Fingers "clicking" even when not playing

Fingers "clicking" even when not playing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610



Just curious if anyone is having this issue as well. I recently opened 8657 winters day gifts. Yes, spent all day doing this, I am completionist….gg. Took me a while but I haz red bull in teh mini fridge so no biggies…..right? Anyhoo. So I opens all teh gifts after about 18 hours of clicking like FASTCAR and now my pointer won’t stop moving! When I hold teh red bull can my pointer finger constantly taps it. Tap tap! Tapa rata tap tap! Tap tapa tap dat. Tap dat, smack dat, on the flo. K? You get the idea tho. Meh pointer has teh nervous twitch now kinda like my neck from all 9 of teh red bulls I drank! Does anyone know if there is a red bull hotline? FFS!!!!!!

Fingers "clicking" even when not playing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

Not sure if troll or…

Well. If you have a genuine problem with your index finger (and this carries on for more than a day or two) I would recommend going to see a doctor. Repetative Strain Injury (RSI), nerve damage and carpal tunnel syndrome are not uncommon amongst gamers.

My recommendation (NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL) is to rest it for a few days and in the future, avoid circumstances where you will be clicking continuously for a long period of time. Next time open them in short batches over a very long time (e.g. open 50 every 30 minutes over the next few days). I’m sure the excess caffeine isn’t helping either.

When it comes down to it, these are your life choices. :P

Fingers "clicking" even when not playing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marauding Scum.6728

Marauding Scum.6728

There is no cure, you will keep clicking forever :/

Fingers "clicking" even when not playing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Charlie Chaplin knows the feeling :P

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Fingers "clicking" even when not playing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Tee Why.4807

The Tee Why.4807

I feel like this is a (not so subtle) post about getting a ‘consume all’ button for things like luck and stuff

Leader of [iLL] iLLuminatriots. | Gate of Madness

Fingers "clicking" even when not playing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


lol funny post. Good news is you can probably lift a car with your finger now!

@The Tee Why

I think you might be right.

Necromancer Main

Fingers "clicking" even when not playing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMF.5461


dat mouse wheel dou

Fingers "clicking" even when not playing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barfoi.9537

Barfoi.9537 — Map the mouse-wheel and/or a keyboard key to send double-clicks. It’s unfortunate to feel compelled to seek outside relief for a game’s UI, but hey, they… have their priorities. ;P