Do you even lift, bro?
Finally! Thank you Anet for allowing me to...
Do you even lift, bro?
I couldn’t agree more! Additional space is always welcome!
This is another awesome feature with the latest update. I was hoping they would also have a collectibles area for dungeon tokens as well but we can’t have everything now can we?
In a way I do understand as well because 250 would be the highest acceptable stack in the collections area and more often than not, we have multiple 250 stacks of the same set of tokens so the implementation would make it a bit strange…
Thanks though Anet this was awesome of you guys to do.
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
I was just about to create a thread on this myself.
Yes indeed, thank you so much! Apart from the saved bank space, I now no longer have to remember which character is holding a particular undead bit
Cheers! This is awesome!
Off topic,
But p.s The Lion’s Arch decorations are quite lovely.
Awesome xmas gift. So much bank space freed up.
Yeah, that was great, but they should have told me lol. I even sent a bug report about my missing itens. Almost had a heart attack when i couldnt see my obsidian shards and lodestones in my bag. Too bad i cant delete a bug report.
Very nice addition. I now have 1/2 bank upgrade freed up. The gold, silver, and copper dubloons didn’t get a spot, maybe next upgrade.