Forced into crafting?

Forced into crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phabby.8945


Not sure if this has been said but why have you,Anet, forced us into crafting with the new Ascended Mats.

I personally hate crafting and I bet there are many like me out there.

By making the ascended mats account bound you are forcing us to craft ,or destroy and excess mats we get.

Already in 2 days I have nearly 2 stacks of Bloodstone dust,which is now a loss for every amount gathered over a stack.
These should be like the rest of the mats and be able to be sold or traded, which would boost players that like to craft but don’t like to farm.

Please consider changing these Ascended Mats to allow freedom to do with them as we please.

cheers Phabby

Forced into crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


Anet is afraid that players will gain ascended too quickly. To stop this, their only solution has been to time gate and force crafting. This is also what they’re doing for the new method of obtaining precursors.

They’re alienating a huge part of their player base that does not craft. It’s ridiculous. I haven’t crafted in a single MMO for over a decade, it’s not a game aspect I enjoy at all.

I’ve loved GW2. I enjoy the combat and different classes. I have 8 characters, 5 of which are 80. Sure, nothing is really a challenge, but it’s fun. Looks like crafting will be what defeats me in GW2, and why ill be moving to another MMO that doesn’t require crafting for progression.