Flax Seed Harvesting node Question
You need tens of thousands of flax for the Guild Hall upgrades and scribes use a fair amount too. Combined with the extreme rarity and limited availability of nodes as they rotate through thr black lion chests, you get your high price.
Prob best to sell it imo
Home Instance nodes and items in general are often really hard to come by. The quantity is low and for this particular item, the availability is slim, coming only from Black Lion Chests. There are only 11 items on the trading post, speaking for its rarity.
Some players like to max out their home instance, that’s why some people are willing to pay a lot of gold for one.
I would sell it tbh. With the flax farm it is very easy to get flax especially if you have a few alts you can park there. That gold value of that item is just too good to pass up tbh.
Here’s some flax farming locations if you wanted flax: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flax
The amount of flax you could buy with 600 gold though…that’d be enough for 10 lifetimes.
The Flax node was one of two home instance nodes that were not in the Black Lion chests for very long before they changed how they load the chests. This has made the Flax and Iron nodes much more limited in supply than any other node.
Add to that that you need a ton of flax, and iron is used in two tiers of crafting, and the prices won’t be coming down any time soon. However, they’re only really worth it if you’re planning to hit your home instance for other stuff already. If you plan to fill yours with nodes, then you might want to keep it. (Though, selling it might get you multiple others.) If you’re not doing that, then sell it.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I would sell it. You don’t come across that often, and if you really wanted flax to gather daily, there’s already farming nodes in HoT mentioned above.