(edited by KatKat.5089)
Few bullet points @ desired changes
1) I don’t see why. But I never use the compact in my bags. Maybe some ppl would like that.
2) Chef and Jeweler will be at 500, maybe even on the April 15th.
3) They already said that character won’t lose the trait that they already have. If you have a level 80, only the new grandmaster trait will need to be unlocked.
4) Totally agree with that.
5) I think we are just fine right now. I have no problem with my self healing.
Thanks Thaddeus, any additional improvements or wish lists anyone?
Better armor style options for Norn light armor, the legging and shoulder thing is killing me here.
Fix to the norn pony-tail hair styles to make them not clip with my body (they did this for humans)
Make engi kit backpacks something i can hide, or dye, or…something…
Aquabreather for buyers of Zodiac armors
Market Adjustments for Asc crafting (recipe alterations, drop rates, something… 1 asc set per character, fine… but i would actually like to be able to use my account bound fractal levels… 400-500g worth of mats per set is REAL harsh with 4-5 characters whom I really enjoy playing and would like to bring to fractals 50 once in a while)
Undo the drop changes to black lion chests…I think they drop less worthwhile stuff now than they did even before
Make “culture armor” available to all races…where culture means “in the style of” and rename what we got now to anything else
Bring back my $70 worth of ht3 skinned flamekissed armor (4 characters, with pvp sets)
More armor skins like the zodiac, without the blue, without the gem store
More, new dungeons, fixes and love for old ones…add more rewards for killing mobs in dungeons, take away rewards for skipping things (make the champ oozes spawned from the legendary one required material in arah p1 and add rewards for trash across the board)
Make world bosses down scale…a lot. 20-40 people bare minimum on the really big ones, camping 2 hours for loot i coulda trippled on other bosses or in dungeons for a lotto jackpot’s chance at the wrong stat of asc gear is… insane.
More guild missions, even expanding on the kinds already in existance
WvW exploration should be moved to eotm and maybe EB, only… and the borderland maps could use some eotm loving… eotm maps is what wvw shoulda looked like from the start imo
Please take a look at my horrible luck with rng, played heavily since launch, never gotten a precourser drop, and i watch people in guild who i have seen legit recieve what must be 1 precourser every 2 weeks abouts (seriously, nerf them, buff me, or at least tell me what i did wrong to deserve this)
Dye channels on weapons
Useful racial elites for non-sylvari (Pretty sure they get the best one in existance via seed turrets)
Fixes for Norn Wer-Form elites (use these and you are dead, and saying you want to be dead, and you are wasting your elite for a quirky stealth/escape-mobility move)
Ranger perma-stow pet option…there are fights out there where the presence of anything other than your character is going to gum up the works and make it miserable for everyone. “Stow Pet” should mean “until i say it can come back out” and should be available in combat with the same cooldowns as a pet swap.