Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dafomen.7892


Well, i am almost 40, played GW1 for 6 years, played GW2 since release almost every day, jumped around in SAB for a few minutes and completely lost interest in GW2.

GW2 turns out to be…not being GW for me anymore.

Its ok thou, I had my moneys worth…

This won’t end well…

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Well, i am almost 40, played GW1 for 6 years, played GW2 since release almost every day, jumped around in SAB for a few minutes and completely lost interest in GW2.

GW2 turns out to be…not being GW for me anymore.

Its ok thou, I had my moneys worth…

Really? You play a small part of the game you dont like, and immediately you throw the whole game out of the window? I wonder what you would do if your significant other made a small mistake somewhere…

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Well, i am almost 40, played GW1 for 6 years, played GW2 since release almost every day, jumped around in SAB for a few minutes and completely lost interest in GW2.

GW2 turns out to be…not being GW for me anymore.

Its ok thou, I had my moneys worth…

Really? You play a small part of the game you dont like, and immediately you throw the whole game out of the window? I wonder what you would do if your significant other made a small mistake somewhere…

Wanted to say the same. A typical case of ruined forever.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eXs.6210


I’m 26 and I was towards the tail end of the “gaming” generation… I might just be out of touch with mid-later teens (and I mean why would I be at this point) but I just don’t get the feeling that kids these days are very much into “classic” video games… by classic I don’t mean Zelda, I mean console/pc gaming… I feel like the focus of the next generation is certainly shifting to other things… when I was growing up, all my friends would play games all day long… it didn’t matter if you were in the chess club or played football… everyone was playing video games (and I was not the chess club part of that example)… these days I don’t see many younger players online… once in a while you run into someone who’s like 17… I remember playing on way back in the day and that place was crawling with 13-16 yr olds… I think ANet is definitely targeting the mid-late 20s demographic because that’s who most gamers these days are… I just don’t think there is much of a teen gamer demographic these days for ANet to even target…

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nurse.1085


I’m 23 and my husband is 25. Neither of us are casual gamers, which is what GW2 is aiming for. We still play this game casually though, after devoting 1600+ hours to it each. We came to terms with this notion after a few months of kicking and screaming, asking ourselves why this game is so casual and simple.

Guild Wars 2 is designed for people to play for 2 hours a day (probably less). Someone who signs on for 60 minutes a day will be as successful as someone who plays 8 hours a day. It’s designed for the masses, which is more casual than not.

This game is beautiful, detailed and artistic. It has a lot of good ideas for MMOs, but I really really REALLY hope future MMOs do not take the casual path of GW2 (I’m looking at you, ESO).

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Well, i am almost 40, played GW1 for 6 years, played GW2 since release almost every day, jumped around in SAB for a few minutes and completely lost interest in GW2.

GW2 turns out to be…not being GW for me anymore.

Its ok thou, I had my moneys worth…

Really? You play a small part of the game you dont like, and immediately you throw the whole game out of the window? I wonder what you would do if your significant other made a small mistake somewhere…

Wanted to say the same. A typical case of ruined forever.

Best line from this:

“Every single patch to an MMO causes players to cry They Changed It, Now It Sucks. Every. Single. Patch.”

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


For the record, I think SAB was very well done for what it was. It wasn’t novel; it’s all been done before in other games more than a few times. But it’s nicely executed.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t conflict with the rest of the GW2 world, though. Imagine Mario stumbling into a Call of Duty, gritty realism with blood and gore and real world weaponry, and you get an idea of what I’m saying (some hyperbole notwithstanding).

How does it conflict with the rest of GW2? To paraphrase what someone posted elsewhere, the Asura built a capital city that floats over the landscape, they built magi-technical semi-autonomous golems, mega-lasers to fire at dragons and no one bats an eye… but the moment one invents a video game…


Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i have only one thing to say to op and some people in this thread…
i hope you are “old” and smart enough to get it


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Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roga.3284


You do realize that the game industry as a whole is targeting males age 32-39. (the guys that were 5-12years old when original nintendo came out)
That is their key demographic. (this isn’t my opinion, thats the actual projection they have researched to be the most profitable.)

As a male in that age group. They do it very well…. Unfortunatly, WE are the true gamers.
We cut our teeth on games you can’t even handle if they were released today.

Don’t try to talk down to us with the whole “they don’t have time to play games”. While that is true, the industry knows who the real audience is.

Anvil Rock
[Living Sacrifice]

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clay.7849


You do realize that the game industry as a whole is targeting males age 32-39. (the guys that were 5-12years old when original nintendo came out)
That is their key demographic. (this isn’t my opinion, thats the actual projection they have researched to be the most profitable.)

As a male in that age group. They do it very well…. Unfortunatly, WE are the true gamers.
We cut our teeth on games you can’t even handle if they were released today.

Don’t try to talk down to us with the whole “they don’t have time to play games”. While that is true, the industry knows who the real audience is.

Oh man, preach on. Rez points? We don’t need no rez points. You get to start the whole game over when you die!

Haha. Seriously though, this post is 100% on the money.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valdur.3607


I’m 48,I have played most of the 8 bit games when I was younger and still play some for fun,I also love GW2 for what it is but I don’t like the 8 bit thing in this patch simply because I purchased GW2 to play GW2.Lots of people are enjoying it and good for them and I just chose not to play it.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: endless.1376


It is strange that you say that is the demographic they are aiming for when I have no idea where to go when I log into my low level thief. I literally got ganked several times wandering what in the world I was supposed to do. I guess hardly any events were running?

So for people with hardly any time on their hands this game is sure unpredicatable and time consuming when I have to bother looking for things to level my characters with.
Not to mention when I get confused about the odd way they designed the zones and the level ranges of the mobs in them.

If anything this game has been a huge test of my patience if not a royal pain in the butt. Perhaps though it was just that zone…who knows.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


My point is it’s impossible to please everyone. I would say that A-Net has pleased more than they have displeased with this patch, so I would consider that a success for them. Again, I’ve already stated that I don’t particularly care for what they did but I can appreciate that most others are loving it.

Complaining at this point isn’t going to change anything. People will continue to kitten but it’s not like they are being forced to play the content. Also, I seriously doubt it slowed down their other development efforts considering they’ve already said it was a small group of people that worked on it.

I disagree. Letting Anet know that there are a bunch of us out there that don’t enjoy this type of content may lead them to consider approaching content with a bit more variety. Aside from the Living Story content, all of the patches so far have featured the “jumping” mechanic quite prominently. Personally I’d like to see something different the next time out, and I think this forum is the place to make that suggestion.

I have no problem with the number of threads out there congratulating Anet on a job well done despite the fact that I don’t enjoy the content. Perhaps we could be allowed to enjoy the same privilege of being allowed to voice our opinion?

By patches, do you mean Holiday Events? All the patches have definitely not focused on jumping. I would also argue, neither have the holiday events. Each holiday event has had JP’s yes, but it was not necessarily the core. What makes it the core is the sheer number of people interested in that aspect.

Breaking it down.

Halloween → new skins, JP, new PvP thing (i never tried it can’t speak much to it), brawls, dynamic events, reskinned areas, scavenger hunt, dungeon

Christmas → new skins, JP, brawls, dynamic events, reskinned areas, scavenger hunt?, dungeons

Living story → new skins, dynamic events, reskinned areas, dungeons

April fools → new skins, dynamic events, dungeon with JP aspect

I may be missing things as well? Anyway, they each have a lot more than just JP added. They each added a number of different things to cater to a large number of crowds. You are focusing on the one aspect that you liked the least and that many liked the most, thus it appears they focused on that. In reality, it was you and the player-base who focused on it.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dafomen.7892


Well, i am almost 40, played GW1 for 6 years, played GW2 since release almost every day, jumped around in SAB for a few minutes and completely lost interest in GW2.

GW2 turns out to be…not being GW for me anymore.

Its ok thou, I had my moneys worth…

Really? You play a small part of the game you dont like, and immediately you throw the whole game out of the window? I wonder what you would do if your significant other made a small mistake somewhere…

Never said that SAB was the only thing making me loose interest in GW2…. its an accumulation of things I simply dont like in GW2 currently.
Never said anything about throwing something out of a window and just to let you know, you can loose interest and on another day get interested again…but that day has yet to come for me and I hope it will.

Is it that difficult for people like you to accept other peoples opinion that they try to make a personal issue out of a simple statement, “White Knight”?


This won’t end well…

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolkien.6317


@Dafomen As someone once said, don’t bother explaining yourself to people who are committed to not understanding you. They aren’t listening, they are arguing, it’s the fanboi way. Noone has yet bothered to offer any rational counter-argument beyond ad hominems. The devs may read and listen though, you never know (I hope our comments don’t get pulled by mods as previous comments have – no disrespect to the mods intended, they are just trying to keep things positive, even if those efforts get a bit heavy handed). There’s an enormous amount to GW2 that is progressive in a good way, and a small but profound shift in direction is all that’s needed (IMO naturally).

(edited by tolkien.6317)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlawde.1895


This game has something for everyone….hardcore, casual and silly content. IMO it’s demo is broad.

Bottom line though, if you don’t like to laugh and have fun while playing, maybe playing video games aren’t for you.

Games=serious business. rolleyes

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mushrooms.6158


In regards to SAB:

I don’t understand why people feel all content has to cater to them. If you don’t like the super adventure box, relax because some people do. It is hardly something forced on you – doing it or not has no real impact on other gameplay.

Arenanet has said that a team of eight was working on it, and a team of three was all that was there most of the time. For those who can’t do math, they have a staff of 300, so three means that for a large portion of time, /literally/ only 1% of the staff was involved.

The game attempts to cater to many demographics, and it is ridiculous to assume that all updates will be things you will enjoy.

More importantly, there is nothing immature or wrong with enjoying childish things as an adult, or older things as a kid – whatever your perspective on who should like it seems to be. Younger players that don’t like it seem to say it is aimed at older players. Older players that don’t like it seem to say it is aimed at younger players. Who cares. There is nothing wrong with enjoying something that is far from damaging or offensive. On the flipside, there is really nothing wrong with playing games instead of partying or whatever. If taking games seriously is your thing, that’s fine.

There are cool people who enjoy it, and cool people who don’t. Expecting every piece of content to be something for you is ridiculous! And saying people who don’t enjoy it are no fun or have no sense of humor is equally strange. This is really a non-impactful piece. If it actually had to do with gameplay, I could understand outrage. But considering it’s something that can totally be ignored, who gives a kitten.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


It’s unfortunate.

I wanted to take Guild Wars 2 seriously and be immersed in a world where things mattered. Teddy bear back packs, ginger bread swords and 8bit super Mario worlds feel so out of place and disjointed that it looks like they have developers making content for Guild Wars 2 who have never seen Guild Wars 2.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Most here are missing the point. It doesn’t matter if you like or don’t like SAB. It doesn’t matter what you think of the 8-bit retro style or the Super Mario cut and paste. That’s an entirely subjective thing, and whatever your taste, more power to you. The only thing that matters is that the new content does violence to, and trivializes the aesthetic of the existing game world. This is the only point. It undermines the world and art style (and flows on into the gameplay) that the original GW2 devs went to such extraordinary lengths to establish. That is why SAB and it’s ilk makes no sense, and takes more from the game than it gives. Most people will feel this and not be able to articulate what it is, but all they will know after time is that the game doesn’t “feel” like it used to and is somehow less fun. Some people will never feel it because aesthetics simply don’t matter to them or they like the pizza pastiche of conflicting styles and brash, jarring aesthetics (that’s not a criticism, some people genuinely like that and I acknowledge it). That doesn’t mean the new elements aren’t fighting against the rest of the GW2 world. They are, and do, and it’s frankly bizarre.

Saying most people will feel this is sorta an assumption. You don’t know what most people will feel.

I’m largely an immersion player. I love the feel the world. I love Tyria in general and have since Guild Wars 1…and I don’t mind the fun box. It’s not in the world, it’s something you go into, created by an Asura. It’s not relevant to anything else in the world. What it affects is your mind. If you never go into it, it has zero effect on the world.

Christmas boxes and Halloween doors had far more effect on the world than something they did in world on April Fools day.

Let me ask you this? If you are playing in Orr, how does this affect the world? If you’re playing in Frostgorge, how does this affect the world. I’ve done fractals and dungeons and WvW and none of it was affected by this.

Maybe some of this is in your head?

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


You know, SAB reminds me of Minecraft, a very recent game, notably enjoyed by people the age of 13 and younger. You may need to be an old fart to get some of the homages, but I think much of SAB could be close to home to any child who’s played the blockbuster sandbox game.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You know, SAB reminds me of Minecraft, a very recent game, notably enjoyed by people the age of 13 and younger. You may need to be an old fart to get some of the homages, but I think much of SAB could be close to home to any child who’s played the blockbuster sandbox game.

I don’t know where you pulled that demographic from Minecraft from, but my guild, which is 18 and over (with one 17 year old) has a strong Mindcraft playerbase in it. One of the guys in his 20s has his own server and several of the group play Mindcraft together. Most of the people enjoying this are much older than in their 20s.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


You know, SAB reminds me of Minecraft, a very recent game, notably enjoyed by people the age of 13 and younger. You may need to be an old fart to get some of the homages, but I think much of SAB could be close to home to any child who’s played the blockbuster sandbox game.

I don’t know where you pulled that demographic from Minecraft from, but my guild, which is 18 and over (with one 17 year old) has a strong Mindcraft playerbase in it. One of the guys in his 20s has his own server and several of the group play Mindcraft together. Most of the people enjoying this are much older than in their 20s.

Read my post more closely. I didn’t say “demographic”. You’re arguing a strawman.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Shining Squirrel: “Well I’m 50. What some of you “younger” players forget is we older players have a lot more disposable income to pour in to gaming.”

This is something that the game industry has caught onto in the last 5 or so years. The generation of gamers who grew up in the 80’s and 90’s have NOT let go of their hobby, so there is a demand for games with more casual time requirements. At the same time, these gamers also have a greater amount of discretionary spending, and a greater willingness to spend small amounts for perks in games. Hence, the recent switch to micro-transaction funded game models. I’m not very fond of the pay-gates that pervade F2P games, so I find GW2’s compromise between an initial game purchase and micro-transactions for aesthetic or convenience items to be just right for me.

32, employed full-time, been a gamer since I was 5, incidentally.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Assyrian.4827


38 here played GW1 for long time.
lost interest in GW2 because the lack of challenge.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You know, SAB reminds me of Minecraft, a very recent game, notably enjoyed by people the age of 13 and younger. You may need to be an old fart to get some of the homages, but I think much of SAB could be close to home to any child who’s played the blockbuster sandbox game.

I don’t know where you pulled that demographic from Minecraft from, but my guild, which is 18 and over (with one 17 year old) has a strong Mindcraft playerbase in it. One of the guys in his 20s has his own server and several of the group play Mindcraft together. Most of the people enjoying this are much older than in their 20s.

Read my post more closely. I didn’t say “demographic”. You’re arguing a strawman.

Right, you used the term “notably enjoyed by”, which could very well be the demographic of the game. I mean that’s sort of what a demographic is. It’s a record of the people who enjoy the game, particularly if that age group notably enjoys it.

It’s not really a strawman argument. It’s rephrasing what you’ve already said into words that mean the same thing.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Veldan.4637


It’s unfortunate.

I wanted to take Guild Wars 2 seriously and be immersed in a world where things mattered. Teddy bear back packs, ginger bread swords and 8bit super Mario worlds feel so out of place and disjointed that it looks like they have developers making content for Guild Wars 2 who have never seen Guild Wars 2.

GW2 is horrible for immersion players, but wasn’t that clear at launch already?

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


It’s unfortunate.

I wanted to take Guild Wars 2 seriously and be immersed in a world where things mattered. Teddy bear back packs, ginger bread swords and 8bit super Mario worlds feel so out of place and disjointed that it looks like they have developers making content for Guild Wars 2 who have never seen Guild Wars 2.

GW2 is horrible for immersion players, but wasn’t that clear at launch already?

Not really, the immersion in GW2 is on par with single player games like Fable or Zelda. Hearts and events really pull you into the world. WoW had a beautiful world that just fit lorewise. Every mob had a reason to be there and only there. There was just too much of a disconnect because of the bad mechanics.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It’s unfortunate.

I wanted to take Guild Wars 2 seriously and be immersed in a world where things mattered. Teddy bear back packs, ginger bread swords and 8bit super Mario worlds feel so out of place and disjointed that it looks like they have developers making content for Guild Wars 2 who have never seen Guild Wars 2.

GW2 is horrible for immersion players, but wasn’t that clear at launch already?

I’m an immersion player and Guild Wars 2 isn’t horrible for me. That said, it’s never going to be as immersive as a single player game. But as MMOs go, I’ve yet to find what that is more immersive.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geikamir.6329


It’s unfortunate.

I wanted to take Guild Wars 2 seriously and be immersed in a world where things mattered. Teddy bear back packs, ginger bread swords and 8bit super Mario worlds feel so out of place and disjointed that it looks like they have developers making content for Guild Wars 2 who have never seen Guild Wars 2.

GW2 is horrible for immersion players, but wasn’t that clear at launch already?

I’m an immersion player and Guild Wars 2 isn’t horrible for me. That said, it’s never going to be as immersive as a single player game. But as MMOs go, I’ve yet to find what that is more immersive.

Well they’ve done almost anything they could muster from almost any genre you could name. What could break your immersion at this point if you haven’t experienced any yet?

Toons: Foreseer, Geikamir, Rapscallion, Specimen, Scythian, Zeau, Ärtifact, and Replica.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Victory.2879


In regards to SAB:

I don’t understand why people feel all content has to cater to them. If you don’t like the super adventure box, relax because some people do. It is hardly something forced on you – doing it or not has no real impact on other gameplay.

Arenanet has said that a team of eight was working on it, and a team of three was all that was there most of the time. For those who can’t do math, they have a staff of 300, so three means that for a large portion of time, /literally/ only 1% of the staff was involved.

That was between 3 and 8 devs that could have been working on wvw issues that weren’t out of a total dev team of how many? If 300 is the total staff of ANet, then let’s assume devs make up 20% of that total (not unreasonable, in fact probably way too high), that’s 60 people. Then assume 30 of them work on other games, that leaves 30 working on GW2.

So 10-25% of the GW2 dev team worked on this latest jump puzzle, not the 1% that you try to make it sound like.

With so many ‘live’ issues this time and resources could have been better spent elsewhere on the game.

We keep getting Jump Puzzle 2 additions every time but it took 8 months or so to fix culling (probably because out of the finite resources it was low down the list, just after ‘make 20 more jump puzzles’).

SAB is the ‘new’ content for April, it’s not an April Fool’s joke unless you assume that the joke is squarely aimed at the players as the mental age required to play the new SAB is four- as my neighbour’s 4 year old is proving to him every day. April Fool’s jokes are meant to only be on the morning of April 1st, not last a month.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


In regards to SAB:

I don’t understand why people feel all content has to cater to them. If you don’t like the super adventure box, relax because some people do. It is hardly something forced on you – doing it or not has no real impact on other gameplay.

Arenanet has said that a team of eight was working on it, and a team of three was all that was there most of the time. For those who can’t do math, they have a staff of 300, so three means that for a large portion of time, /literally/ only 1% of the staff was involved.

That was between 3 and 8 devs that could have been working on wvw issues that weren’t out of a total dev team of how many? If 300 is the total staff of ANet, then let’s assume devs make up 20% of that total (not unreasonable, in fact probably way too high), that’s 60 people. Then assume 30 of them work on other games, that leaves 30 working on GW2.

So 10-25% of the GW2 dev team worked on this latest jump puzzle, not the 1% that you try to make it sound like.

With so many ‘live’ issues this time and resources could have been better spent elsewhere on the game.

We keep getting Jump Puzzle 2 additions every time but it took 8 months or so to fix culling (probably because out of the finite resources it was low down the list, just after ‘make 20 more jump puzzles’).

SAB is the ‘new’ content for April, it’s not an April Fool’s joke unless you assume that the joke is squarely aimed at the players as the mental age required to play the new SAB is four- as my neighbour’s 4 year old is proving to him every day. April Fool’s jokes are meant to only be on the morning of April 1st, not last a month.

I guess you don’t like SAB then?
Just a few things: sure Anet does not have 300 devs working for them- we don’t know the number.
To say that we get jump puzzles instead of fixes is just absurd though.

Have you considered that it took months to fix culling because it was a complex issue and has nothing to do with people designing jumping puzzles?
I don’t like jumping puzzles because I suck at them- but many many players love them.
it is a bit of extra content- loved by many that gives you something else to do in the game.
As for the April fools joke- you need to lighten up a bit. there was a post by Colin somewhere that there will be an update for April- no idea where or I would link it.

My guess is that the SAB was made by a bunch of people, mostly in their free time because they love it. Kind of like the Sylvari redesign was done

edit I actually laughed at your mental age of 4 statement, seriously?

Gunnar’s Hold

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


In regards to SAB:

I don’t understand why people feel all content has to cater to them. If you don’t like the super adventure box, relax because some people do. It is hardly something forced on you – doing it or not has no real impact on other gameplay.

Arenanet has said that a team of eight was working on it, and a team of three was all that was there most of the time. For those who can’t do math, they have a staff of 300, so three means that for a large portion of time, /literally/ only 1% of the staff was involved.

That was between 3 and 8 devs that could have been working on wvw issues that weren’t out of a total dev team of how many? If 300 is the total staff of ANet, then let’s assume devs make up 20% of that total (not unreasonable, in fact probably way too high), that’s 60 people. Then assume 30 of them work on other games, that leaves 30 working on GW2.

So 10-25% of the GW2 dev team worked on this latest jump puzzle, not the 1% that you try to make it sound like.

For a development company to have less than 50% of employees in development, would be rather contradictory. Such a situation leads directly to bankruptcy. Your 20% is therefore ridiculous.

Furthermore, even if 25% worked on the SAB, but did so in crunch hours while still hitting all regular deadlines, would you mind?

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


In regards to SAB:

I don’t understand why people feel all content has to cater to them. If you don’t like the super adventure box, relax because some people do. It is hardly something forced on you – doing it or not has no real impact on other gameplay.

Arenanet has said that a team of eight was working on it, and a team of three was all that was there most of the time. For those who can’t do math, they have a staff of 300, so three means that for a large portion of time, /literally/ only 1% of the staff was involved.

That was between 3 and 8 devs that could have been working on wvw issues that weren’t out of a total dev team of how many? If 300 is the total staff of ANet, then let’s assume devs make up 20% of that total (not unreasonable, in fact probably way too high), that’s 60 people. Then assume 30 of them work on other games, that leaves 30 working on GW2.

So 10-25% of the GW2 dev team worked on this latest jump puzzle, not the 1% that you try to make it sound like.

For a development company to have less than 50% of employees in development, would be rather contradictory. Such a situation leads directly to bankruptcy. Your 20% is therefore ridiculous.

Furthermore, even if 25% worked on the SAB, but did so in crunch hours while still hitting all regular deadlines, would you mind?

And then they even wrote an article about the music. MUSIC!!1 How dare they? They could have built a new PvP map (nobody’s gonna play) in that time!

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I’ve finally realised why I can’t enjoy or begin to enjoy this game even though it’s amazing and is in my favorite genre.

I’m not the demographic at which they are aiming for.

With the “Super Box Adventure” commercial I realised GW2 is made for the 35 year old gamers, or gamers generally older than me in their late 20s to 30s, who love this nostalgic feeling of 8bit games and bad american commercials. I didn’t grow up with this so to me it’s just not something I can relate to on any level.

With no time constrains and content available to anyone at any skill level, they are aiming this game at ppl who have a wife and possibly kids, gamers who don’t have that much time in the day to actually play games in general, in another term casual players who don’t have all the hours in the day to play. That isn’t me i’m not a casual gamer, I have hours for college work (not uni), and games. I’m not constrain by casual hours.

I’m not looking for an arcade game or an adventure game to play, a 8 bit platformer or a platformer in general. I’m looking to play an mmorpg. Mini games are fun but when the bulk of my fun from the game is coming from mini games, i might aswell be playing a real adventure, platformer or arcade game than a water downed version of such in an MMORPG.

18 here and loving the retro feel. Your age shouldn’t stop you from trying older games.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Here are some demographics for you:

Average incomes as of 2011

Ages 15 to 24 — 30.5k
25 to 34 — 50.5k
35 to 44 — 62k
45 to 54 — 64k
55 to 65 — 56k

which of these groups do you think has the most disposable income? I think the 35 to 44 and the 45 to 54.

Who would you market a game for? me? The 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 groups.

gee who has done that? Arenanet

what is the game called? Guild Wars 2

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolkien.6317


I’m an immersion player and Guild Wars 2 isn’t horrible for me. That said, it’s never going to be as immersive as a single player game. But as MMOs go, I’ve yet to find what that is more immersive.

“You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means.” (Princess Bride)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heijincks.9267


In regards to SAB:

I don’t understand why people feel all content has to cater to them. If you don’t like the super adventure box, relax because some people do. It is hardly something forced on you – doing it or not has no real impact on other gameplay.

Arenanet has said that a team of eight was working on it, and a team of three was all that was there most of the time. For those who can’t do math, they have a staff of 300, so three means that for a large portion of time, /literally/ only 1% of the staff was involved.

That was between 3 and 8 devs that could have been working on wvw issues that weren’t out of a total dev team of how many? If 300 is the total staff of ANet, then let’s assume devs make up 20% of that total (not unreasonable, in fact probably way too high), that’s 60 people. Then assume 30 of them work on other games, that leaves 30 working on GW2.

So 10-25% of the GW2 dev team worked on this latest jump puzzle, not the 1% that you try to make it sound like.

With so many ‘live’ issues this time and resources could have been better spent elsewhere on the game.

We keep getting Jump Puzzle 2 additions every time but it took 8 months or so to fix culling (probably because out of the finite resources it was low down the list, just after ‘make 20 more jump puzzles’).

SAB is the ‘new’ content for April, it’s not an April Fool’s joke unless you assume that the joke is squarely aimed at the players as the mental age required to play the new SAB is four- as my neighbour’s 4 year old is proving to him every day. April Fool’s jokes are meant to only be on the morning of April 1st, not last a month.

You really want to make SAB look like a huge project, don’t you? You really want to make Anet look like they want to prioritize SAB over everything else.

But for what reason?

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clay.7849


In regards to SAB:

I don’t understand why people feel all content has to cater to them. If you don’t like the super adventure box, relax because some people do. It is hardly something forced on you – doing it or not has no real impact on other gameplay.

Arenanet has said that a team of eight was working on it, and a team of three was all that was there most of the time. For those who can’t do math, they have a staff of 300, so three means that for a large portion of time, /literally/ only 1% of the staff was involved.

That was between 3 and 8 devs that could have been working on wvw issues that weren’t out of a total dev team of how many? If 300 is the total staff of ANet, then let’s assume devs make up 20% of that total (not unreasonable, in fact probably way too high), that’s 60 people. Then assume 30 of them work on other games, that leaves 30 working on GW2.

So 10-25% of the GW2 dev team worked on this latest jump puzzle, not the 1% that you try to make it sound like.

With so many ‘live’ issues this time and resources could have been better spent elsewhere on the game.

We keep getting Jump Puzzle 2 additions every time but it took 8 months or so to fix culling (probably because out of the finite resources it was low down the list, just after ‘make 20 more jump puzzles’).

SAB is the ‘new’ content for April, it’s not an April Fool’s joke unless you assume that the joke is squarely aimed at the players as the mental age required to play the new SAB is four- as my neighbour’s 4 year old is proving to him every day. April Fool’s jokes are meant to only be on the morning of April 1st, not last a month.

You really want to make SAB look like a huge project, don’t you? You really want to make Anet look like they want to prioritize SAB over everything else.

But for what reason?

Well, it’s pretty easy to see that SAB was the best content they have put out in months. Not sure what that means, but it factors in somewhere.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heijincks.9267


In regards to SAB:

I don’t understand why people feel all content has to cater to them. If you don’t like the super adventure box, relax because some people do. It is hardly something forced on you – doing it or not has no real impact on other gameplay.

Arenanet has said that a team of eight was working on it, and a team of three was all that was there most of the time. For those who can’t do math, they have a staff of 300, so three means that for a large portion of time, /literally/ only 1% of the staff was involved.

That was between 3 and 8 devs that could have been working on wvw issues that weren’t out of a total dev team of how many? If 300 is the total staff of ANet, then let’s assume devs make up 20% of that total (not unreasonable, in fact probably way too high), that’s 60 people. Then assume 30 of them work on other games, that leaves 30 working on GW2.

So 10-25% of the GW2 dev team worked on this latest jump puzzle, not the 1% that you try to make it sound like.

With so many ‘live’ issues this time and resources could have been better spent elsewhere on the game.

We keep getting Jump Puzzle 2 additions every time but it took 8 months or so to fix culling (probably because out of the finite resources it was low down the list, just after ‘make 20 more jump puzzles’).

SAB is the ‘new’ content for April, it’s not an April Fool’s joke unless you assume that the joke is squarely aimed at the players as the mental age required to play the new SAB is four- as my neighbour’s 4 year old is proving to him every day. April Fool’s jokes are meant to only be on the morning of April 1st, not last a month.

You really want to make SAB look like a huge project, don’t you? You really want to make Anet look like they want to prioritize SAB over everything else.

But for what reason?

Well, it’s pretty easy to see that SAB was the best content they have put out in months. Not sure what that means, but it factors in somewhere.

It could have been a coincidence. SAB isn’t something that you’d expect from a game like GW2.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clay.7849


In regards to SAB:

I don’t understand why people feel all content has to cater to them. If you don’t like the super adventure box, relax because some people do. It is hardly something forced on you – doing it or not has no real impact on other gameplay.

Arenanet has said that a team of eight was working on it, and a team of three was all that was there most of the time. For those who can’t do math, they have a staff of 300, so three means that for a large portion of time, /literally/ only 1% of the staff was involved.

That was between 3 and 8 devs that could have been working on wvw issues that weren’t out of a total dev team of how many? If 300 is the total staff of ANet, then let’s assume devs make up 20% of that total (not unreasonable, in fact probably way too high), that’s 60 people. Then assume 30 of them work on other games, that leaves 30 working on GW2.

So 10-25% of the GW2 dev team worked on this latest jump puzzle, not the 1% that you try to make it sound like.

With so many ‘live’ issues this time and resources could have been better spent elsewhere on the game.

We keep getting Jump Puzzle 2 additions every time but it took 8 months or so to fix culling (probably because out of the finite resources it was low down the list, just after ‘make 20 more jump puzzles’).

SAB is the ‘new’ content for April, it’s not an April Fool’s joke unless you assume that the joke is squarely aimed at the players as the mental age required to play the new SAB is four- as my neighbour’s 4 year old is proving to him every day. April Fool’s jokes are meant to only be on the morning of April 1st, not last a month.

You really want to make SAB look like a huge project, don’t you? You really want to make Anet look like they want to prioritize SAB over everything else.

But for what reason?

Well, it’s pretty easy to see that SAB was the best content they have put out in months. Not sure what that means, but it factors in somewhere.

It could have been a coincidence. SAB isn’t something that you’d expect from a game like GW2.

Actually, it is exactly what I would expect from the old ANet development team. But not from GW2.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Austruck.6124


Well I’m 50. What some of you “younger” players forget is we older players have a lot more disposable income to pour in to gaming.

Agreed. Am I the only nearly 52-year-old mother of four grown children in GW2? (At least one of my “kids” plays here too.)

Played GW1 for a bunch of years and finally sprang for GW2 just today. Glad to be back.

I don’t care who they’re making the game for, I enjoy it and I’m playing. So there. And I’d never whine about a non-subscription-based game this good.

Then again, don’t go by me. I had nothing but Intellivision Pong as a teenager and raised my KIDS on the FIRST Nintendo gray box. I’ve been online for over 25 years.

You kids make me chuckle. Now, move over. I have a Sylvari ranger to level up.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


Well I’m 50. What some of you “younger” players forget is we older players have a lot more disposable income to pour in to gaming.

Agreed. Am I the only nearly 52-year-old mother of four grown children in GW2? (At least one of my “kids” plays here too.)
Played GW1 for a bunch of years and finally sprang for GW2 just today. Glad to be back.

I don’t care who they’re making the game for, I enjoy it and I’m playing. So there. And I’d never whine about a non-subscription-based game this good.

Then again, don’t go by me. I had nothing but Intellivision Pong as a teenager and raised my KIDS on the FIRST Nintendo gray box. I’ve been online for over 25 years.

You kids make me chuckle. Now, move over. I have a Sylvari ranger to level up.

As I said earlier in the thread, 55 going on 56 here. Yes, I play on line with both of my grown children. We’ve been gaming together for over 13 years (started with FPS, creating our own graphical MUD, and moving from there to MMO’s.) Not hard for someone who played D&D pen and paper back in the day. My husband started playing with us online about 2 years after we started DAoC (he finally gave up and joined us after all the fun gaming dinner conversations. )

I have met mothers, grandmothers, and grandfathers in various games through the years that use gaming as a way to keep in touch with grown children and grandchildren. Ages 50’s through 80’s. Isn’t that great?

Gaming isn’t just for “young’uns”.

BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

(edited by goldenwing.8473)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Here are some demographics for you:

Average incomes as of 2011

Ages 15 to 24 — 30.5k
25 to 34 — 50.5k
35 to 44 — 62k
45 to 54 — 64k
55 to 65 — 56k

which of these groups do you think has the most disposable income? I think the 35 to 44 and the 45 to 54.

Who would you market a game for? me? The 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 groups.

gee who has done that? Arenanet

what is the game called? Guild Wars 2

Please don’t use facts and logic. Some people don’t like to be confronted with cold numbers.

Just as a thought experiment, regardless of demographic. How much disposable income would a gamer have who plays 10 hours a day, 7 days a week?

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


Maybe we should just ask ArenaNet, and settle the issue?

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Maybe we should just ask ArenaNet, and settle the issue?

Feel free to read a couple of blog posts and watch the manifesto.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

SAB is meant for platforming (with a bit of combat) / old school console fans, you don’t have to bring in demographics into play here such as age etc.

I liked other genres better for example Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and Xwing etc in my youth and I have always been a primarily a PC gamer.

The only thing I liked about Mario was the suits he could get; which he could use to interact with the environment and fight bosses in different ways. Otherwise I wasn’t interested in a genre with storylines meant for ages < 8 and no payoff whatsover.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naqaj.6219


Interesting. I came to almost the opposite realization yesterday. I was gone for the long weekend and when I came back, I was not eagerly waiting to get back in the game. However, before that I was on almost every spare hour I had. The reason? Because I realized I had to reason. I was logging on before for Laurels and Dailies. Then, when I did not get a few, I realized I didn’t need them. I then checked out SAB and saw that you had to farm it over and over to get a skin. You can’t just log in for fun and get something cool.

Basically the style of play is either = log in for hours and hours and let it consume you, so that you can get Laurels/Legendaries/Super skins etc.. or you can log in casually and get nothing. (and by nothing i mean you can get a few laurels and a few baubles, but not enough to do anything with).

This game is too heavily focused on farming imo.

I don’t agree the game is focused on farming. Players are. Because after years of playing games that have nothing else to offer, they kind of adopted the idea that that’s the only thing an MMO can offer.
You said you could log in casually and get nothing. Then the problem is you, not the game.
I log in casually and get an hour of two of fun, doing some cool event chains, flipping a few keeps and depots in WvW, or a quick dungeon run with some friends.

I agree with you that I don’t eagerly wait to get back in the game anymore, not the way I used to in previous MMOs. But to me, that’s a good thing. It means I play when I want to, not because of compulsion.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


GW2 is like a good girlfriend who gives you space when you need it. WoW is like the bad ex who’s always keeping tabs on where you are. Just like good girlfriends are hard to find, GW2 is a rare gem in the MMO market. For all its flaws, it’s the best MMO on the market, just like the small imperfection that makes a girl interesting.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


GW2 is like a good girlfriend who gives you space when you need it. WoW is like the bad ex who’s always keeping tabs on where you are. Just like good girlfriends are hard to find, GW2 is a rare gem in the MMO market. For all its flaws, it’s the best MMO on the market, just like the small imperfection that makes a girl interesting.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. WoW, to me was far more additive, and far less enjoyable, than Guild Wars 2.

Finally Understand who GW2 Demographic is!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


I love how people seem to think that Anet employees are all some kind of gods that can literally work on any part of the game. As cool as that would be, it is unfortunately not the case. The people that work at Anet do different jobs. The ones that worked on the SAB are not the same ones that would do any of the things some of the entitled people here say they should be.

What the SAB does do is prove a concept: puzzle dungeons and puzzle bosses can exist in an MMORPG format and people will play them.