably never use! There must be some better way to reward us.

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Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alienmuppet.1942


I vote for “Sack the RNG” and change the majority of the drops to “Rewards Vs. Time invested” I’m almost at 15,500 AP chest and I know that when I open the loot chest I’m going to be presented with the same junk I got from the very first chest… please, dear god, stop giving me Boosters… I didn’t use them on day 1 and I don’t use them now!

Please understand ANet that I’ve spent a lot of time getting to 15,500 AP’s yet I don’t really get rewarded for it, aside from the skins that I will probably never use! There must be some better way to reward us.

But then you penalize people with less time to play. Maybe for each event they could calculate your contribution and reward you accordingly? I tend to think skill should be rewarded.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mosharn.8357



Farming is allowed, and encouraged. Abusing a bug (exploit) in order to farm is not.

As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

If Anet were to continually put out new “content” in the form that you are thinking, then any of the “old” content would quickly become irrelevant and dead.

Okay man you are lost. Farming is NOT encouraged in this game. When ever someone finds a farm and shares it anet goes kitten mode and nerfs it. The people who make real gold that is messing with the tp are the people who get on the game to play ONLY the TP. The people who make gold off of pve have to play for several hours to make the same amount of a gold a tp player makes in 10 minutes.

Farming is not a gw2 thing. This game has gold sinks out the butt and they keep basing the gold in the market off the people with insane amounts of gold. This method reks new players and people who are casuals have no chance at getting any gold to mean anything. Basic zerker stuff for pve costs 7g and stuff and for a new player it takes a while to get 7g.

The amount of content in this game is very VERY low. It caters to new players joining the game while old players linger and torture them selves waiting on real content. You can clown your way through most dungeons now days.

This game has many issues and everyone already knows them so lets not waste time on that. But back on topic, farming has never been encouraged. That is why DR and RNG plague every player in this game.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wmtyrance.3571


The fun part of the game is getting to lvl 80. Once there its just boring. This is the fault of all mmo’s. Max lvl mean’s pvp/raids or getting that legendary weapon. I loved getting my character to 80. And since i’m not an alt making guy, its over for me. I’ve tried making other character but just end up deleting them as i don’t want to go threw it all over again. I just wish they would come up with true mmo type content instead of jumping puzzles.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harny.6012


Sadly, I agree to most of it. Have a legendary, some fractal weapons, a bit of money. Dungeon I only see as way to get exotic armors. The 1g reward is just so low consider how much legendaries now cost. It doesn’t feel like progression at all.

I have 170+ MF, play everyday since release, and not a single precursor dropped. They said GW1 is title grind war. Sadly, GW2 is now worse.

500-900g a month (if you sell everything you get there) for 3h of your time a day, if you have decent group and dont slack. How are dungeons no progression? And they are fun, too!
Combine this with 2h of world bossess a day, and you can add like 250g to that pile each month.
Oh wait, it takes you half hour to complete one AC path? Less effort, less gold.
I started with 0 gold when I came back.
It took me about 550h to fully gear up – armor, trinkets, weapons. At first all exo. Then all except weapons ascended. Then sunrise. + alot of other content, including most of the jumping puzzless, commanding PvE, slacking in LA.

If you can’t get a legendary with 2k+ hours on your account, that is your choice.
You are not playing as me, trying to do your best to be as effective as possible. OK.
But don’t expect as many rewards then.

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mireles Lore.5942

Mireles Lore.5942

You are not the only one, but I am disappointed for different reasons.

Anet has so much wasted potential in the game. The game not even come close to living up to the legacy of its predecessor in terms of producing immersive content.

Just compare what we got in Guild Wars 1 between its September 2005 release and its final release of EoTN in August of 2007. In 2 years we had 3 worlds and a expanded first world. We had 4 PvP modes, 4 new classes, missions hard and normal mode, three end game pve zones, a hand full of dungeons, and plenty of accomplishments and gear to earn. In edition to regular seasonal events. Yes we had to pay for each expansion but at this point, I am willing to shell out 50 bucks for some serious content for Guild Wars 2.

Now look at what we have in Guild Wars 2 in this moment in terms of content. We have 1 world with only 2 new zones to explore, the map had expanded very little. We have 2 PvP modes WvW and sPvP conquest, nothing besides EotM has changed here in 2 years. We have the same personal story with 1 mode and a development of a second living story that is permanent. We have 1 end game pve mode FotM mode and 2 raid like events. We still have the same dungeons we did at release with 1 path added. Very little content… in the scope of two years the game has very little to show for it. Yes we have living story 1, but that has come and gone never to come back.

The game can not survive on just convenience features, players do not say because leveling is so easy, or because change the color on my commander tag, or dress up was made so easy. The game needs more content than it needs frilly features if it is going to retain players beyond when they are done leveling. Do it via expansions, 2 weeks updates, it doesn’t really matter, just do it. When it was implied in that interview that the only dungeon path we got was too much work, it seriously made me worry that Anet is after whats easy and a quick buck instead of making a great game. It will take work to make a great game.

In my personal experience the game is dying hard. I am seeing member age out 3-6 months of offline time. Newcomers that I recruit get recruited log on a few times, then never again for another month. People that reach 80 constantly ask me what is there to do when you reach 80. If they are not interested in WvW or PvP content, they stop logging soon after. Please direct your focus to more content and expanding the Guild Wars 2 world Anet. It is getting smaller by the day.

Director – Xunlai Heroic Service Agents [XHSA] | Yak’s Bend

(edited by Mireles Lore.5942)

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PsychoT.3564


As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

I think OP’s main gripe is how unrewarding the content feels. What’s the point of clearing dungeon mobs if they are harder than bosses and don’t drop anything? And if they don’t drop anything, how are you supposed to work toward the legendary? I have 2.7k hours logged and I have yet to see a full stack of T6 mats (don’t get me started with lodestones!) Your suggestions are fine and all, but for someone who has a goal to work towards, they just feel like distractions.

If you want to make your grind to a legendary go a little easier find friends in game who are striving for the same goal you could do dungeons etc.. together and find ways to make things easier I found a way to multiply t6 material along with the grinding makes thing easier same with lobstones you can upgrade core to lobestones etc.. there are ways to make the grind easier and playing with people you like makes the grind not as harsh as doing it by yourself

Feeling disapointed and Bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031



Farming is allowed, and encouraged. Abusing a bug (exploit) in order to farm is not.

As far as stuff to do? There is plenty to do. Tired of doing a 15 min dungeon run? Try doing the same run, but clearing every mob. Did you also know that some of the dungeons have hidden areas and secret bosses/encounters? Try to find them all!!
Working your way toward ascended or a legendary? Instead of farming gold through dungeons and buying what you need, try farming for ALL of it. Everything can be gotten in game, and at a decent pace, if you know where to go. Try to get the belchers bluff title. Or the yak slapper title. Why not try to solo a complete dungeon, every path, while using say Nomads gear or something?

If Anet were to continually put out new “content” in the form that you are thinking, then any of the “old” content would quickly become irrelevant and dead.

Okay man you are lost. Farming is NOT encouraged in this game. When ever someone finds a farm and shares it anet goes kitten mode and nerfs it. The people who make real gold that is messing with the tp are the people who get on the game to play ONLY the TP. The people who make gold off of pve have to play for several hours to make the same amount of a gold a tp player makes in 10 minutes.

Farming is not a gw2 thing. This game has gold sinks out the butt and they keep basing the gold in the market off the people with insane amounts of gold. This method reks new players and people who are casuals have no chance at getting any gold to mean anything. Basic zerker stuff for pve costs 7g and stuff and for a new player it takes a while to get 7g.

The amount of content in this game is very VERY low. It caters to new players joining the game while old players linger and torture them selves waiting on real content. You can clown your way through most dungeons now days.

This game has many issues and everyone already knows them so lets not waste time on that. But back on topic, farming has never been encouraged. That is why DR and RNG plague every player in this game.

The devs say differently.

There is another red post, saying it in much plainer terms, but I cant find it at the moment. And as said in the same post DR is an anti bot mechanism. Not an anti farmer mechanism. Every farm that has been nerfed was due to events not spawning correctly/broken, the players being jerks toward each other resulting in massive amounts of reporting, and crying on the forums, and exploiting. Every event farm, QD, FG, CS. are all still there and still farmable.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”