First Birthday
it is 365 days
It’s 365 days from char creation, not the date it was created. My char’s birthdays in Guild Wars 1 all shifted by a day because of the added day in a leap year.
ANet may give it to you.
so that means every birthday after 29th will be a day early, lets see if thats true
This is one of those things where computers and people are different and computers actually cope better than people. They don’t know or care what a leap year is – they just know that 365 days after your character was created they get a gift. (Or rather 8,760 hours after they were created, since they do seem to be tracked that precisely – I have 2 characters from day 1, and the one I created first always gets his gift a few hours ahead of the second one.)
But it does make me think we’re going to have a lot of confused people when we get to the 4th anniversary of the 1st day of headstart – when the first round of 4th birthday gifts start appearing because I’m not sure if the date will match up since it’s a leap year.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”