Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: retivof.3702


Hello guys.i just started to make a juggernaut but i saw the Fix-r-Upper hammer and i realize that it has the same stats with juggernaut and its better because i can actually select 2 upgrade slots.So i want some opinions Fix-r-Upper cost only time juggernaut cost time and gold, Is it worth it to make juggernaut only for the skin?

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheLordQ.1857


No one can answer that but you. But I will say Juggernaut has the same number of slots.

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Both have 2 upgrade slots, you can overwrite the one Juggernaut comes with. You can also change the stats on Juggernaut at willl, whilst Fix R Upper has a cost to do so via the forge.

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nero.8047


All legendary are only worth it if you truly adore the skin (major motivator) or the stat-swapping possibility. (minor motivator).

In all other situations an Ascended weapon (such as the Fix-r-Upper) has the exact same stats as the Legendary Juggernaut. (meaning the Juggernaut also has 2 upgrade slots.)

This question is nearly impossible to answer for someone else.
Ask yourself: Do you consider the Juggernaut’s skin to be worth it spending a LOT of money on?

if not, stick to the Fix-r-Upper. the stats are the same you just can’t change the specific stats as easily as with the legendary.

(you’ll likely only use the Berserker’s stat anyway.) ^^

Paragon of the Seraphim Order [Ankh]
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Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: retivof.3702


so its only about the skin as i thought. i don’t really adore the juggernaut but its definitely better than a giant ugly tool.SO juggernaut it is….. thanx a lot for fast reply guys. great community with great people

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


There are plenty of other hammer skins …

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ven Zehn.6573

Ven Zehn.6573

Scrapper hammer is among my favs lol, the base version that looks like an actual wrench.

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


Really, you can just make any ascended hammer if stats are all you’re after. If you don’t like Fix-r-Upper, just reskin it or make a generic ascended hammer like the ones I linked.

If you like the skin on The Juggernaut, by all means, go for it. If you’re just looking for equivalent stats, however, there are way cheaper alternatives.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HazyDaisy.4107


The other thing to note about the fixer upper, as with all new asc weapons attainable through HOT rewards, while they do come with initial pre selectable stats, there’s only 3-4 stats options vs a legendary that comes with all current available selectable stats.

The other thing I noticed, and I don’t know if this is still the case bit it was 5 months ago, but when I tried to put the reaper greatsword in the forge to change the stats after I’d selected them, I couldn’t change it to whatever inscription I was using, I’m guessing because that Stat combo wasn’t on the initial list for that weapon. Now they may have fixed the forge switch since, but all the new ascended weapons are still limited in the Stat choices to start with.

Sorrows Furnace
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Fix-R-Upper is amazing, I love the skin, and actually enjoyed doing the chores to get it. I will never replace it with something so unnerving as the Juggernaut… but of course, those are simply MY personal tastes. I’m just glad Fix-R-Upper is an Elite Spec Skin and not a legendary.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ven Zehn.6573

Ven Zehn.6573

I’ve been able to convert all of the Ascended Class weaps to whatever I wanted via the forge (zerk or marauder usually lol), at least as far as the ones I kept. Did it quite a while ago too.

You might have run into a different bug with ascended conversion, where the forge doesn’t recognize the parts for whatever reason, sometimes it was fixed just by putting some parts in before others for the recipe.

Fix-r-Upper vs juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HazyDaisy.4107


I’ll try Glints shield tonight in the forge. I wanted Dire, but the only close pre selectable option was Trailblazers. I hope the forge bug I encountered has been fixed, because I reskin my weapons alot and it’s difficult to remeber who’s got the HOT weapon and who’s got a re-skined version of the HOT weapon.

Sorrows Furnace
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination