Final Fantasy Characters in GW2
very cool, jolliboy!
Gee, Thanks Chris
Where’s Vivi and Freya?
Where’s Vivi and Freya?
Will do that too in the future if time and Gems permit :P However, I’ve seen a lot of Vivi’s already and I’d love to have them here and show it to the community.
Not so much Vivi but I think the black wings and possibly the phantoms hood or similar could be an interesting take on Black Waltz No. 3. Loved that guy.
The kind of people who will set an orphanage on fire after locking themselves inside it.
Not so much Vivi but I think the black wings and possibly the phantoms hood or similar could be an interesting take on Black Waltz No. 3. Loved that guy.
I love those guiz. The Airship cutscene in FF9 with the Waltz attacking and chasing everyone is one of my favorite FF moments.
Not so much Vivi but I think the black wings and possibly the phantoms hood or similar could be an interesting take on Black Waltz No. 3. Loved that guy.
I love those guiz. The Airship cutscene in FF9 with the Waltz attacking and chasing everyone is one of my favorite FF moments.
You make me wanna play FF9 again ~_~
I’ve never played the games so these nice looking characters don’t mean much to me. I saw the movie though!
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Here’s my attempt at Serah Farron from FF13
If only leather armour designs wasn’t so limited, could be better.
Here’s my attempt at Serah Farron from FF13
If only leather armour designs wasn’t so limited, could be better.
Great Job! Will you do Lightning and Snow too?
Here’s my attempt at Serah Farron from FF13
If only leather armour designs wasn’t so limited, could be better.Great Job! Will you do Lightning and Snow too?
Thanks. I have a Lightning design in mind, might make her a Revenant so it’s on hold for now. Didn’t think about Snow, I’ll need a free char slot first before trying.
Here’s my attempt at Serah Farron from FF13
If only leather armour designs wasn’t so limited, could be better.Great Job! Will you do Lightning and Snow too?
Thanks. I have a Lightning design in mind, might make her a Revenant so it’s on hold for now. Didn’t think about Snow, I’ll need a free char slot first before trying.
Hopefully by the time Revenant comes out, more faces, hair and armors will be available too. As for Snow, your Serah will be lonely without him
Hopefully by the time Revenant comes out, more faces, hair and armors will be available too. As for Snow, your Serah will be lonely without him
Ta dah! Making it ‘Snow’.
wow, amazing!
what’s the first sephiroth top?
I’ve been looking for something like that.
Amazing characters~ I also made Snow a while ago for the guildwarsdyejob subreddit… and a pretty awful Lightning.
Some of my friends did other FFXIII characters. :’)
(edited by Licennia.4783)
Wow, I love this thread.
Superb pictures.
Hopefully by the time Revenant comes out, more faces, hair and armors will be available too. As for Snow, your Serah will be lonely without him
Ta dah! Making it ‘Snow’.
Goodness! You really did it! Congrats Bro!
wow, amazing!
what’s the first sephiroth top?
I’ve been looking for something like that.
It is a heavy gladiator armor I still prefer the Tyrian Coat over it, but only applicable on medium or leather characters
^^; I’ll have to go on and make a costume for Serah. Mine isn’t much of a look alike at the min, I’ll post back as soon as I get an outfit ~
Amazing characters~ I also made Snow a while ago for the guildwarsdyejob subreddit… and a pretty awful Lightning.
Some of my friends did other FFXIII characters. :’)
Great job on these pics!
Lightning and Yuna
Great stuff! Do you have male characters from FF world too?
Lightning and Yuna
Great stuff! Do you have male characters from FF world too?
Male chars are hard to make, because all the Hair sux.
Well, here we go:
-Cloud (lol xD)
-idk his name
My ele is Rinoa Heartilly of FF8
her name is sorceress rinoa
What class would lightning most likely be?
At first I think she would be a theif….but then a guardian/warrior?
Serah Farron ^^; I have so many outfits I’ll just post a few.
I’m going to be making a few new ones later looking at LR outfits.
I found a wild tifa lockheart one time in TA. and yes that was her name.
Speaking of Final Fantasy, most of them are all visually stunning. FFXIII is an especially gorgeous game. I really wish those in Anet Art Department would play and be inspired by it. GW2 is still way too dark, grunge, and goth for it’s own good. I look at the new wvw maps coming out and wonder, why would I be fighting for this cruddy place?
Lightning and Yuna
Great stuff! Do you have male characters from FF world too?
Male chars are hard to make, because all the Hair sux.
Well, here we go:-Sephiroth
-Cloud (lol xD)
-idk his name
That Sephiroth is mean looking! Well that Cloud made me smile like a kid
What class would lightning most likely be?
At first I think she would be a theif….but then a guardian/warrior?
I am thinking more of Guardian, specially the skill effects seems great on Lightning… whatever it may be she will always be adorable to me <3
(edited by mcjolliboy.1769)
I found a wild tifa lockheart one time in TA.
and yes that was her name.
You found a lovely girl bro, lucky you!
Serah Farron ^^; I have so many outfits I’ll just post a few.
I’m going to be making a few new ones later looking at LR outfits.
Now, that much of Serah garment collection, sure means you are a FAN!
Yea ~
Actually I should try to make some look alike outfits, almost everyone I see gets the reference on her outfit or not
Fashiontime ^-^
alot Lightning, a tifa and a sephiroth
(ignore my model’s bodyshape, i dont have many human-charackters)
- maybe i can do more later
(edited by MidnightX.6294)
:D You guys are amazing.
My few are mainly from FFX (Yuna isn’t mine, the others are).
Currently attempting Squall, and I have Tidus, but I’m wary of posting him just because the lack of decent patterns on some armor, makes dyeing it awkward and hard to make it perfect. <.<
(edited by ReV.6097)
Anyone have a Kimari Charr? Always wanted to make one again, but the posture and lack of halberds, put me off.
Hahaha Cloud is a sylvari?
Hahaha Cloud is a sylvari?
They did that because Sylvari have some awesome Cloud-style hair…
Something I wish Devs would add on Humans :/
Hahaha Cloud is a sylvari?
They did that because Sylvari have some awesome Cloud-style hair…
Something I wish Devs would add on Humans :/
Also the norn-yuna haircut would be nice on other chars^^
Also the norn-yuna haircut would be nice on other chars^^
Agreed. We need Yuna, Tidus, and Squall hair >.<
Now if only there was a bigger boob option for my LuLu lol.
Also the norn-yuna haircut would be nice on other chars^^
Agreed. We need Yuna, Tidus, and Squall hair >.<
Now if only there was a bigger boob option for my LuLu lol.
lol I can see a boob slider that goes from size Rikku to size Lulu.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
lol I can see a boob slider that goes from size Rikku to size Lulu.
I bet all the guys would buy total makeover kits on release, just to test. :P
Are there any Terra Branfords, Rydias, Kefkas or Celes Chères around? :O
I want to see more FF VI and IV love ^^
Fashiontime ^-^
alot Lightning, a tifa and a sephiroth
(ignore my model’s bodyshape, i dont have many human-charackters)
- maybe i can do more later
Love those mix&match for the Lightning costumes.
Are there any Terra Branfords, Rydias, Kefkas or Celes Chères around? :O
I want to see more FF VI and IV love ^^
Not the characters you requested but here’s my attempt at Rosa from FF IV.
You guys are awesome! Wanna see a Vivi too
Fashiontime ^-^
alot Lightning, a tifa and a sephiroth
(ignore my model’s bodyshape, i dont have many human-charackters)
- maybe i can do more later
I like your Tiffa fashion mix <3 So cute!
You guys are awesome! Wanna see a Vivi too
could probably achieve close to that with an asura in the hexed outfit