For god sake, the horses need to go!
Exactly the reason I’m not using this skin anymore – sound is now extremely annoying.
It should be trimmed down to play less frequently and be quiet.
Or just remove it at all – it is only fun to hear first few minutes of gameplay.
Madness??!! THIS IS TYRIA!!!!!
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Judging for how long it takes them to fix Howler, I wouldn’t hold my breath for this to be changed anytime soon.
I actually noticed, that even the owners of the horsebow dislike it, and also turn off the sound.
Yeah I noticed for the first time last night, how annoying the bow is while doing an event. Someone right behind me was using it and wow…I’d be embarassed to use that thing…
As stated in similar thread, I once made the mistake of complaining about the noise in map chat. Then two owners of this weapon followed me around for a couple minutes spamming whatever skill makes that noise. They weren’t shooting at anything in particular, just spamming the noise and being rude towards me in map chat.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
I’m with ya there.
What at first was cute and humorous quickly became annoying and then downright obnoxious.
I literally pulled my headphones off because 2 people in our group had one. It was madness.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I suppose that means we need a new guild out there: [DBSG] Dreamer Bystander Support Group.
Preach on, fellow victims. If, one day, our voices somehow rise above the shrill din of that Six-forsaken bow, ANet might finally put an internal cooldown on it.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Or at the very least, put a option to mut this particular effect.
Its very, very awful.
As stated in similar thread, I once made the mistake of complaining about the noise in map chat. Then two owners of this weapon followed me around for a couple minutes spamming whatever skill makes that noise. They weren’t shooting at anything in particular, just spamming the noise and being rude towards me in map chat.
Next time keep leading them into a clump of players, I’m sure you won’t be the only one with the noise complaint.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
The Dreamer was the first legendary I crafted, and while the whinnying was okay a while ago, the current sound setup is just embarrassing. It’s not that I don’t like it, but when I use the bow all I can think of is how annoying it must be for other people. As a result, it tends to spend more time in my inventory than in use, not because I don’t personally like it, but because I respect that other players are annoyed by it.
Much as I find it nice the way it is, there needs to be some change.
I do like, however, that it seems to stop making the whinny noise when in group battle. It’s more pronounced and audible when in low number combat situations. Not sure if it’s a sound bug or intentional, but at least it’s not making the noise 100% all the time.
Someone was using it in my Fractal group and it’s a very intensely annoying sound effect.
Worst Legendary in the game and exist just to troll and annoy others.
It is incredibly annoying! It breaks immersion and forces me to mute the game whenever someone uses it!
meh, i think this is just the direction the game is going. weird goofy weapons and wings. soon it will be maplestory with better graphics.
Once again .. I’ll say it again .. all those funny noises should be heard only by the owners.
Horse bow , the annoy-o-tron backpack , minis and many more
Madness??!! THIS IS TYRIA!!!!!
/spit coming out in the shape of tiny horses
meh, i think this is just the direction the game is going. weird goofy weapons and wings. soon it will be maplestory with better graphics.
But no Bunny Ears. Those would break immersion.
A guildie has that bow and the sound was so bad, his hard drive died.
Of course I’m being sarcastic. Although his hard drive did die. And he did use Dreamer. And that sound is obnoxious. Hmmmmm……
I feel bad he can’t play atm, but it’s so peaceful.
It should be put on the same volume slider as music instruments
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]
I haven’t been noticing the sound lately, thought they patched it.
I have The Dreamer, and I love it because it’s so over the top.
But even I agree that the new sound is incredibly annoying and needs to be changed.
Ideally they should revert it back to what it was before the patch a couple of months ago, I have no idea why they changed it in the first place. But if they’re going to keep the current sound there should be a cool down so that it only plays the sound effect once every 5-10 seconds at most. (The exact interval may need some experimentation, or at least I’m no good at guessing, but much, much less frequent than it is now.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
It is very stupid what they did to that noise, roll it back it was fine how it was before. I rarely use it now because it is so annoying/embarrassing.
The only exception would be if someone would arrange a ‘Dreamer only’ world boss event, a map full of Dreamer users, now that I would attend
It is very stupid what they did to that noise, roll it back it was fine how it was before. I rarely use it now because it is so annoying/embarrassing.
The only exception would be if someone would arrange a ‘Dreamer only’ world boss event, a map full of Dreamer users, now that I would attend
It was fine for a long time, but apparently Anet’s policy is “if it isn’t broken, fix it until it is.”
The Dreamer was the first legendary I crafted, and while the whinnying was okay a while ago, the current sound setup is just embarrassing. It’s not that I don’t like it, but when I use the bow all I can think of is how annoying it must be for other people. As a result, it tends to spend more time in my inventory than in use, not because I don’t personally like it, but because I respect that other players are annoyed by it.
Much as I find it nice the way it is, there needs to be some change.
I do like, however, that it seems to stop making the whinny noise when in group battle. It’s more pronounced and audible when in low number combat situations. Not sure if it’s a sound bug or intentional, but at least it’s not making the noise 100% all the time.
On the flip side, apparently only I can hear my revenant’s channel noise with elite skills… it’s such a nice background harmony that suits the herald class (and reminds me heaps of Crystal Oasis music in GW1), but unlike The Dreamer (which is annoying) only the player can hear it.
Ehmry Bay Guardian
So far, ZERO people like it.
Interesting, please consider it anet.
I can’t stand the sound effects of the Dreamer either (or the visual effects for that matter but I can live with that). Imo only the owner of said bow should be able to hear the sound effects.
Now I can’t tell other people to stop using their legendary just because it annoys me but it is a real problem when I can’t be near a person with the bow just because of the sounds. And I don’t want to turn off all the sound effects just because of one pony bow. Imagine doing a raid for several hours with somebody who uses the bow. The horror.
This is worse than the warfarter.
Anet pls.
I play dual-Quip thief. Every Unload I feel your pain…
I think it was intentional to get less people to use it. It was probably meant as a gag legendary that not many would use, then that backfired and it was everywhere for the lolz, so they decided to make it less appealing.
I actually noticed, that even the owners of the horsebow dislike it, and also turn off the sound.
Some owners.
I love the sound and will keep it on, its glorious.