Female Sylvari Voice Actress
It’s Jen Hale and I’m disappointed of her performance in GW2. Either the direction resulted in something not in my taste, or I just heard better of her as Shep, or Naomi or Trishka or…
In other words, in my opinion there are other female sylvari with better VO than the PC.
No, No, No! Mummified flesh on the left! Dried bones on the right!
I like Jen Hale’s voice acting for the female sylvari characters, except for the argh growl. “For great justice” or “This rose has thorns and here they are” sounds just like it should be. The person who did the female Asura also did a wonderful job. Same for Thybalt Leftpaw (Order of Whispers).
That made me do two different sylvari female characters, two female asuras and select the Order of Whispers for 3 characters.
Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]