Fiery Dragon Sword
I like the flame the way it is. It’s a little intense, but I’d be annoyed if they changed it after three years with the current look.
No. Defiantly not.
I deliberately went out and got Gw1 and the expansions to unlock this skin. I would not be happy if it was changed.
There should be more non legendary weapon skins with particle effects added to Gw2 too in my opinion as well.
I stopped using it long ago because it was too bright and my eyes don’t like bright lightz.
Definitely has a brighter flame than other weapons like Incinerator, which doesn’t bother me.
Looks silly when stowed.
^ yep. It’s a weapon I use to switch to during a fight and not be seen to carry.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
nope. the sword is all good. but i stopped using it after i got my Bolt.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
I use that skin because it is bright. Yah free torches when duel wielding!
The sword is fine. The brightness is helpful in many areas of the game. Leave it alone.
So where can I pick up one of these Swords? Is it possible if I only have GW2 and HoT?
The skin is part of the Hall of Monuments for having a GW1 account tied to your GW2 account (and having the appropriate amount of points).