For the Devs
You forgot capes, gvg, duelling and player to player trade.
What do you mean by “lvl 2 talent tree”?
U can spec at lvl 2 instead of 30 so u can have something to look forward to on every lvl.
A mount that gives like 50% move speed you get from a story quest or something would be neat. But there’s wp all over.
More events would be more dead events. Improve old events to make them useful/fun. And not just forced like collecting the crown pieces.
Why do we need a house? Give me a guild hall first.
Improve the current ranger pets to be viable in aoe without having to devote everything to it.
Why would I enter a dungeon from anywhere? Do I carry a personal way point machine with me?
Agree on making things more Norn and Charr friendly.
Why more aoe? Almost everything in this game hits at least 2 people. Do you want a sword that cleaves through everything it touches? A mace that somehow doesn’t get stopped after the first swing?
Why would a Charr run on 2 legs?
What do you mean regular spells in underwater?
A new dungeon would be nifty. But a level 10 dungeon might be boring. All enemies around level 10? Ehhhh.
The entire trait system should be reworked. Maybe not level 2, though.
It’s called WvW not PvP for a reason.
Logan’s even in a dungeon? Beyond story mode, of course. Also, when has he actually done anything useful?
You can use transmutation stones to change your look at any level.
And if this is an indication about your other ideas, I don’t want them.
more events,(most zone r dead)
better rewards n loots
own house inside personal instance
more classes more races
Yes mounts bc wp won’t b available if it’s contested n speed boosts have very little duration n long cd. If wp is contested means event is happening and without mounts not going to get u there fast enough for it. For solo wvw yes bc if ur server getting dominated and not many people on ur server on not much u can do w/o getting run over. Charr npcs walking running on two I just hate running on four I feel so uncomfortable. For Logan or any other npcs that tag along. They can’t take a hit from a mob in the dungeon like CM story mode. Logan is so useless he dies all the time like after two hits and he’s a legendary npc . ranger pets lol I don’t want to rely on them too much but would be nice if I can shoot auto shot that hits multi targets in certain radius. And no I can’t put my pet away only stow them when not in combat that’s kinda annoying. Why not ur own house? It’s it personal home instance but nothing in there personal at all.
Every class except Mesmer and Guardian have access to a permanent 25% speed boost.
Again, it’s WvW not PvP. If you don’t like your world save up your gold and switch.
That’s, like, your opinion, man. I don’t play Charr, but if I did the running on all fours would be the literal only reason.
Story modes aren’t meant to be replayed or anything. Do it once per character to unlock either the trait or be able to open explorable paths.
You mean axe? It’s a bouncing auto attack. Ranger pets are their mechanic, for better or for worse you’re stuck with them. Part of the reason I stopped playing my ranger.
I’m not saying a house wouldn’t be neat, but it’s so low on my list of wants, that I don’t care one way or the other if we get it.
For heaven’s sake, OP, try writing in English.
I like how the original post is one, long, run-on sentence. While you’re at it developers, pay me too! I take cashiers checks.
- Mounts
How about no
- more events,(most zone r dead)
Anet added events in the past and most players didn’t even realize it, players will always be where the gold is easier
- better rewards n loots,
Well … rewards is always better, even after they increase it, more rewards would be even better (repeat this forever)
- own house inside personal instance,
I kinda like it, but FAR from be any priority or even essential. Wait for the Guild Hall that was discussed in a CDI a couple months ago.
- more classes more races,
Yeah, why not?
- more ranger pets ( like tigers lions even dragons)
As long as they are useful, sure
- can enter dungeon from anywhere,
That is just pure laziness
- make the buildings in CM bigger and those doors they won’t fit a charr or norn once inside can’t see a darn thing when fighting,
The problem is the camera, CM is not the only place with such problem
- more aoe spells,
- charr runs on two please,
- can use regular spells in water,
Just impossible
- dungeon for lvl 10,
the lvl 30~76 dungeons most refuse players under lvl 80, and level a toon from lvl 10 to 30 is VERY easy, so I see no point at all for this, new dungeons for lvl 80 I completely agree- lvl 2 talent tree,
- more things to do for solo players in wvw,
Search a guide about WvW roaming and see all the things you can do.
- make Logan Thackarey more useful in dungeon,
again, lolwut?
- more armor styles at low lvl
I agree, a few more skins for lower levels wouldn’t hurt
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
You forgot daily ascended log in rewards and afk autoplay mode
The clear blue sky turns a dark sickening green and swirls with corruption.
A dark laugh of evil echo’s in your mind!
My brain hurts from the OP.
Dear OP, sounds like you don’t like the game, please uninstall and have a great new year.
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