In Vino Veritas
Fiery Dragon Sword....Bugged?
In Vino Veritas
Eh, just turn your gamma all the way up
You need to be wielding the weapon for it to give off any light…. having it stowed does not do anything.
Eh, just turn your gamma all the way up
that no longer works.
You need to be wielding the weapon for it to give off any light…. having it stowed does not do anything.
You do not need to be wielding the Fiery Dragon Sword nor Jormag’s Breath — there’s always been a glow that surrounds your character and illuminates dark areas, whether wielded or not.
It even sometimes makes AoE circles hard to see (e.g. during the ground-floor fight against the boss in the Cliffside Fractal).
You do get a different amount of illumination if you are wielding the weapon(s). And, of course, your graphic settings will affect the degree and quality of the light.
edit: rephrasing from the double-negative to clarify my point: you don’t have to wield them to get the illumination
(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)
Mine still gives off the same amount of light it did before. Did you try to unequip and reequip the sword?
That’s never been true for the Jormag’s Breath, and it still isn’t.
I have Jormag’s Breath and it had and has a light sorce build in.
his weapon’s glow illuminates darkened areas around the wielder, but not for other players.
the other item that has it is Mad Memoires: Complete Edition
The burning effect produces a glow visible only to the wielder, providing illumination in dark areas, especially useful for certain jumping puzzles.
Just use a ground-targeted skill to “see” the stones until the sword works again.
Kaerleikur @ Elonaspitze
So I was having an alt run the Pirate’s JP in LA again cause I got booted out because of the new fancy cinematic we have to see and I noticed my fiery dragon sword provided no light to help with the dark bit. Is this a bug? Because I liked how it was like an extra torch before and I mean it’s on fire so….
I dont know about your weapon, but cobalt still works.
Check your graphics settings in game. I think the last time I didn’t get light, I had absent mindedly turned my shaders down or off.
One of the previous patches turned off the illumination of the FDS, mad memories back, most torches, & most weapons.
So you can’t see in the dark in the 2-3 dark spots.
On the other hand, you can buy the flames of kryta toy from the laurel vendor to get this illumination.
I just tested the FDS, Mad Memoires, and a torch, and all worked fine. Of course, I also tried playing with the graphics and couldn’t make them stop lighting the area either so…
Edit: I checked the Fiery Dragon Sword stowed too, and it still gave off light.
(edited by Mojo Gris Gris.5941)
That’s never been true for the Jormag’s Breath, and it still isn’t.
I have Jormag’s Breath and it had and has a light sorce build in.
his weapon’s glow illuminates darkened areas around the wielder, but not for other players.
the other item that has it is Mad Memoires: Complete Edition burning effect produces a glow visible only to the wielder, providing illumination in dark areas, especially useful for certain jumping puzzles.
I phrased my response poorly. I was replying to someone who said that these weapons didn’t glow unless wielded — and they do glow when stowed and have always done so.
Sorry for the confusion.
You don’t need a light effect tbh
I always run that Jp with a Necro or Ranger
Then I use the AoE target Ring from Barrage or Grasping Hands to highlight where the pillars are..
doing that you can run the whole thing entirely in the dark since you can see exactly where you need to go
Just use a ground-targeted skill to “see” the stones until the sword works again.
Good advice, most reliable to do this IMO
Did you try to unequip and reequip the sword?
How about, did you try turning it off and back on again?