Fix the kitten loot rights code!
Does it really work like that? I’ve been solo and come in at the very end of a champ fight, got 3-4 hits in and still got loot, even when it was super packed.
Sometimes when I’m solo and kill a monster by myself with no one around I don’t get loot.
Loot doesn’t drop 100% of the time.
Just never heard that loot was handled based on population
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’ve never seen loot depend on whether you were partied up or not; I think that’s a complete myth. At any rate, I’d like to see sombody do a real test.
I’ve never seen loot depend on whether you were partied up or not; I think that’s a complete myth. At any rate, I’d like to see sombody do a real test.
And I’ve gotten loot out of thin air before. No, I’m not trolling. Yes, others have done the same thing. If you’ve ever done the Melandru temple event chain, you probably know exactly what that gilded coffer comes from
I’ve never seen loot depend on whether you were partied up or not; I think that’s a complete myth. At any rate, I’d like to see sombody do a real test.
afaik the minimum dmg done to an enemy so you can (!) loot him is partywide. solo you would have to do this amount of dmg while in a party (assumed your party has done enough dmg) you simply have to tag it once.
This was a stealth nerf recently. I never had a problem solo’ing during the temple runs before the last patch…now suddenly I was getting absolutely no loot from champions at the temple…Myself and several others were all talking about it in map chat and so we decided to party up and see what happened, instantly we all recieved loot bags from the next champion. I left the party briefly and killed another champ and got nothing. At least for temple runs, you do have to be in a party now…it had nothing to do with damage since I was running full ascended zerker and doing tons of damage.
The loot is based upon amount of damage done, if you are unable to put out enough damage to hit the minimum. Then find a group and hope that the group as a whole can hit the needed minimum. There is no reason to implement something where just because someone is able to ‘whale’ on a champ they get the same reward as someone who is actually doing the damage on the champ.
This was a stealth nerf recently. I never had a problem solo’ing during the temple runs before the last patch…now suddenly I was getting absolutely no loot from champions at the temple…Myself and several others were all talking about it in map chat and so we decided to party up and see what happened, instantly we all recieved loot bags from the next champion. I left the party briefly and killed another champ and got nothing. At least for temple runs, you do have to be in a party now…it had nothing to do with damage since I was running full ascended zerker and doing tons of damage.
It does have to do with damage. It requires a certain threshold before you can get loot. Parties lower that threshold directly in a “X people in party means Ythreshold/X to get loot” method or indirectly in a “X people in party working towards Ythreshold” method.
Plus, if you’re doing temple events, you WANT to be in a party because it means the one or three hits you get on a mob yourself means you might actually get loot off it when you’ve got 20-130 people there.
The loot is based upon amount of damage done, if you are unable to put out enough damage to hit the minimum. Then find a group and hope that the group as a whole can hit the needed minimum. There is no reason to implement something where just because someone is able to ‘whale’ on a champ they get the same reward as someone who is actually doing the damage on the champ.
So, go berserker or go home? These is no place for support or healing in this game.
The loot is based upon amount of damage done, if you are unable to put out enough damage to hit the minimum. Then find a group and hope that the group as a whole can hit the needed minimum. There is no reason to implement something where just because someone is able to ‘whale’ on a champ they get the same reward as someone who is actually doing the damage on the champ.
So, go berserker or go home? These is no place for support or healing in this game.
Clearly did not read my post, I said that the person should reach the minimum. The minimum is there so that someone does not come, tag once then let it die and collect loot. Whaling on a champ doing 1 damage each hit is not the same as when the average person hitting the champ is doing 20 damage. So no I did not say go berserker or go home, I said contribute to the fight doing the minimum about of damage, if that is not possible join a group so that the average of the group can hit the minimum.
It’s a really weird system. I remember this farming event in Orr that involved killing Embers.
Sometimes I hit an ember that was already almost death (and was being attacked by an entire zerg) only 2 or 3 times and got loot. Other embers I hit dozens of times from the beginning and get nothing.
It seems entirely random.
~Sincerely, Scissors
I don’t think kill-credit duel results are random, just often decided by very slim margins. The algorithm, and the philosophy it justifies, must be very difficult to balance as well.
GW2 PvE is competitive. Before you reply that it is not, ask yourself whether some professions, stat combinations, weapon sets, and play styles have an earning (XP/loot) advantage during events.
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human
(edited by Psientist.6437)
I sometimes feel it’s a first-come-first-serve scenario as i only ever get carp from the chest.
(I know it isn’t, by the way)