Floral Glider Available?
Generally when something like that shows up in the Wardrobe it will be available the following Tuesday at noon Pacific on the Gem Store. So you can expect it then at the latest unless something goes whacky.
Not yet purchaseable. It’s happened before that a glider will be in the wardrobe before it can be purchased.
ANet may give it to you.
I’ll want that when it goes on sale. It says Dyable too!
Arise my pretty minion!
You can preview it now with the dyes of your choice in the Hero Panel. It’s kinda cool, I guess.
*shrill screaming and running and banging into things
I have an Eilistraee drow character this would be perfect for zomgzomgzomg
The flying hedge! Yay!! Has not been on sale yet, no.
Got the moth wing glider for my Sylvaris. Now I role-play them as fairies. Just need to convince anet to make the back item dye-able too. So you can try that if you want till the flying hedge comes out.
I just logged in today and saw this awesome work of art. Now my sylvari has the perfect set of accessories! Yay!
ANet team outdoing itself again. <3
Like all of the over sized wings, I suppose someone has to like them lol. Let’s hear it for diversity. GAME ON
(edited by Tasida.4085)