Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iyzebel.2375


Love that C.S. Lewis quote

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grok.9725


For the record, I fit into the demographic the O.P. describes. I’m over 40, with kids and without much time to play during the day. But I really dislike this new content. I signed up for an MMO. Not a platformer.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kidbs.8920


For the record, I fit into the demographic the O.P. describes. I’m over 40, with kids and without much time to play during the day. But I really dislike this new content. I signed up for an MMO. Not a platformer.

Then don’t play it…. This is only a short-time event and a lot of people are getting a kick out of it. Nothing is stopping you from running other dungeons, spvp or wvw.

The funbox was fairly amusing to me for probably 30 minutes but I personally won’t spend much more time in it. I’m also not going to complain about it and say it was a waste of the dev’s time when obviously so many others are loving it.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvery Shadow.5036

Silvery Shadow.5036

… rant …
If you need me, I’ll be watching Game of Thrones. I can’t take any more of this kids stuff.

Would you mind sending me your excess gold and crafting materials before you go? I could use them.

Can use it as well …. by the way, being in my 50’s and loving those kind of addition to the game…I think it’s not a question of demo but a personal view to the game….What I don’t understand is that if you don’t like a part (especially something like SAB) don’t do it there is plenty of things to do in that game, especially for casual gamers.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grok.9725


For the record, I fit into the demographic the O.P. describes. I’m over 40, with kids and without much time to play during the day. But I really dislike this new content. I signed up for an MMO. Not a platformer.

Then don’t play it…. This is only a short-time event and a lot of people are getting a kick out of it. Nothing is stopping you from running other dungeons, spvp or wvw.

The funbox was fairly amusing to me for probably 30 minutes but I personally won’t spend much more time in it. I’m also not going to complain about it and say it was a waste of the dev’s time when obviously so many others are loving it.

And many others aren’t loving it. We don’t get to voice our opinion? The feedback for the most part has been fairly reasonable. Nobody is going on a hunger strike in protest. So what’s your point?

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I am 48 and I must agree with Gundam Zephyr. Why be proud of being sloppy? Yes it takes time and I am the last to complain about peoples writing skills but ill thought out and poorly written does not make me want to take the effort to figure out what it is you (not directed at anyone specifically) are getting at. Time away from school is no more an excuse that someone in school making what is basically the same point.

I’m reading a lot of poorly written posts by so-called ‘40 and 50 year olds.’ Did you people actually go to school? I was under the impression the public school system is getting worse, not better, as time goes on.

As for the topic itself, I love the SAB. I’m quite a fan of exploring and platforming. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and Super Mario 64 are two of my favorite games ever. SAB appeals to players like me, who enjoy doing things in-game that don’t necessarily get us better loot or achieve specific ‘hardcore’ goals. It’s just a way to blow off steam and enjoy a little bit of what made games like Super Mario 64 so iconic in their hay day.

P.S. I’m 25.

The longer it’s been since you’ve been to school, the less you remember about things like grammar, and sentence structure. People who don’t use the written word often will often not be better at it than people who use it frequently. How about a bit of tolerance?

The way schools teach has indeed changed quite a bit. There are, from my point of view anyway, huge omissions in the current day curriculum. Calling people out for not typing or speaking well, it’s just not cool. Not to mention for many people, English might not even be a first language.

And I just make a lot of typos because I make a lot of posts and don’t want to spend the time constantly rereading them.

What about people who aren’t as educated, people who aren’t as smart, people who don’t speak English as a primary language. What about people who suffer from insomnia and have trouble concentrating.

Tolerance doesn’t mean I’m tolerating someone being “sloppy”. I don’t know anyone’s personal situation here. Maybe they’re on prescription meds and it affects their ability to focus…who knows.

A bit of tolerance goes a long way.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jordy.1570


im 30 and i dont like the new content. was hoping for a “normal” content update. this doenst fit into an fantasy mmo and i dont unterstand why we dont get any good content that stays interesting like fractals. it took time to devolope this stuff and for me its a waste of time. its lacking more and more…

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Considering this world has technology and robots, this content actually fits the world well.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


I am 48 and I must agree with Gundam Zephyr. Why be proud of being sloppy? Yes it takes time and I am the last to complain about peoples writing skills but ill thought out and poorly written does not make me want to take the effort to figure out what it is you (not directed at anyone specifically) are getting at. Time away from school is no more an excuse that someone in school making what is basically the same point.

I’m reading a lot of poorly written posts by so-called ‘40 and 50 year olds.’ Did you people actually go to school? I was under the impression the public school system is getting worse, not better, as time goes on.

As for the topic itself, I love the SAB. I’m quite a fan of exploring and platforming. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and Super Mario 64 are two of my favorite games ever. SAB appeals to players like me, who enjoy doing things in-game that don’t necessarily get us better loot or achieve specific ‘hardcore’ goals. It’s just a way to blow off steam and enjoy a little bit of what made games like Super Mario 64 so iconic in their hay day.

P.S. I’m 25.

The longer it’s been since you’ve been to school, the less you remember about things like grammar, and sentence structure. People who don’t use the written word often will often not be better at it than people who use it frequently. How about a bit of tolerance?

The way schools teach has indeed changed quite a bit. There are, from my point of view anyway, huge omissions in the current day curriculum. Calling people out for not typing or speaking well, it’s just not cool. Not to mention for many people, English might not even be a first language.

And I just make a lot of typos because I make a lot of posts and don’t want to spend the time constantly rereading them.

What about people who aren’t as educated, people who aren’t as smart, people who don’t speak English as a primary language. What about people who suffer from insomnia and have trouble concentrating.

Tolerance doesn’t mean I’m tolerating someone being “sloppy”. I don’t know anyone’s personal situation here. Maybe they’re on prescription meds and it affects their ability to focus…who knows.

A bit of tolerance goes a long way.

English isn’t my first language and I often miss out words due to dyslexia or type sentences as I would speak them irl.

People forget things like that.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


I would love to see charts on the real demographics of Guild Wars 2 Players. My 13-year-old granddaughter just got an account for her birthday, my 30-year-old son plays, my 40-year-old partner plays and then there’s me at 53…

My guess is they are catering to gaming tastes and not to age brackets.
Sorrows Furnace

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I’ll just say this..

Super Adventure Box is a million times more fun and replayable than Fractals of the Mists any day of the week…

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


im 30 and i dont like the new content. was hoping for a “normal” content update. this doenst fit into an fantasy mmo and i dont unterstand why we dont get any good content that stays interesting like fractals. it took time to devolope this stuff and for me its a waste of time. its lacking more and more…

While I appreciate where you’re coming from, I can say that I’m so sick of “normal” that I’ve been beginning to wonder if anyone was willing to stick their neck out for the sake of creativity, and apply something new and intelligent to this genre.

Pure fantasy MMO’s are a dime a dozen. There for awhile, I thought GW2 was going down that path as well, but I’m glad to see they’ve finally, in true GW style, bucked the system and did their own thing.

Maybe it’s because I’m older than you, and have been around the fantasy video game block more, but to be honest, you just seem to be asking for more of what’s already out there.

That’s fine, if that’s what you want – but do keep in mind that some of us are looking for things more creative, intelligent, interesting, and stimulating that the same old same old, rinse and repeat.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.

I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.

With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.

With no time constrains and content available to anyone at any skill level, they are aiming this game at ppl who have a wife and possibly kids, gamers who don’t have that much time in the day to actually play games in general, in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.

I’m not looking for an arcade game or an adventure game to play, a 8 bit platformer or a platformer in general. I’m looking to play an mmorpg. Mini games are fun but when the bulk of my fun from the game is coming from mini games, i might aswell be playing a real adventure, platformer or arcade game than a water downed version of such in an MMORPG.

Interesting. I came to almost the opposite realization yesterday. I was gone for the long weekend and when I came back, I was not eagerly waiting to get back in the game. However, before that I was on almost every spare hour I had. The reason? Because I realized I had to reason. I was logging on before for Laurels and Dailies. Then, when I did not get a few, I realized I didn’t need them. I then checked out SAB and saw that you had to farm it over and over to get a skin. You can’t just log in for fun and get something cool.

Basically the style of play is either = log in for hours and hours and let it consume you, so that you can get Laurels/Legendaries/Super skins etc.. or you can log in casually and get nothing. (and by nothing i mean you can get a few laurels and a few baubles, but not enough to do anything with).

This game is too heavily focused on farming imo.

I still do love the game though, but perhaps not as much as I used to.

PS: I am 28.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


im 30 and i dont like the new content. was hoping for a “normal” content update. this doenst fit into an fantasy mmo and i dont unterstand why we dont get any good content that stays interesting like fractals. it took time to devolope this stuff and for me its a waste of time. its lacking more and more…

While I appreciate where you’re coming from, I can say that I’m so sick of “normal” that I’ve been beginning to wonder if anyone was willing to stick their neck out for the sake of creativity, and apply something new and intelligent to this genre.

Pure fantasy MMO’s are a dime a dozen. There for awhile, I thought GW2 was going down that path as well, but I’m glad to see they’ve finally, in true GW style, bucked the system and did their own thing.

Maybe it’s because I’m older than you, and have been around the fantasy video game block more, but to be honest, you just seem to be asking for more of what’s already out there.

That’s fine, if that’s what you want – but do keep in mind that some of us are looking for things more creative, intelligent, interesting, and stimulating that the same old same old, rinse and repeat.

This post made me think. When I was younger I read a lot of fantasy and science fiction…and I still enjoy those types of books. Now, however, I read a much wider variety of books. I’m not so attached to one genre anymore. I like cross-genre stuff, mainstream stuff. The last book I read was a historical drama about building a tunnel under the Berlin Wall. Good stuff. Now I’m reading a fantasy novel.

The steady diet of fantasy as I get older has worn quite thin. The only thing worse than fantasy to me is fantasy with elves and dwarves. Vampires are in the same boat. They’re over-played and I can do without them.

Sylvari fill the same “ecological niche”, for lack of a better word, as elves…but they’re not elves. Asura, they’re really not gnomes, but they serve much the same purpose. Charr…well they’re just cool. lol

So yeah, I’m sorta glad Anet killed off the dwarves. lol

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


im 30 and i dont like the new content. was hoping for a “normal” content update. this doenst fit into an fantasy mmo and i dont unterstand why we dont get any good content that stays interesting like fractals. it took time to devolope this stuff and for me its a waste of time. its lacking more and more…

However, it DOES fit into the lore/theme of the universe. Yes it is a fantasy based realm, but there is a race in that realm who has advanced technology. You could even consider that race to be somewhat more Sci-Fi than Fantasy. This race, of course, is the Asura. They have Gates for long distance travel, Golems (robots), waypoints and other advanced technology. They are also extremely goofy and competitive. Would you disagree that creating a game, such as the SAB, is outside the bounds of what the Asura would create? In my opinion, it fits in quite well.

In fact, it fits in much better than many other aspects of the game. For example, WvW makes no sense. We are literally fighting cross-dimensions Tyria 1 vs Tyria 2 vs Tyria 3. That is very sci fi and not very fantasy based. Guns are also out of place imo, but I have come to accept their presence.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


The steady diet of fantasy as I get older has worn quite thin. The only thing worse than fantasy to me is fantasy with elves and dwarves. Vampires are in the same boat. They’re over-played and I can do without them.

I feel exactly the same way. I’ve picked up several fantasy novels in the last 10 years, but I don’t think I’ve finished any of them. I occasionally read an old favourite, but mostly I just read other things now. After awhile, they do start to look the same…

On another note, I’m not sure if this thread has got off track or not…

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The steady diet of fantasy as I get older has worn quite thin. The only thing worse than fantasy to me is fantasy with elves and dwarves. Vampires are in the same boat. They’re over-played and I can do without them.

I feel exactly the same way. I’ve picked up several fantasy novels in the last 10 years, but I don’t think I’ve finished any of them. I occasionally read an old favourite, but mostly I just read other things now. After awhile, they do start to look the same…

On another note, I’m not sure if this thread has got off track or not…

I’m not sure it’s completely off track. I mean the main comment of the thread is talking about Guild Wars 2’s demographic and what they expect. Surely seeing that some of us are actually sick of standard fantasy is pertinent to the topic.

It might well be why the SAB is so popular.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


The steady diet of fantasy as I get older has worn quite thin. The only thing worse than fantasy to me is fantasy with elves and dwarves. Vampires are in the same boat. They’re over-played and I can do without them.

I feel exactly the same way. I’ve picked up several fantasy novels in the last 10 years, but I don’t think I’ve finished any of them. I occasionally read an old favourite, but mostly I just read other things now. After awhile, they do start to look the same…

I feel the same way about the bulk of fantasy, even though I devoured fantasy novels when I was younger.

One trick I found was picking up the award winners. Books don’t get Nebulas or World Fantasy Awards by being the same old dark elf/tormented mage/vampire schlock. I googled lists of the award winners and have been working my way through them, with great delight. I discovered wonderful novels like Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, Perdido Street Station, Under Heaven, and The Doomsday Book this way.

Feeds my love for fantasy, while giving me well written literature.

As for all the negative reaction to SAB, it has undermined my faith in the idea that this is a generation completely given over to irony. There’s just no way for that to be true and have so many people taking this game so seriously.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


im 30 and i dont like the new content. was hoping for a “normal” content update. this doenst fit into an fantasy mmo and i dont unterstand why we dont get any good content that stays interesting like fractals. it took time to devolope this stuff and for me its a waste of time. its lacking more and more…

While I appreciate where you’re coming from, I can say that I’m so sick of “normal” that I’ve been beginning to wonder if anyone was willing to stick their neck out for the sake of creativity, and apply something new and intelligent to this genre.

Pure fantasy MMO’s are a dime a dozen. There for awhile, I thought GW2 was going down that path as well, but I’m glad to see they’ve finally, in true GW style, bucked the system and did their own thing.

Maybe it’s because I’m older than you, and have been around the fantasy video game block more, but to be honest, you just seem to be asking for more of what’s already out there.

That’s fine, if that’s what you want – but do keep in mind that some of us are looking for things more creative, intelligent, interesting, and stimulating that the same old same old, rinse and repeat.

This post made me think. When I was younger I read a lot of fantasy and science fiction…and I still enjoy those types of books. Now, however, I read a much wider variety of books. I’m not so attached to one genre anymore. I like cross-genre stuff, mainstream stuff. The last book I read was a historical drama about building a tunnel under the Berlin Wall. Good stuff. Now I’m reading a fantasy novel.

The steady diet of fantasy as I get older has worn quite thin. The only thing worse than fantasy to me is fantasy with elves and dwarves. Vampires are in the same boat. They’re over-played and I can do without them.

Sylvari fill the same “ecological niche”, for lack of a better word, as elves…but they’re not elves. Asura, they’re really not gnomes, but they serve much the same purpose. Charr…well they’re just cool. lol

So yeah, I’m sorta glad Anet killed off the dwarves. lol

What is infinitely worse on bookstore fantasy shelves these days is the proliferation of books that feature hard-bitten, supernaturally-tinged, modern-day heroines who all face supernatural threats while inevitably falling in love with someone dangerous. Oh, and almost all are written in the 1st person style. I have no problem with urban fantasy romance as a sub-genre, but why are they all the same?

At least GW2 doesn’t have any of that… at least as official content.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eisberg.2379


im 30 and i dont like the new content. was hoping for a “normal” content update. this doenst fit into an fantasy mmo and i dont unterstand why we dont get any good content that stays interesting like fractals. it took time to devolope this stuff and for me its a waste of time. its lacking more and more…

While I appreciate where you’re coming from, I can say that I’m so sick of “normal” that I’ve been beginning to wonder if anyone was willing to stick their neck out for the sake of creativity, and apply something new and intelligent to this genre.

Pure fantasy MMO’s are a dime a dozen. There for awhile, I thought GW2 was going down that path as well, but I’m glad to see they’ve finally, in true GW style, bucked the system and did their own thing.

Maybe it’s because I’m older than you, and have been around the fantasy video game block more, but to be honest, you just seem to be asking for more of what’s already out there.

That’s fine, if that’s what you want – but do keep in mind that some of us are looking for things more creative, intelligent, interesting, and stimulating that the same old same old, rinse and repeat.

This post made me think. When I was younger I read a lot of fantasy and science fiction…and I still enjoy those types of books. Now, however, I read a much wider variety of books. I’m not so attached to one genre anymore. I like cross-genre stuff, mainstream stuff. The last book I read was a historical drama about building a tunnel under the Berlin Wall. Good stuff. Now I’m reading a fantasy novel.

The steady diet of fantasy as I get older has worn quite thin. The only thing worse than fantasy to me is fantasy with elves and dwarves. Vampires are in the same boat. They’re over-played and I can do without them.

Sylvari fill the same “ecological niche”, for lack of a better word, as elves…but they’re not elves. Asura, they’re really not gnomes, but they serve much the same purpose. Charr…well they’re just cool. lol

So yeah, I’m sorta glad Anet killed off the dwarves. lol

What is infinitely worse on bookstore fantasy shelves these days is the proliferation of books that feature hard-bitten, supernaturally-tinged, modern-day heroines who all face supernatural threats while inevitably falling in love with someone dangerous. Oh, and almost all are written in the 1st person style. I have no problem with urban fantasy romance as a sub-genre, but why are they all the same?

At least GW2 doesn’t have any of that… at least as official content.

Who doesn’t love a Zombie Boy and Living Girl romance novel? -.-

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


im 30 and i dont like the new content. was hoping for a “normal” content update. this doenst fit into an fantasy mmo and i dont unterstand why we dont get any good content that stays interesting like fractals. it took time to devolope this stuff and for me its a waste of time. its lacking more and more…

While I appreciate where you’re coming from, I can say that I’m so sick of “normal” that I’ve been beginning to wonder if anyone was willing to stick their neck out for the sake of creativity, and apply something new and intelligent to this genre.

Pure fantasy MMO’s are a dime a dozen. There for awhile, I thought GW2 was going down that path as well, but I’m glad to see they’ve finally, in true GW style, bucked the system and did their own thing.

Maybe it’s because I’m older than you, and have been around the fantasy video game block more, but to be honest, you just seem to be asking for more of what’s already out there.

That’s fine, if that’s what you want – but do keep in mind that some of us are looking for things more creative, intelligent, interesting, and stimulating that the same old same old, rinse and repeat.

This post made me think. When I was younger I read a lot of fantasy and science fiction…and I still enjoy those types of books. Now, however, I read a much wider variety of books. I’m not so attached to one genre anymore. I like cross-genre stuff, mainstream stuff. The last book I read was a historical drama about building a tunnel under the Berlin Wall. Good stuff. Now I’m reading a fantasy novel.

The steady diet of fantasy as I get older has worn quite thin. The only thing worse than fantasy to me is fantasy with elves and dwarves. Vampires are in the same boat. They’re over-played and I can do without them.

Sylvari fill the same “ecological niche”, for lack of a better word, as elves…but they’re not elves. Asura, they’re really not gnomes, but they serve much the same purpose. Charr…well they’re just cool. lol

So yeah, I’m sorta glad Anet killed off the dwarves. lol

What is infinitely worse on bookstore fantasy shelves these days is the proliferation of books that feature hard-bitten, supernaturally-tinged, modern-day heroines who all face supernatural threats while inevitably falling in love with someone dangerous. Oh, and almost all are written in the 1st person style. I have no problem with urban fantasy romance as a sub-genre, but why are they all the same?

At least GW2 doesn’t have any of that… at least as official content.

I wrote some of that stuff for a while, for a living (erotic romance, romantic suspense) and let me tell you, that stuff sells, and sells well. And yeah, it’s very formulaic, because that’s what the readers of that genre want.

It’s a bit sobering to realize that romance actually accounts (or used to anyway) for 60% of all fiction book sales.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supasilvafoxy.1247


The new content would make sense if it was a relaxing break from the rest of the game. But it’s not…it’s the same stuff just dressed up in 80’s graphics. 90% of the game is themepark, teensy silliness that really only appeals to a younger audience. They threw in this 8-bit stuff as a nice joke, and it may be fun to play for a little while, but it doesn’t make up for its lack of good content..

Tosh! What utter tosh!
Younger audience indeed. I’ve been avidly reading this thread and shaking my head in amazement at some of the rubbish I’m reading.

I’m old – even older than Methusla some would say – I was born in 1941. I did not start playing computer games until Windows 98, was way too busy with real life and keeping babies fed and warm, so I missed out on the ‘Mario’ stuff. I’m not new to MMO’s having faithfully played City of Heroes from beta till it’s premature burial (was still a lot of millage left in that game)

Old as I am, GW2 appeals to me greatly, can’t see where you get the connection with theme-park and teensy silliness from. The graphics are beautiful and the lore/story entertaining.

Games are fun or should be – ‘tis the meaning of the word ’game’ after all they are meant to delight and amuse their participents. I just love the April Fools content, a celebration and an education of what games were before they evolved into what we have nowadays.

Everybody needs to lighten up and enjoy the Fun Box for what it is – an enjoyable diversion from the more ‘serious’ GW2 content. It’s not going to last forever, just one month, I look forward to more of the same in future.

Happy Gaming!

Though wrinkles don’t look pretty, thankfully they don’t hurt.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clay.7849


I don’t care what anyone says, here’s my demographics:

Male. 32. Married. Children. Middle Class. White. Protestant. White Collar Job. Suburbs.

I think GW1 was better than GW2.

I like the SAB and think that it is one of the best things ANet has put out in the last 3 months.

I like Disney Movies as well as Quentin Tarantino movies.

I also play Madden and Battlefield/CoD games on XBOX.

So, am I a carebear that likes disney movies or someone that hates my life because I don’t like GW2 as much as GW1?

The amount of insults being thrown around in this thread about what people like and don’t like is really out of control.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


Get my video game out of video games!

So people are really that upset and threatening to leave in droves because ANET does a tribute to video games and as a short-term event?

Ok it’s April 2nd, you can stop now…

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Victory.2879


For the record, I fit into the demographic the O.P. describes. I’m over 40, with kids and without much time to play during the day. But I really dislike this new content. I signed up for an MMO. Not a platformer.


The new content seems designed to appeal to 4 year olds- at least the neighbour’s kid is enjoying the April event.

And no, people aren’t getting upset because Anet ‘did a tribute Jump Puzzle, etc’, they are upset because the resources devoted to making the ‘Jump Puzzle platform event’ could have been better spent sorting out the many issues in the game or concentrating resources on, say, a new map for wvw, changing wvw maps, sorting out the many issues wvw has, etc etc – but instead they spent those resources coming out with something kitten.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

(edited by Victory.2879)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


And no, people aren’t getting upset because Anet ‘did a tribute Jump Puzzle, etc’, they are upset because the resources devoted to making the ‘Jump Puzzle platform event’ could have been better spent sorting out the many issues in the game or concentrating resources on, say, a new map for wvw, changing wvw maps, sorting out the many issues wvw has, etc etc – but instead they spent those resources coming out with something kitten.

Oh that happens in every game. They are just in different department groups/teams. Some groups are committed to crushing bugs, others to adding new content for x, y or z parts of the game. Obviously one team just did a lot of work on WvW, and a totally different team did the tribute thing at the same time. I’m sure it’s the same team that did wintersday and the the other events like that. The living story most likely has a team that doesn’t touch WvW, bug crushing nor special events.

So basically you guys want special events ended once and for all? I think most people like them… I do. And cutting it would end art department jubs, and too many cooks in the kitchen with programmers working out game area specific bugs no doubt. In the end, updates would probably be less.

(edited by Daywolf.2630)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kidbs.8920


For the record, I fit into the demographic the O.P. describes. I’m over 40, with kids and without much time to play during the day. But I really dislike this new content. I signed up for an MMO. Not a platformer.

Then don’t play it…. This is only a short-time event and a lot of people are getting a kick out of it. Nothing is stopping you from running other dungeons, spvp or wvw.

The funbox was fairly amusing to me for probably 30 minutes but I personally won’t spend much more time in it. I’m also not going to complain about it and say it was a waste of the dev’s time when obviously so many others are loving it.

And many others aren’t loving it. We don’t get to voice our opinion? The feedback for the most part has been fairly reasonable. Nobody is going on a hunger strike in protest. So what’s your point?

My point is it’s impossible to please everyone. I would say that A-Net has pleased more than they have displeased with this patch, so I would consider that a success for them. Again, I’ve already stated that I don’t particularly care for what they did but I can appreciate that most others are loving it.

Complaining at this point isn’t going to change anything. People will continue to kitten but it’s not like they are being forced to play the content. Also, I seriously doubt it slowed down their other development efforts considering they’ve already said it was a small group of people that worked on it.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grok.9725


My point is it’s impossible to please everyone. I would say that A-Net has pleased more than they have displeased with this patch, so I would consider that a success for them. Again, I’ve already stated that I don’t particularly care for what they did but I can appreciate that most others are loving it.

Complaining at this point isn’t going to change anything. People will continue to kitten but it’s not like they are being forced to play the content. Also, I seriously doubt it slowed down their other development efforts considering they’ve already said it was a small group of people that worked on it.

I disagree. Letting Anet know that there are a bunch of us out there that don’t enjoy this type of content may lead them to consider approaching content with a bit more variety. Aside from the Living Story content, all of the patches so far have featured the “jumping” mechanic quite prominently. Personally I’d like to see something different the next time out, and I think this forum is the place to make that suggestion.

I have no problem with the number of threads out there congratulating Anet on a job well done despite the fact that I don’t enjoy the content. Perhaps we could be allowed to enjoy the same privilege of being allowed to voice our opinion?

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kiayin.3427


This current Adventure Box isn’t my type of thing. I played it for an hour or so, on infantile mode, which was rather insulting.

Easy – Level 1 – Rung 0 – Mode Easy – Basic – Adventure Lite – Effortless – Painless – Snap Mode – Friendly – Pushover – Gentle – Yielding – Smooth – Accessible

Out of all the adjectives in the world that could have been used, Anet chose INFANTILE?

Seriously Anet, way to make your players who are not good at jumping puzzles, or other aspects of game play feel like crap. I just wanted to go in and check it out, see what was up, see what all the fuss was about. Not only do I play on infantile mode, but I get achievements for “Baby’s First Super Adventure”.

While I did get a Zelda Link to the Past vibe smashing pots for baubles instead of rupies playing a mini game on a mode Anet basically is saying is for babies and calling me, a paying, playing customer a baby for playing on that mode was insulting. I’m probably twice the age of the people who programmed the mini game and they name it “infantile” mode and give me “Baby” named achievements.

I do appreciate there is new content, the retro, the whimsical aspect, the fun they are injecting, the effort put forth and the fact they are obviously trying to create fun, new content for all the players. And I’m happy players are having fun. It’s good for the game and player retention. But whoever chose “infantile” and “baby” needs to have a meeting with a superior and a serious talking to.

I’ll skip this content, because it’s not my thing, and go take my Geritol.

From the release notes:

Convinced that the asuran educational system was overdue for reform, Moto invented a new way to teach—through play! His Super Adventure Box is a one-of-a-kind device that a party of five can enter to learn cooperation, finance, interpersonal communication, hand-eye coordination, and so much more! Help Moto beta test his Box before he begins enrolling the progeny of Rata Sum.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fay.2735


The thing people are completely missing about what Guild Wars 2 is trying to accomplish is that it’s trying to provide content for all types of people of any age. They add things like the box in the game for the people who like it just as they added fractals in the game for people who like gear threadmills.

I love the box, I don’t like gear threadmill. That doesn’t mean I start to say ‘This game is not for me because I do not like this one thing’ or ‘How dare this one concept exist in this game it does not fit with my specific vision’.

Personally I think it’s great that GW2 is broader in scope and more open to creativity, different play styles and interests. I’m perfectly fine with sharing Tyria with people who enjoy different things and letting them enjoy their content while I enjoy mine in the same space.

In the long run I much rather play a diverse game with a diverse player base that doesn’t become stale and boring than a single minded MMO where everyone is always super focused and serious on one or two things and any new content is predictably in line with the previous. Where content generally adheres strictly to it’s main gameplay which is essentially creative suicide.

All these creative fun things add a sense of liveliness to the game, unpredictability and innovation. How often do MMO’s still surprise you on a frequent basis? I like that they are able to swap between serious matters like fixing culling to adding a retro mini game for april fools. So sure it is likely that most people will not like some of the things they will put in game. Does it really matter? It’s optional after all it’s there for if you like it, if you don’t plenty of other things to do.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •

(edited by Fay.2735)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


I am very very aware of what dyslexia is. That is not what I was talking about. I just have a thing about people being incoherent and then being proud about it.

I am 48 and I must agree with Gundam Zephyr. Why be proud of being sloppy? Yes it takes time and I am the last to complain about peoples writing skills but ill thought out and poorly written does not make me want to take the effort to figure out what it is you (not directed at anyone specifically) are getting at. Time away from school is no more an excuse that someone in school making what is basically the same point.

I’m reading a lot of poorly written posts by so-called ‘40 and 50 year olds.’ Did you people actually go to school? I was under the impression the public school system is getting worse, not better, as time goes on.

As for the topic itself, I love the SAB. I’m quite a fan of exploring and platforming. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and Super Mario 64 are two of my favorite games ever. SAB appeals to players like me, who enjoy doing things in-game that don’t necessarily get us better loot or achieve specific ‘hardcore’ goals. It’s just a way to blow off steam and enjoy a little bit of what made games like Super Mario 64 so iconic in their hay day.

P.S. I’m 25.

The longer it’s been since you’ve been to school, the less you remember about things like grammar, and sentence structure. People who don’t use the written word often will often not be better at it than people who use it frequently. How about a bit of tolerance?

The way schools teach has indeed changed quite a bit. There are, from my point of view anyway, huge omissions in the current day curriculum. Calling people out for not typing or speaking well, it’s just not cool. Not to mention for many people, English might not even be a first language.

And I just make a lot of typos because I make a lot of posts and don’t want to spend the time constantly rereading them.

What about people who aren’t as educated, people who aren’t as smart, people who don’t speak English as a primary language. What about people who suffer from insomnia and have trouble concentrating.

Tolerance doesn’t mean I’m tolerating someone being “sloppy”. I don’t know anyone’s personal situation here. Maybe they’re on prescription meds and it affects their ability to focus…who knows.

A bit of tolerance goes a long way.

English isn’t my first language and I often miss out words due to dyslexia or type sentences as I would speak them irl.

People forget things like that.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

meh 25 here and i like the the game but its too simple for my taste, want it to become deeper/more complex

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Timothy.7204


I am an adult and do not like this. I tried it just now, and it was as I figured. It was not even fun in the slightest.

But I see that some of the weapon skin rewards are pretty nice looking and would look good on an Asura. They need to make them available outside that mini game for the mature people who refuse to play something so childish.

But then again I always have been baffled as to why Minecraft is so popular. I have the exact same feelings about that game. I also never have liked the Mario brothers games, ever.

Next is Arenanet going to add checkbook software in the game, so we can do our finances? Thats how ridiculous it is.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I am an adult and do not like this. I tried it just now, and it was as I figured. It was not even fun in the slightest.

But I see that some of the weapon skin rewards are pretty nice looking and would look good on an Asura. They need to make them available outside that mini game for the mature people who refuse to play something so childish.

But then again I always have been baffled as to why Minecraft is so popular. I have the exact same feelings about that game. I also never have liked the Mario brothers games, ever.

Next is Arenanet going to add checkbook software in the game, so we can do our finances? Thats how ridiculous it is.

Calling it childish makes you sound very judgmental. My wife and I love it, an we’re likely older than you are. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it childish.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I am an adult and do not like this. I tried it just now, and it was as I figured. It was not even fun in the slightest.

But I see that some of the weapon skin rewards are pretty nice looking and would look good on an Asura. They need to make them available outside that mini game for the mature people who refuse to play something so childish.

But then again I always have been baffled as to why Minecraft is so popular. I have the exact same feelings about that game. I also never have liked the Mario brothers games, ever.

Next is Arenanet going to add checkbook software in the game, so we can do our finances? Thats how ridiculous it is.

Calling it childish makes you sound very judgmental. My wife and I love it, an we’re likely older than you are. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it childish.

Likewise. Every time someone calls the SAB “childish” and he wants “mature” content, I imagine a teen, while I’m 26, engaged and loving the new content.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I am an adult and do not like this. I tried it just now, and it was as I figured. It was not even fun in the slightest.

But I see that some of the weapon skin rewards are pretty nice looking and would look good on an Asura. They need to make them available outside that mini game for the mature people who refuse to play something so childish.

But then again I always have been baffled as to why Minecraft is so popular. I have the exact same feelings about that game. I also never have liked the Mario brothers games, ever.

Next is Arenanet going to add checkbook software in the game, so we can do our finances? Thats how ridiculous it is.

Since you don’t want to be playing something so “childish”- buy the skins off the TP- they are cheap.
I’m 41- I like minecraft, it is an extremely creative game- my husband doesn’t but he plays a lot of BF3 which I hate.
Different people like different things, calling content childish because you don’t like it is just silly- a lot more silly than the SAB.

Gunnar’s Hold

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I am an adult and do not like this. I tried it just now, and it was as I figured. It was not even fun in the slightest.

But I see that some of the weapon skin rewards are pretty nice looking and would look good on an Asura. They need to make them available outside that mini game for the mature people who refuse to play something so childish.

But then again I always have been baffled as to why Minecraft is so popular. I have the exact same feelings about that game. I also never have liked the Mario brothers games, ever.

Next is Arenanet going to add checkbook software in the game, so we can do our finances? Thats how ridiculous it is.

Don’t say you’re an adult. Tell us your exact age. Because neither SAB nor Mario nor minecraft are “childish”.
Sure they have a theme that appeals to all ages, but that doesn’t equate to childish in my book. Minecraft and Mario are actually pretty hardcore games. I don’t consider blood and gore a display of maturity, that’s actually what falls in the teen category in my experience.

But sure, tastes differ. But to me, blood and gore became boring a very long time ago.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Maybe OP should spend more time on his schoolwork and less time being “hardcore” in a video game.

Didn’t even mention the word hardcore. And is that an attempt at belittling me?

Every last thing in your OP was a thinly veiled belittling of the game & people who like it On the premise that you are beyond it’s “casual” nature. Surely you must be able to pick out other thinly veiled belittling attempts?

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leablo.2651


With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games

in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.

> 8 bit
> casual
> mfw ps2 kiddie


Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.

I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.

With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.

With no time constrains and content available to anyone at any skill level, they are aiming this game at ppl who have a wife and possibly kids, gamers who don’t have that much time in the day to actually play games in general, in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.

I’m not looking for an arcade game or an adventure game to play, a 8 bit platformer or a platformer in general. I’m looking to play an mmorpg. Mini games are fun but when the bulk of my fun from the game is coming from mini games, i might aswell be playing a real adventure, platformer or arcade game than a water downed version of such in an MMORPG.

They are aiming at multiple groups of ages…open your eyes maybe you’l see it.Don’t be dissapointed because you didn’t like this event,hundreds of other still did.And no…they aren’t all over 30….

Also,i can’t understand for the life of me,that people always have to find ways to complain about something…..I would be getting really tired of myself honestly…

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

They are aiming at multiple groups of ages…open your eyes maybe you’l see it.Don’t be dissapointed because you didn’t like this event,hundreds of other still did.And no…they aren’t all over 30….

Also,i can’t understand for the life of me,that people always have to find ways to complain about something…..I would be getting really tired of myself honestly…

A cross section of the demographics either didn’t like, didn’t care for or loved SAB. No stereotypes or complaints were conjured in the making of this post.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


A cross section of the demographics either didn’t like, didn’t care for or loved SAB. No stereotypes or complaints were conjured in the making of this post.

The impression I’m starting to get is that age really doesn’t have much to do with whether or not you like SAB. Rather, it’s whether or not you want something closer to a pure fantasy, or are quite happy to move in a different direction from pure fantasy.

Personally, I can get fantasy anywhere. This is new and interesting.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

A cross section of the demographics either didn’t like, didn’t care for or loved SAB. No stereotypes or complaints were conjured in the making of this post.

The impression I’m starting to get is that age really doesn’t have much to do with whether or not you like SAB. Rather, it’s whether or not you want something closer to a pure fantasy, or are quite happy to move in a different direction from pure fantasy.

Personally, I can get fantasy anywhere. This is new and interesting.

Yeah 8 bit is the new rage these days. Maybe one day we will have vector graphic games.

Its so difficult to get 8 bit 5 player 3d coop dungeons its true. But I hear theres this game called Minecraft.

I wouldnt mind an open box GW2, 8 bit or not though. Everyone then can get what they want.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kesuh.3891


Am I seriously the only 22 year old who has played and enjoyed 8 bit classics AND seen those “so terrible it’s hilarious” commercials?


I shed a tear for my generation.

No you’re not!
25 years old

[keen] Far Shiverpeaks Eu-server

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolkien.6317


Most here are missing the point. It doesn’t matter if you like or don’t like SAB. It doesn’t matter what you think of the 8-bit retro style or the Super Mario cut and paste. That’s an entirely subjective thing, and whatever your taste, more power to you. The only thing that matters is that the new content does violence to, and trivializes the aesthetic of the existing game world. This is the only point. It undermines the world and art style (and flows on into the gameplay) that the original GW2 devs went to such extraordinary lengths to establish. That is why SAB and it’s ilk makes no sense, and takes more from the game than it gives. Most people will feel this and not be able to articulate what it is, but all they will know after time is that the game doesn’t “feel” like it used to and is somehow less fun. Some people will never feel it because aesthetics simply don’t matter to them or they like the pizza pastiche of conflicting styles and brash, jarring aesthetics (that’s not a criticism, some people genuinely like that and I acknowledge it). That doesn’t mean the new elements aren’t fighting against the rest of the GW2 world. They are, and do, and it’s frankly bizarre.

(edited by tolkien.6317)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Most here are missing the point. It doesn’t matter if you like or don’t like SAB. It doesn’t matter what you think of the 8-bit retro style or the Super Mario cut and paste. That’s an entirely subjective thing, and whatever your taste, more power to you. The only thing that matters is that the new content does violence to, and trivializes the aesthetic of the existing game world. This is the only point. It undermines the world and art style the original GW2 devs went to such extraordinary lengths to establish. That is why SAB and it’s ilk makes no sense, and takes more from the game than it gives. Most people will feel this and not be able to articulate what it is, but all they will know after time is that the game doesn’t “feel” like it used to and is somehow less fun. Some people will never feel it because aesthetics simply don’t matter to them or they like the pizza pastiche of conflicting styles, aesthetics, and artistic conflict. That doesn’t mean the new elements aren’t fighting against the rest of the GW2 world. They are, and do, and it’s frankly bizarre.

What part of “April Fool’s Joke” do you not get?

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolkien.6317


Most here are missing the point. It doesn’t matter if you like or don’t like SAB. It doesn’t matter what you think of the 8-bit retro style or the Super Mario cut and paste. That’s an entirely subjective thing, and whatever your taste, more power to you. The only thing that matters is that the new content does violence to, and trivializes the aesthetic of the existing game world. This is the only point. It undermines the world and art style the original GW2 devs went to such extraordinary lengths to establish. That is why SAB and it’s ilk makes no sense, and takes more from the game than it gives. Most people will feel this and not be able to articulate what it is, but all they will know after time is that the game doesn’t “feel” like it used to and is somehow less fun. Some people will never feel it because aesthetics simply don’t matter to them or they like the pizza pastiche of conflicting styles, aesthetics, and artistic conflict. That doesn’t mean the new elements aren’t fighting against the rest of the GW2 world. They are, and do, and it’s frankly bizarre.

What part of “April Fool’s Joke” do you not get?

Do you not understand the point I’m making? A contextual April Fool’s joke would live within the game world, and be more effective for that. It would add to the world, not drain it and undermine it (actually, ignore it almost completely). Whatever the reason for introducing thematically jarring content into your world, it’s always (always) a mistake.

(edited by tolkien.6317)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Most here are missing the point. It doesn’t matter if you like or don’t like SAB. It doesn’t matter what you think of the 8-bit retro style or the Super Mario cut and paste. That’s an entirely subjective thing, and whatever your taste, more power to you. The only thing that matters is that the new content does violence to, and trivializes the aesthetic of the existing game world. This is the only point. It undermines the world and art style the original GW2 devs went to such extraordinary lengths to establish. That is why SAB and it’s ilk makes no sense, and takes more from the game than it gives. Most people will feel this and not be able to articulate what it is, but all they will know after time is that the game doesn’t “feel” like it used to and is somehow less fun. Some people will never feel it because aesthetics simply don’t matter to them or they like the pizza pastiche of conflicting styles, aesthetics, and artistic conflict. That doesn’t mean the new elements aren’t fighting against the rest of the GW2 world. They are, and do, and it’s frankly bizarre.

What part of “April Fool’s Joke” do you not get?

Do you not understand the point I’m making? A contextual April Fool’s joke would live within the game world, and be me more effective for that. It would add to the world, not drain it and undermine it (actually, ignore it almost completely). Whatever the reason for introducing thematically jarring content into your world, it’s always (always) a mistake.

I don’t think the SAB was a mistake so your always (always) is not always (always) a mistake. Your opinion may differ but imho, there’s nothing wrong with this content. Given that the SAB fits in well with Asura lore, it’s just fine as an April Fools thing.

I bet you dimes to dollars that this content was developed entirely in crunch hours, because most companies do not allow such pet projects to be developed in normal hours. As such, not a single hour of development time was taken away from the core game. There’s still a real update coming this month.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolkien.6317


For the record, I think SAB was very well done for what it was. It wasn’t novel; it’s all been done before in other games more than a few times. But it’s nicely executed.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t conflict with the rest of the GW2 world, though. Imagine Mario stumbling into a Call of Duty, gritty realism with blood and gore and real world weaponry, and you get an idea of what I’m saying (some hyperbole notwithstanding).

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlexMc.2083


I’m a teenager and like the super adventure box, please don’t generalise.

“Even after death, I shall return! And all my enemies will burn, burn, BURN!”