Filled my screenshot folder...
I guess they didn’t expect anyone to hit the cap. Hell, there’s no way I would have.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
Well that’s good thing to know when screen capping.
Maybe so it would work with Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager?
Well that’s a bummer, I’m going to have to come up with a new plan for maintaining my screenshots, as I use them for my rotating Windows 7 (Windows Last?) desktop background on my nice, fat and phat super aero desktop.
Oh Windows 7, we hardly new you. Not looking forward to Windows Ruh-Roh.
“Now hold on you two. New Windows 8 is a floor polish ‘and’ a dessert topping!”
Maybe so it would work with Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager?
Well that’s a bummer, I’m going to have to come up with a new plan for maintaining my screenshots, as I use them for my rotating Windows 7 (Windows Last?) desktop background on my nice, fat and phat super aero desktop.
Oh Windows 7, we hardly new you. Not looking forward to Windows Ruh-Roh.
“Now hold on you two. New Windows 8 is a floor polish ‘and’ a dessert topping!”
not even bothering with windows Ruh-Roh. I doubt many people are.
I currently have 24 folders of nearly 1k screenshots each, moving them everytime is not fun but at least I am forced to have them somewhat in order
I’ve filled two folders with screenshots already and am working on a third.
Yikes. I was wondering why my screenshots weren’t being saved. Then I finally realized my screenshots stopped at gw999.jpg!
I hope this is on a list of things to fix, this game has so many screenshot opportunities that filling it up to 999 several times over won’t be a problem for me.
Create new folder inside your screenshot folder… Label with date… Copy all screenshots into folder. Problem solved.
This thread has relieved me of guilt. I don’t feel so weird about the volume of screenshots anymore.
Does anyone else take the same shot but for a different character? Not that I am saying I have done that (20 or 30 times) but just wondering how far you have gone with screenshots.
For me it is almost as bad as a parent taking pictures of their newborn. Had a few friends that had hundreds of pictures of their baby after 3 days. lol
When we take screenshots, we at times use the hide or panel command CTRL+SHIFT+H.
I was at Orr taking really great screenshot at the highest way point, remembered I took at least 15 to 20 very awesome ones with my partner’s character beside me.
We went to other destinations and continued our journey. Afterwhich I thought it would be great to share those great moments we took, and to our great disappointment, the screenshots were NOT in the folder.
Going back in game, I tried taking screenshots again, ONLY THEN, did i see the pathetic _ little warning sign at the chat bar saying screenshot is full.
I mean didn’t Anet anticipated that users will use the CTRL+SHIFT+H mode and they ought to have placed a HUGE warning even in that MODE to warn users that their nice pictures can’t be taken.
I mean, its common sense right? I am not sure but I am really disappointed. Those shots were the best especially after it came from climbing the many steps to reach the vista enduring bad camera zoom in and unresponsive movement controls.
They should do something about a warning in CTRL+SHIFT+H mode, cause no one will go and check their folders to see how many shots they have now each time they go into that mode.
(edited by Moderator)
I’ve got 6 so far haha.
Where is this screen shot folder? Sorry if that’s a silly question— went looking to no avail.
It typically goes into your My Documents folder under Guild War 2. Then subfolder called Screens.
I have a shortcut on my desktop for it. I have about 120 sshots so far.
God kitten what re you people taking screen-shots of?