Finished My Personal Story

Finished My Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


So last week I decided it was finally time to complete the PS on my main, I’ve been hanging at lvl 70 (PS-wise) for way over a year, so throughout the week I finished small episodes to get to 80 one or two every night. Of course the final was Arah Story Mode and needed 4 other players, so on Saturday afternoon the pact held the WP at Arah and I went to see if I could drum up enough players to complete the mission.

Using the LFG tool I found a group that needed 3 players for story mode, joined and a minuet or so later got kicked…no big deal, within a few more minuets another player was looking for 4 to join and I joined his group, in just a few short minuets we had 5 players and just needed to wait on two to get to Arah. I used that time to tell the player who started the group that I hadn’t ran the path before and asked for pointers, he said no problem that this was his 3rd time and he would give us pointers along the way.

The other two players arrive and we go on in, I have to say it was pretty easy, as someone who has a lot of hours in the game it was only my 2nd time in a dungeon and it was fairly simple to get through, we did almost wipe once at the towers I guess we got a little lax since we blew right through the content up till then….but we made it. The rest was fairly uneventful shooting dragons from the air ship reminded me of space invaders…lol

All in all it was a good experience, the loot was as some have pointed out sup-par but I’m glad to have it behind me, the LFG tool made it very easy to find a group and the wait was very minimal.

Finished My Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Hey congrats on finishing! I need to do this also, as I have 2 level 80s, both with world completion, and over 1800 hours played – and still at level 73 of the PS for both. Thanks to your post, I think I’ll make this a goal for this week! I’m hoping that a few guildmates will be willing to help me out in Arah, but if not I will use the LFG tool.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

Finished My Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531



I actually just recently finally finished Arah story. Even though I played the game since launch and have all 8 80’s I was kind of saving it, waiting for the perfect group that doesn’t just want to skip, stack and otherwise blow through what I considered the ending of a rather long story.

What eventually happened was purely accidental. I was in Arah (storymode) alone just testing out some techniques & builds when a friend of mine offered to join to at least get me past the first door where you need two people to stand on the plates. Long storymode short we just kept going until the end, just us two necros alone against the dragon.

For me it was the perfect way to finally end that story…mode.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Finished My Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162


Hey congrats on finishing! I need to do this also, as I have 2 level 80s, both with world completion, and over 1800 hours played – and still at level 73 of the PS for both. Thanks to your post, I think I’ll make this a goal for this week! I’m hoping that a few guildmates will be willing to help me out in Arah, but if not I will use the LFG tool.

Thanks…. I’ve logged 3500+ hrs and have 8 lvl 80’s (only my main has map completion), doubt I’ll run all of them through their PS but probably one or two more eventually, I even hit 8000ap (picked up the 2ap I needed somewhere along the way) right in the middle of Arah but left the chest unopened till after we finished, after I left Arah I went to Drytop on my main and finished the LS unlocking the side missions, it was a productive day!

I think the LFG tool worked fine for what I was doing, there where a lot of posts of people selling paths for gold which kinda’ bothered me, wondering if some noob got kicked and his spot sold, that’s the only thing keeping me from running dungeons at this point is I have no experience, I just need to find a guild that is willing to teach a seasoned player with no dungeon experience.

Good luck…

Finished My Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blanger.3162



I actually just recently finally finished Arah story. Even though I played the game since launch and have all 8 80’s I was kind of saving it, waiting for the perfect group that doesn’t just want to skip, stack and otherwise blow through what I considered the ending of a rather long story.

What eventually happened was purely accidental. I was in Arah (storymode) alone just testing out some techniques & builds when a friend of mine offered to join to at least get me past the first door where you need two people to stand on the plates. Long storymode short we just kept going until the end, just us two necros alone against the dragon.

For me it was the perfect way to finally end that story…mode.

Wow! that was a acomplishment….grats!

I’ve heard of people making solo runs and I did try but like you say you need two at the first door to stand on the plates, heck I couldn’t even get close to the door without dieing.