GW2 is a good game. But IMO it needs some fixes (changes) and improvements. There are some standards in MMO industry. Some of them are missing here:
3W (WvWvW)
- There shouldn’t be armor-damage when getting killed in PVP in 3W.
- In 3W maps, we should be able to see full name of enemy players.
- Queue system for 3W should be fixed. People need to know what is their queue number and queue status. We shouldn’t be kicked out of the queue when getting in overflow map.
- We should be able to queue as a group for 3W. I had many nights, in which I was in a group with friends and we ended joining in totally alone and seperate.
- When your guild is “having and event” in 3W map (many people from your guild is in the same 3W map), then queue system should give you a special queue to encourage guild play and more quality organization in 3W.
- We should be able to see the current 3W maps’ status from 3W UI and also the queue status.
- Current 3W system should be fixed for night cappers or scratched all together.
- There should be a grace time, when you are droped from the game. If you get disconnected through no fault of your own, you end up in queue for no reason.
- Dead enemy players are currently the best source of intelligence. There should be a force-respawn mechanic.
- We should get ladders and rated matchmaking.
- Weapon changing from inventory and trait swapping should not be allowed during sPvP play (rated).
- Team compositions shouldn’t be seen before match by the other side (rated).
- Observer mode can be added.
- More sPvP modes should be added rather than point-capture only.
- Achievement window should have a frontpage which shows latest won achievements and about-to-be-won achievements.
- We need much more customization options for UI. I may need bigger boxes for skills but it doesn’t mean I need bigger fonts or vice versa.
- Camera angle is a big problem especially for Asura and Norn races. It’s because that one it the biggest and the other is tiniest race. Camera centers your character to the screen. We should be able to get the camera to not center our character. It should be able to look from a little bit more above for more panoramic view.
- Once I open all skills with a a weapon, I want an option to change the position of a weapon skills. I prefer -for some weapons- to have some skills in other positions for easy use.
- Tipboxes that open up when you hover your mouse over a skill should show whether the skill has casting time or whether it’s a channeling skill and how much animation time the skill requires.
- We need an extra toolbar to put food and other stuff to easy use.
Armor & Weapons
- There should be a special line added to the tipbox for a armor/weapon of which the appearance has been changed which shows into which armor/weapon the appearance was changed to.
- When your armor/weapons gets damaged your stats changed immediately. Before an armor is completely broken there shouldn’t be a stat change. It’s not fun to look for repair each time you die.
- The current status of general crafting & gathering’s generic korean mmo style should be changed. The mid-crafts are worthless. They have same stats with world drops and cost more to craft.
- All craft requirements for below 400 recipes should require less items.
- Cost of bag-crafts should be significantly decreased. Currently 20-slot-bags cost more than 2 orange armor/weapons.
- We need to able to see current and total HP and HP percentage of our target.
- -At least in PVE- we should be able to see what our target is casting.
(edited by Qahlel.3805)